Title: Another Moment
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Rating: very tame i think...
Disclaimer: Nope they aren't mine and I promise to put everything back after i've played with them.
Summary: We all have moments... even Miranda.
AN: You might want to read Andy's moment first :)
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Comments 12
Lovely writing. Full of emotion, well done!
Thanks again xx slv xx
It's these emotions, the ones she can stir within me just by being in the same room, the emotions that make keeping my face unreadable a challenge.
A part of me let her walk away because I thought she would come back to me.
Am I so selfish that I wish she was as lonely and broken as I am without her? ... I think i am.
Since I'm in a cheesy mood, I must say the last two up there just broke my heart. Those bits are just so.. Miranda. I love this, I really do. For every sentence I read, the further I progressed, I just become more sad, yet I reveled in the feeling; your writing makes me genuinely feel. Thanks for this, slv1987 :)
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