HL/SPN fic: Hells Angels

Apr 22, 2008 00:25

Title: Hells Angels
Author: slazersc 
Fandoms: Highlander, Supernatural
Characters: Methos, Dean and Sam (cameos by the other Horsemen)
Summary: Dean and Sam never expected to be hunting a biker gang. But that’s nothing compared to what they actually find.
Notes: Written for the hl_flashfic  challenge “Crossovers". Originally started as crack, but it somehow took a left ( Read more... )

supernatural, highlander, fanfic

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Comments 16

ithildyn April 21 2008, 16:56:04 UTC
That was great! Enjoyed it very much.


slazersc April 22 2008, 13:34:42 UTC
Thank you, really glad you liked it!


mysolitarydream April 21 2008, 21:12:33 UTC
I like the idea, Slazer! I think the Xover works extremely well.

It's been way too long since I last watched Highlander. I was only ever a casual viewer, so I'm sure I've missed the finer points of the fic. I did however greatly enjoy the boys investigating into something they hadn't the slightest clue of. At first I was wondering why they hadn't heard the tiniest rumour of immortals and their way of life, but then again, it makes sense, too. The occasional beheading probably wouldn't arounse that much suspicion, especially if most immortals learn to cover their tracks.

And it's good to see you writing fic in other fandoms I know. :D


slazersc April 22 2008, 13:55:29 UTC
Yay, SV is a Supernatural fan! Careful, I might just start blabbing endlessly to you about the show ;p

I'm really happy you liked the crossover! I've had the idea a long time, ever since that ep where they shot a vampire with the Colt. And then the vampire just stood there with lightning and gusting wind and I thought, man, if there's a Quickening, I'm gonna die laughing. Ever since then, Highlander and Supernatural have been strangely tangled in my mind.


mysolitarydream April 22 2008, 14:59:55 UTC
Feel free! Except... you know, I've only just seen the last ep of season one and I think you remember my stance on spoilers.... XD

Supernatural does cross over well! Me, I'm a big fan of the Supernatural/Buffy AUs. :D

And damn, now I want to watch Highlander again.... and while we're at it, some Pretender, too, please.


slazersc April 22 2008, 15:43:35 UTC
Okay, will really try to keep in mind that you haven't seen season 2 before I blab ;)

Buffy, and don't forget crossovers with Angel too! I kinda like the idea of the two of them passing through LA and coming face to face with a certain bloodsucking lawyer


sophiedb April 22 2008, 13:40:01 UTC
Very fantastic indeed :)


slazersc April 22 2008, 15:25:18 UTC
Thank you!


seerargent May 3 2008, 04:39:58 UTC
Don’t usually read crossovers, and haven’t read any HL stuff for years, so I feel I’m having a flashback to my fan past here.

"I mean, they’ve got the 'Hells Angels' and the death’s head, but not which chapter they’re from. And none of the rank insignia or other markings." - Gee, Sam. You researched the Hell’s Angels didn’t you? ::Hugs Sam, he’s such a nerd::

The Brother’s Grimm? For the pictures? Hee

Like the two world’s different types of hunters. Our boys need to become a little less obvious about the surveillance. Oops, was just waiting for them to get caught.

Nicely done. Would be interesting to see these worlds colliding more often (yeah, that's a hint)


slazersc May 3 2008, 16:34:04 UTC
The Brother’s Grimm? For the pictures? Hee

That was an image that I just couldn't get out of my head ;p Everyone likes fairy tales, right? And the original Brothers Grimm are definitely bloody enough for a Horseman!

Our boys need to become a little less obvious about the surveillance.

I'm sure they were discreet enough, but going up against 5000 years of survival instinct really isn't a good idea, LOL

Glad you enjoyed it! I do have a few ideas I'm working on, but you know what muses are like ;)


seerargent May 4 2008, 02:55:24 UTC
Poke muse with a stick, that often helps


seerargent May 4 2008, 11:05:32 UTC
Talking about muses. I promised you a sequel to Bread and Circuses. To keep me honest I've just added a Requests section to the end of my fic index page (I'm so shallow even spent time creating a graphic). You're the first entry! Nudge me if I don't do you one in the next few months


liliaeth August 9 2009, 09:57:00 UTC
This might not have been entirely what I meant, but that didn't stop it from being utterly perfect in its own way :-)

Mostly though, I'm happy to see a Highlander crossover that isn't just an excuse to help another shows char get over an unconvenient death, or some way to put an oc into a fic.

I love the outside pov you gave on Methos, and the other three Horsemen and Dean and Sam's reactions to them.

Is there any chance of you ever writing a sequel to this one?


slazersc August 9 2009, 16:11:03 UTC
I don't have any concrete plans for a sequel right now, but I love how both Highlander and Supernatural seem to be made for crossovers, so there's a possibility there ;)

Glad you liked this, especially the outside POV on Methos. I was going for a Methos closer to the one in Not To Be, but wasn't sure if I'd pulled it off.


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