
Jan 29, 2005 17:51

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Comments 31

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omg twice! sluggirl January 30 2005, 03:38:41 UTC
you and me both, baby.

(some people should not get accidental deleting privileges)


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Re: omg twice! sluggirl January 30 2005, 06:57:25 UTC
I didn't hear anything about a kiss (did I?). I just heard about the alleged cuddling afterward.

my sympathies.


almightyschlock January 30 2005, 03:46:49 UTC
Y'know that line in the Royal Tenenbaums when Royal says, "Let's shag ass"? That's what popped into my head when I looked at all those bitchin' photos, and it seemed totally appropriate for some reason.

Are you still coming down to Sea-town in Feb?


sluggirl January 30 2005, 03:55:06 UTC
Turns out I have class when I was going to come up. So... probably not. But maybe later on.


chrissstopher January 30 2005, 17:17:23 UTC
wow... i've never quite seen drag queens... like that...


sluggirl January 30 2005, 18:26:41 UTC
Really, in all your exploits you've never seen a bunch of straight boys in dresses?


chrissstopher January 30 2005, 18:42:50 UTC
no, i'm usually in the company of gay men who look fierce as queens... boys in dresses are scary


sluggirl January 30 2005, 18:44:50 UTC
haha, in my case, replace "scary" with "all my friends".


Random stranger has friended you aexia January 30 2005, 22:38:54 UTC
via Doonesbury

You remind me of a RL friend who goes to Antioch.


Re: Random stranger has friended you sluggirl January 30 2005, 23:30:23 UTC
Rockin'. I've never been to Antioch, but I hear nice things...
Anyway, welcome aboard. I'll add you back. :)


Cross dressing parties aexia January 30 2005, 23:43:47 UTC
They have them at Antioch as well, called Genderfuck. Though the idea is to dress against what you normally do, so if you already cross dress, you're expected to arrive dressed "normally". If you're a butch lesbian who dresses "like a guy", you're supposed to show up in a pretty dress. Etc etc etc.


Re: Cross dressing parties sluggirl January 31 2005, 10:19:56 UTC
Right, that's exactly what this was. I think they called it Drag Ball (rather than Genderfuck) so that they could advertise it on the radio and stuff. There were several trans (ftm) guys wearing dresses, which was just as goofy as the straight girls with moustaches. It was quite fun.


moonrat_ditz January 31 2005, 10:01:27 UTC
Wow, people who go to Evergreen drag balls are pretty. They're really pretty. Gosh.


sluggirl January 31 2005, 10:16:56 UTC
Aren't they? And it's not just the flashy lights.


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