(no subject)

Dec 03, 2007 15:35

Title: There's No Going Back (She's All Grown Up)
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Shannon
Word Count: 185
Prompt: #3 - Church for
Rating: PG
Summary: She'll hear the bells and she'll think of her mother and candles and words that had no meaning when she was three years old.

Shannon used to go to church.

Her mother used to take her, when she was younger. Not on Sundays, not with any regularity, but always on Christmas. There’s not a whole lot that she remembers about her mother but this she does.

The tradition died with her mother.

Sabrina didn’t buy into it. She was always too busy; never liked ceremony. Her father worked on Christmas. Boone was a product of his mother’s beliefs. It wasn’t the same to go by herself; at the time, she was too young to anyway.

She always thinks about going when she’s older. She’ll hear the bells and she’ll think of her mother and candles and words that had no meaning when she was only three. It’ll make her smile. But she’ll never set foot in a church, no matter how much she convinces herself otherwise. Not now, after the things she’s done. She’s so far gone now she doesn’t even resemble the little girl who used to sit with her mother in that church.

Somehow, part of her thinks going would be an insult to her mother’s memory.

fandom: lost, !fic, challenge: 24xmas, character: lost: shannon

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