tempo legacy 3.0 » try to remember, forget how my brain works

Feb 12, 2012 17:13

     Sorry for my absence! I've just been really lazy updating my LiveJournal, and a lot of stuff has been going on. Please forgive me? ♥ Also, since Picnik is closing soon, I decided to learn how to use photoshop. You'll see a lot more of it in the next update, but I designed a new header for this one!

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Comments 4

twilight8x February 13 2012, 22:43:26 UTC
Can't wait to read more!


slayinggod February 14 2012, 00:19:06 UTC
:D I'm glad you enjoyed it! I have the next update ready to go, it's just the willpower to struggle with LJ's formatting for an hour that's stopping me from posting xD


poppymarren February 16 2012, 13:49:14 UTC

Awesome story brah! (y)
I literally couldn't keep my food in my mouth when I was reading the whole cheating part; my face was all :O

No joke.

Beautiful sims btw! :)And it was so nice for Jeff to be so committed to Georgia <3


slayinggod February 16 2012, 22:05:21 UTC
I love Drama! haha. I'm glad you liked it :) and my sims! thanks a bunch >.<

Yeah, Jeff is great, I wish I could find a guy like him, dreads and all :D


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