tempo legacy 3.0 » try to remember, forget how my brain works

Feb 12, 2012 17:13

     Sorry for my absence! I've just been really lazy updating my LiveJournal, and a lot of stuff has been going on. Please forgive me? ♥ Also, since Picnik is closing soon, I decided to learn how to use photoshop. You'll see a lot more of it in the next update, but I designed a new header for this one!

WARNING: adult language, rape, and insanely cute children.

We start out with the discovery of Georgia's stomachaches--she's pregnant.
Georgia: Oh... this is unexpected.

Georgia: Oh, no! Jefferson and I haven't even discussed kids! We've hardly discussed our future together! What if he doesn't want kids? We're still kids! I'm supposed to enlist in the military tomorrow and this is the worst timing... Oh man... I need to talk to dad.

Georgia's going to have to wait, because Bryce has shit to do. Important shit.

This face makes the possibility of a broken hip worthwhile.

Nelly:Can't... reach... must... chew!

Tell me this isn't the scariest shit you've ever seen. TELL ME.

Georgia: Hey, dad? Can we talk? I really need to... I need to tell you something.
Bryce: Sure thing, sweetie. What's on your mind?

Georgia: Dad... I... promise you won't get mad at me, okay?

Bryce: I won't, Georgia. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not that bad.

Georgia: Okay... Dad, I'm pregnant.

Bryce: You're... what!?

Bryce: You mean, I'm going to be a grandpa? Oh, honey! This is fantastic! I'm so happy for you!

Georgia: Oh, thank god. I was so scared... I thought you were going to make me move out or kick Jefferson's ass or something...
Bryce: I would never kick you out, sweetie! I still might kick Jefferson's ass, though.

Georgia: How do I tell Jeff without freaking him out and scaring him off? We haven't even discussed our futures together and I don't even know if he wants kids.

Bryce: If he really loves you, he'll stay with you. I know it seems scary, but I've seen the way that boy looks at you, and there's no way he's going anywhere.

Georgia: So... do I ask him to move in? This place is already so crowded and--

Bryce: Heaven's going back to Smugglesworth next week, and Iszy asked Franceska and I if she could go to some sports school, and we can afford it so we've been thinking about letting her. Jonas will be here, but there will be plenty of room for Jefferson and the new baby. Everything's going to be okay.

Bryce: And if everything isn't okay, and it's Jefferson's fault... well, I'll just have to slap a bitch.

Bryce: I have to enroll Iszy in that art school... make sure Heaven is packed for Smugglesworth... and what about Jonas? He'll be lonely but... maybe he can help with the new baby. Don't kids like that? So many kids! How'd mom and dad deal with all of us?

Never change. ♥

The next day, Georgia invited Jefferson over.

Georgia: We've been going out for a while, right? You get along with my parents, you're always talking about how nice it would be to get out of Haruma's house and away from all the girls he's always bringing over and... Do you want to move in with me? It's kind of crowded right now, but the girls are going off to boarding school and my bed is big enough for two...

Jefferson: You know, I'd love to, babe, but why so sudden? Is there something going on that I don't know about? I feel like you're holding something back...

Georgia: Did I mention that I'm pregnant?

Jefferson: WHAT.

Jefferson: Holy crap, you are. How'd this happen?

Jefferson: I'm so happy, baby!

Jefferson: You know, I've been carrying this around with me for a while, waiting for the perfect moment, and now's just as good a time as ever.

Jefferson: Georgia, my love? Will you marry me?

Georgia: Oh my gosh, yes!

Jefferson: Mr. Tempo, sir?
Bryce: Yes, Jefferson?

Jefferson: Can I ask you something?
Bryce: What about?

Jefferson: Georgia, if you don't mind.

Bryce: Sure son, just give me a second...

Bryce: Georgia is my pride and joy. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and if it hadn't been for her, I don't think I could have dealt with the shit her mother put me through. I practically raised her myself, and she'll always be my baby girl.

Bryce: I know I can't protect her from boys like you forever, and given her current situation, I've done a shitty job of it already. But don't think that you can get away with hurting her--because if you ever do, it'll be the last thing you do, got it?

Bryce: Now, what were you going to ask me?

Jefferson: You've got it all wrong, Mr. Tempo! I'm in love with your daughter! I'd never hurt her, not in a million years!

Jefferson: I know I'm going about this backwards, because I've already asked her, but I'd like to have your blessing, too. I'd like to marry your daughter, sir.

Bryce: Oh!
Jefferson: Oh, please, Mr. Tempo? I promise you, I'll take good care of her! She'll never be unhappy again, I'll make sure of that! The baby, too!

Bryce: Welcome to the family, son. You can call me dad, if you'd like.
Jefferson: Thank you so much, sir--I mean... dad.

Reading a pregnancy book <3

Georgia: Ugh, this seems like such hard... work.

I find it funny that pregnant sims can lift weights but not run on the treadmill.

Bryce is one of those old men who wake up at the crack of dawn and drink a cup of coffee.
Bryce: Cake for breakfast, dear? That stuff isn't very healthy, you know.

Iszy: Yes, I know, dad. But today's my birthday, don't you remember?

Bryce: I... uh, of course I remember. You're turning ten, right?

Iszy: I'm turning thirteen, dad. Shows how much everyone cares about me.

She proceeded to dissolve into a pile of sparkles.

Bryce: Oh, lord, I'm not seeing this, I'm not seeing this... Please, dear, make your face normal again, before I start having nightmares about it.

Iszy: What's wrong with my face?

Nothing, babygirl. Nothing at all. ♥

Georgia: Jefferson! The baby's coming!
nice ass crack

Being the lovely fiance he is, he proceeded to go downstairs and prepare a salad.

Georgia gave birth to a baby boy!

Nelly had a bad dream. About a fire.

Kendall Tempo, ladies and gentlemen! Brave and Artistic, with Bryce's eyes, Georgia's skin, and Jefferson's hair.

Did I mention he's adorable? He is.

Kendall: I'm going to steal your hat some day.

Jonas: Georgia wanted me to take you outside and keep you occupied so she could sleep some. You don't talk much, do you?

Jonas: Here, let's play a game. My sister Iszy used to play it with me. Cover your eyes like... yeah, like that.

Jonas: Boo!

Kendall: Ahh!

When Jonas has to pee, doors are no longer barriers. Although I'm not sure why he's heading outside.

Franceska: Lousy piece of shit husband...


Jonas: And you didn't vote for this face. Shame on you! I'm adorable!

Nelly's first bath! Neither she nor Bryce looks thrilled.

Bryce's next novel was entitled The Dog Barks No More. I wonder if he's trying to say something about Nelly...

It's not the guitar's fault you suck, Jeff.

Franceska seems to enjoy it.

Maybe not.


False alarm, it's just her birthday.

Franceska: Being old isn't all it's cracked up to be, but I do get to wear this pretty dress!

D'aww. ♥

I finally put Jefferson's freckles back on him.

Maid: You know, if you want another one of those, my legs are always open hot stuff ~;)
Jefferson: I... uh, no thanks?

jefferson: Do I tell Georgia about the crazy lady, or do I keep it to myself?

Jefferson: Mmmm, pancakes.

Kendall: This isn't scary why does he think this is scary?

Bryce: Gotcha!
Kendall: EEEEEEE!

Best grandpa award goes to! Bryce Tempo :D

This is Jonas' I-just-woke-up-and-i-want-some-food-get-that-camera-out-of-my-face face.

They're just pancakes, Jefferson. If you burn them, you can make more.
Jefferson: No! They must be perfect!


Jefferson: If he'd waited five more minutes, he could have had the best pancakes.
I'd like to think of these as bonding moments, but I should know better.

Seriously. Best grandpa ever.

Nelly what are you doing
stop that

Cute picture of Georgia~

Georgia had just gotten off of work when her phone rang.
Georgia: Oh, hey, Haruma! What’s up? You got a chance to play for the Llamas? That’s fantastic! Aren't they all the way in Bridgeport? I’m proud of you, dude! I’m sure Jefferson’s gonna be so jealous when he hears that you’re moving to the city, wow!

Georgia: That’s a nice offer, but my dad and Franceska take care of Kendall when Jeff and I are at work and dad hated growing up in the city, I couldn’t ask him to move. Do you need a place to stay for a few days before you leave after you sell your place? Don’t be a stranger, man! Our couch is always open!

Georgia: We’re definitely throwing you a going away party, just saying. See you tomorrow, then!

Kendall stayed out all night partying, don't mind him.

Before Haruma's party, Georgia fed her fish.

During her party, everyone in the house also fed her fish. -.-

This chick (Belinda Apep, eroticsim) is excited to be here.
Haruma: Man, I figured they'd get here then get drunk, not the other way around...

Haruma: Make me something that will knock my socks off, okay? Where’d your parents and little bro go?
Georgia: I’ll get right on that -.- Dad and Franceska took Jonas out to dinner because he won a badge in scouting, I guess dad was a Llama Scout when he was younger so it’s some kind of big deal to him. 
Haruma: And your kid?
Georgia: He’s upstairs playing. Jeff and I are taking turns checking on him.

Belinda went right up to Jefferson when she saw him.
Belinda: I am such a huge fan of your work! I went to your last show and my god your guitar playing is so good!
Jefferson: I… uh… thanks?

Haruma: No one else is drinking, must be your sucky mixtures.
Georgia: My drinks aren’t even bad! Shut up!
Haruma: Oh, yeah? Prove it.

Belinda: You know, I’ve always wanted to have really dirty sex with a sexy guitarist like yourself…
Jefferson: Uhm… I’m engaged? And I have a kid?

Two or three drinks later…
Haruma: You could drop the bottle again.
Georgia: Yeah, yeah, shaddup Huh-haruma, drink up you big jerk…

Georgia: I’m g-going to th-the bathroom.

She’s a little drunk, if you can’t tell.
( she also takes after her mother

Haruma: Huh. This stuff isn’t half bad.

He walked up stairs, and Georgia found him sitting in her room.
Georgia: H-haru-haruma? W-what’re you d-doing in here?

Haruma: You know, Georgia. I’m more of the man you need than Jeff. Do you think you guys are going to last long? Come here.

Haruma: Give me a kiss?
Georgia: S-stop it! I’m mmarrying your b-best friend!

Haruma: Come on, Georgia! I’m way better than Jeff! I’ll make you scream-
Georgia: Just s-s-s-stop! You need to g-go before-before you do something you’ll re-regret.

Haruma: Bitch, you will do as I fucking say.

Haruma: Bend over the bed and keep your fucking mouth shut.

Belinda: So, I was like, no way, your date left you, too? We should have sex to make them jealous!
Jefferson: You know, this is a lovely story and all, but I should really go check on my son…

Jefferson: Who’s phone is that? …Hello? Georgia? Baby, are you in there?
Georgia: J-jeffers-omph!

Jefferson:  Get. The. Fuck. Off. Of. Her.

Haruma: I fucking told you that you guys weren’t going to work out, she’s a fucking whore. Consider yourself lucky you have a friend like me to prove it before you actually married the slut.
Georgia: Jefferson… I didn’t… he ch-choked m-m-me…
Haruma: Shut up, bitch!

Haruma: Ow! What the fuck!?
Jefferson: You shut the fuck up! I know Georgia! She wouldn’t cheat on me-especially with you, you fucking dick!

Jefferson: Get the fuck away from my family, and out of my fucking life. You’re fucking dead to me, Haruma. If I ever see you again, you won’t fucking survive it, I promise.

Haruma: Yeah? Well fuck you, fuck Georgia fuck your family, and fuck your life. I didn’t need you, anyways-I never did. You fucking needed me. I could have let you move to Twinbrook with your parents all those years ago, but I didn’t. Fucking remember that, Jefferson. 

Georgia: I’m so s-s-sorry, Jefferson!
Jefferson: Shh, shh, baby. It wasn’t your fault. 

Jefferson: Everything’s going to be okay.

...that awkward moment when...

Georgia: Oh god that’s not a good feeling…

Jonas has found a hobby~ (No I did not forget about him psh what are you talking about -.-)

Georgia popped when she was in the bathroom. 
She popped guys, she did not poop. She took a shower. Because girls don’t do that.

Georgia: I have some news that you’re probably not going to like.
Jefferson: What’s wrong, sweetie?
Georgia: I’m pregnant, or, at least, I’m pretty sure I am.

Jefferson: But that doesn’t make any sense… It’s been at least three days since we’ve had sex and we’ve been extra careful because you said you didn’t want another baby until Kendall was in school…
Georgia: That’s the thing… I don’t think it’s yours.

Jefferson: Come here, baby. Everything’s going to be okay. 

Jefferson: I’m going to love this baby just as much as I love Kendall… and you, of course.

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