
Jun 19, 2007 13:45

Title: Better
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Claire/Sawyer, Jack
Prompt: #24 - I Want You To Hate Me for
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table: un_love_you, ship: lost: sawyer/claire, fandom: lost, !fic

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Comments 20

crickets June 19 2007, 18:54:18 UTC
Oh Jesus. That hurt. No!

I love the little details like about the color of the walls that they'd painted together. Really made it seem like their home. *Sigh*

And I loved, loved, LOVED this line:
Comforting, yet manipulative. A lot like his father, Sawyer thought.

I hope Jack never becomes like his father. But damn that line sent chills!


slybrunette June 20 2007, 03:09:00 UTC
I told you it was an angst fest.

I have this image of Sawyer trying for domesticity, and failing in the end. Hence the details about the walls, the bills. It's my elaborate fantasy land.

In reality I don't see him turning into his father. But for the purposes of this story, as well as the mindset I was in at the time, I think it kind of worked.

I'm glad you liked it :)


pellamerethiel June 19 2007, 22:34:34 UTC
Woooow, I'm speechless. You should know that I've been recently writing Jawyercita fic (unfortunately, in Polish) and in the very beginning Jack knocks on the door of the house where Sawyer is living with Claire... So I was really shocked. :P
This is soooo good. I'm really loving it, the way you've described these characters, the fact, that they're totally canon, they're behaving in such a real way. Especially Sawyer, he was fucking magnificent here, although my heart bleeded for him. :( Poor bastard.
And all these little details, like the fact, that Sawyer's cooking, Sawyer's paying bills (omg!!!) and that he forgot to use the bookmark... Awwww. He's trying to live a normal life. And Claire being such a brave girl... I love her, I truly do.
Well done!!!

Jack said, and Sawyer felt him rest a hand on his arm. Comforting, yet manipulative. A lot like his father, Sawyer thought.
Fabulous line :D


slybrunette June 20 2007, 03:22:45 UTC
Wow, we must be on the same wavelength then. And too bad it's in Polish because I would love to read it.

I'm into details at the moment. I wanted it to feel real, for people to be able to reconcile this with canon. The funny thing is I started this three months ago and gave up on it. It would never have worked without that screwed up finale.

People seem to like that line today :)

I'm really thrilled that you enjoyed, because I think you are one of the few (Jack/)Sawyer/Claire fans on this flist and you know I like to impress you guys (or at least try to). So thanks for reading!


pellamerethiel June 20 2007, 22:55:25 UTC
Always a pleasure. :D


jenthegypsy June 19 2007, 23:27:19 UTC


slybrunette June 20 2007, 03:23:36 UTC
*bites lip*

Was it bad or was it good?


jenthegypsy June 20 2007, 11:03:52 UTC
Oh, it was very, very well done - very good - but tore me up to hell, so - very bad!

I could just strangle Jack! Go back into your mountain man creepy crazy mode and leave Sawyer in his bill paying, dinner making domestic almost-tranquility with the lovely and loving Claire! I hope there will be more in this series; I really don't care how dark it gets, as long as there is a silver lining for those two in the end!


slybrunette June 20 2007, 18:58:08 UTC
Okay, just checking.

I was in a bad mood with Jack when I wrote this to be honest. I started it when he was running around not acting like Jack in the middle of this season, so he came out like an asshole in this. Of course the whole crazy bearded man thing was inserted after the finale because it made more sense than the original idea.

Okay, get out of my head, because I was just thinking possible sequel/prequel. I might work on that.

Thanks for reading!


bebitched June 20 2007, 13:56:55 UTC
Aw sad. Why are you trying to make me hate Jack?

I love domestic Sawyer, and this is definately in time with the defense mechanisms that we've already seen from him.

So were they in a relationship or just in the shady grey area betweeen not just friends and her wearing his letterman's jacket?


slybrunette June 20 2007, 19:28:59 UTC
Because sometimes it's necessary to hate Jack for the story to work.

Domestic Sawyer...I've always wanted to write him like that. Never had a reason to. It doesn't work with Skate but it works with these two oddly enough.

They were in a relationship. Sorry if I wasn't clear.


bebitched June 20 2007, 22:31:51 UTC
It does work better for this than with Skate. Must be that Claire is more domestic than Kate. And the kid thing.

Well maybe I'm just an idiot.


slybrunette June 21 2007, 01:14:13 UTC
Well Kate can't stay in one place. She runs. Therefore seeing her settled, in a domestic setting feels implausible. It's too unfamiliar.

No, everyone who read this was just aware of the game plan because I had mentioned it several times to them before. Or most anyway.


raisingirl99 June 24 2007, 04:12:17 UTC
Oh! I was so disappointed when it ended. I hope you write a prequel/sequel. (Preferrably both.)

My heart hurt for Jack because I don't want him to end up like his father, but I thought you wrote both him and his Christian-like qualities so well.

Also loved the Claire/Sawyer interaction. The more I read of them, the bigger shipper I become. :)


slybrunette June 24 2007, 16:17:06 UTC
That makes you the third person to tell me that. Yes, there's a prequel, and barring any complications it will be posted today.

As I've told people before, and as is the case with many different situations: I don't want him to, but I could see it. It's what he knows. Kind of like Sawyer turning into the man who ruined his life you know.

I'm glad you're enjoying the Claire/Sawyer. We need more shippers on LJ.

Thanks for reading!


raisingirl99 June 24 2007, 17:38:12 UTC
Thanks for writing! :)


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