
Aug 15, 2007 23:09

Title: Perfect
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Kate/Sayid
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fandom: lost, !fic, challenge: lostsquee, table: 100moods, ship: lost: sayid/kate

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Comments 17

ladybeth August 16 2007, 04:09:43 UTC
Interesting Kate fic. And another great ending line.


slybrunette August 16 2007, 14:12:06 UTC
This is totally not what I had planned on writing, but things really kind of just write themselves these days. I'm happy the ending line worked though :)

Thanks for reading this!


ladybeth August 16 2007, 19:34:29 UTC
hehe:) Don't you love it when that happens:)

Ok..must stop using smilies so much.


inthekeyofd August 16 2007, 05:41:10 UTC
Sayid totally has her number.

And thank you so much for this TOTAL LINE OF TRUTH..

to use them against each other (and that was it with Jack and Sawyer wasn’t it?).


slybrunette August 16 2007, 14:20:14 UTC
He does have her number. He has a lot of people's actually.

I had to put that in there. You know, I'm a shipper actually for both of those ships to a degree, but it's interesting how easily I seem to be able to turn my back on them lately. But it is truth in some ways. She uses them both, a lot.

Thanks for reading this, and liking it!


zelda_zee August 16 2007, 06:30:38 UTC
Sayid is a missed opportunity for Kate. I've always thought she could be a stronger person with him than she is with Jack and Sawyer.

I love her thoughts at the end, thinking that it would have been perfect with Sayid. There's always that one who got away, and one always wonders how good it would have been with them and I can so easily imagine Kate having those thoughts about Sayid.

This is a moody, lonely fic, very true to character and so well-written. I really liked it a lot. Thank you!


slybrunette August 16 2007, 14:26:13 UTC
That's exactly what he is. I know that a long time ago, when the show first started, the triangle was supposed to involve Sayid, not Sawyer, and I've always wondered how that would've worked out.

You know, you always look at that one that got away and have these fantasies that absolutely would not be reality, but you always think it could've worked, and it would've been perfect.

This idea has been in my head for awhile and your prompt gave me the opportunity to finally write it, so thank you for the prompt, and I'm really glad you liked this!


bebitched August 16 2007, 23:50:34 UTC
This is so true to their characters, to the "what could have been" vibe of the show, and of Kate and Sayid. Because things would have been alot different if they'd gone with the Jack/Kate/Sayid triangle instead. Kate wouldn't have had that metaphorical pull toward the Wayne side of her and I think alot of the current issues with her character (the fact that it doesn't exist anymore) wouldn't be there. It would have been a more interesting (IMO) dynamic of, like you said, Sayid willing to let her make her own mistakes (even if the Jater side of me still thinks she needs someone to guide her some days). See, now you've gotten me all contemplate-y. All this is to say, good job!


slybrunette August 17 2007, 01:20:52 UTC
Well the best thing I writer can do is get someone thinking after reading their fic, so that's really quite a complement you just paid me. I'm glad you liked this!


raisingirl99 August 17 2007, 00:21:12 UTC
I liked this very much.

I love the way you write Sayid -- his dialogue, your descriptions of him, and Kate's perceptions of him. I also liked the Shannon reference. Even though I've grown to hate Shannon/Sayid, it was a nice touch; and I can definitely see him reacting that way.

It reminds her of Jack, and then at the same time it just contrasts them. Jack, if he was here (she doesn’t know where he is; he didn’t show), would’ve all but forced her into her car and home, because he thought she couldn’t take care of herself, or at least that’s the way he acted. Sayid won’t do that. He might warn her, but he won’t try to control her.

Interesting. I'm especially glad about the "at least that's the way he acted" part, because I think it's true. At least, to me, it's not so much that Jack doesn't think she can take care of herself, it's that he feels the need/responsibility to take care of everyone else; but it doesn't always come across that way. Anyway, just a very interesting look at Jack and Sayid.


slybrunette August 17 2007, 01:24:09 UTC
See I'm always nervous with Sayid -- I never know if I'm writing him right. And I'm not a Shannon/Sayid shipper (you can tell because I've never written them) but you have to bring her into things because she was a big part of his experience on the island.

Well I do think that he thinks she can take care of herself, he just doesn't act like it. But the two of them are fun to compare.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading!


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