(no subject)

Dec 02, 2007 16:43

Title: The Many Uses Of...
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Alex/Izzie
Word Count: 359
Prompt: #2 - Ribbon for
Rating: R (light)
Summary: AU, crack-ish fic. Rather than react the way he expects her to, all worried and panicked, she takes a shot at him instead, "I knew you'd chicken out."


Alex shrugs, disappearing behind her. “You’re the one who brought it up.”

She sighs, because he is right, and shifts, feeling exposed and yet kind of turned on at the same time.

“Too tight?”

“Can I move? Not really.” She shifts again, this time feels the pull of restraints (or what could be called restraints, just not the traditional kind), knots cutting into her skin. “Is it cutting off my circulation? No.”

“Perfect.” He sounds very pleased with himself.

“Have you done this before?”

“Have you?”

Izzie is not going to answer that. “Don’t answer a question with a question.”

“Not exactly like this.” The sentence comes out choppily, as he comes to stand in her field of vision, surveying his work. “Festive. Maybe I should just leave you here for decoration.”

Rather than react the way he expects her to, all worried and panicked, she takes a shot at him instead. “I knew you’d chicken out.”

“Oh I’m not chickening out. This is just as much fun for me as it is for you.” He’s back behind her again, his breath hot against the bare skin along her neck, sending chills down her spine as he whispers, voice seeming to vibrate through her, “What are you thinking about?”

Giving another pull against the red velvet ribbons that keep her from grabbing him and kissing him right now, she replies, careful to keep her voice clear and nonchalant, “That I’m going to have to go to the store before I can finish wrapping those gifts now.”

In response his fingers skim down her sides, playing at the bare skin of her stomach, the curve of her hips, while his lips find her neck, stubble lightly scratching her. “What about now,” he whispers, fingers moving up, locating the clasp of her bra, nails raking over the silky material, making her whimper, more or less against her will.

He seems to take that as an answer, from the way his hands move lower, and she’s thankful for that because she has no idea what she would’ve said, just that it sure as hell had nothing to do with gift wrapping.

character: ga: izzie, ship: ga: alex/izzie, character: ga: alex, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, challenge: 24xmas

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