This is a friending meme (hopefully the first of many) for fans of Sleepy Hollow and it's taking place at
Sleepy Hollow FFA, a newly-formed social community for said show. You don't need to be a member to participate - the meme is open for anyone who's looking for friends in the Sleepy Hollow fandom - but you are of course more than welcome to join and we hope that you do!
Copy the text in the box, paste it into a new comment and fill it out - then have a look at the other comments and make some friends!
BASICSName:Age:Location: Other sites:Other fandoms:Other interests: 7 things that makes you happy:4 things that annoys you:2 items you couldn't live without: SLEEPY HOLLOWFavorite character (so far):Any ships yet?:Hopes and dreams for the show/fandom: ETCAnything you want people to know about you/your LJ:Anything else you'd like to add (or gifs): Pimp:
Copy and paste this into a post and help spread the word!">" title="Hosted by"/>