Tempo Legacy 2.4 » Crazy Things

Nov 13, 2011 15:18

I'm sorry this one is as short as it is, but I wanted to get this generation done and over with. Last time, Georgia became a gorgeous teen, a whole lot of shit went down, Heaven, and Iszy were born and became children, Heaven was sent to boarding school, and then Jonas was born. Also, since I opened my heir poll on my Simblr yesterday and there's already over 100 votes (which is my usual cut off) there will not be a LiveJournal heir poll this time around, but you're free to vote over there. Voting closes midnight, today or tomorrow, I'm not sure. Onwards to the update!

We start out with Georgia being invited to her friends, Haruma (arisily) and Jefferson's house.

She quickly learned that Jefferson was emancipated and had moved in with Haruma and his mother when his own parents moved to Twinbrook to help an elderly, dying relative.
Georgia: Oh, wow, so you didn't want to leave Glendalough? This town seems kinda gloomy, that's why we moved here--my own mother would never live in this kind of town, it's too dark, and dad says she's always lived in sunny, bright places. 
Haruma: Not for Twinbrook! Jefferson wants to move to Bridgeport and be a DJ.

Haruma: I want to be an athlete, so we're going to move there together when we're older. 
Jefferson barely spoke, he was quiet and reserved while Haruma was more talkative.

Haruma: Come on, lover boy! Speak up! Say something!
Jefferson: Stop it, Haruma! You're embarrassing.

Georgia: Aw, you guys are so cute.

Jefferson: Lover boy?
Haruma: Yes, l--

Jefferson: Wait, you think I'm cute?

Jefferson: Because I think you're really, really pretty!
Haruma: Well, now that I am completely irrelevant, I'm going to go copy your homework.

Georgia: Do you really now? Wanna go chill outside?

Georgia: Haruma really doesn't mind?
Jefferson: Nah, he's my bro and...

Jefferson: Oh. Wow.

Come hither face?


Jefferson: Look, see that one? Second star to the right?

Jefferson: So we should go out.

Georgia: Say again?
Jefferson: We should go out. 
Georgia: Should we now? 
Jefferson: Yes, we should.

Georgia: Okay.

Georgia: I should really be getting home now... it's past my curfew.
Jefferson: Oh... come on, just a little bit longer?

Georgia: Mmm... okay. ... are those sirens?

Actually, yes.

Cop: I remember when I was a kid.
Georgia: I remember when I gave a fuck. Oh, wait, no I don't.

After a stern talking to from the cop about respecting authorities, Georgia got home at the same time Franceska did.
Georgia: Look, Franceska! I've already gotten yelled at tonight! Please, I just want to go to bed. Dad can ground me tomorrow.

Franceska: Who said anything about grounding? ...was it that redheaded boy?
Georgia: Please don't tell dad just yet, I want him to meet Jefferson before he gets any ideas.
Franceska: Oh, alright sweetie. Just don't get caught next time, okay?

Iszy: These lazy people, expecting me to do all the cooking.

Bryce: Pancake stack, why are you so short?

Iszy: Hello, strange red haired boy. Welcome to my humble abode.
Jefferson: Hi, Iszy, right? Is your sister home?

Iszy: Which one? You know, my dad just sent one of them to boarding school. I could give you more information, but the lack of spaghetti in my system won't let me. Would you make me spaghetti?

Jefferson: I... what!? :c But she-- But I--!

Georgia: Gotcha!

Jefferson: Georgia!

Jefferson: Oh, God, Georgia! I thought I'd never see you again!
Georgia: Damn, boy! It's been six hours!

Iszy: Yeah, well, I guess I'll go do homework or something. Not that you guys care.

Sit down, Georgia!

Jefferson: Wow, how'd you get to be so good at that?
Georgia: My eyes are up here, you know.
Jefferson: I... huh?

Jefferson: So... uh, what kind of music do you listen to?
Georgia: Oh... Modest Mouse, Radiohead, Say Anything, Rediscover, blink-182... a mixture of things.

Bryce, as sneaky as you think you are... you'e not.

Jefferson: That's your dad?
Georgia: And my little brother.
Bryce: Heh, he's so intimidated by me!
Jonas: Wheeee!

Georgia: Hey, let's go in the hot tub!
Jefferson: Uh... okay...
Jonas: Daddy! Hungry!
Bryce: Fuck!

Jefferson: You sure this is okay? Your dad doesn't mind?
Georgia: Oh, I'm sure he does. He won't say anything.
Jefferson: He's staring at us...
Georgia: Let him.


Georgia: Look, babe. My dad is not a scary man. He writes for a living. Maybe he'll give you a stern talking to, but I promise you that he won't smother you with a pillow. Promise.

Jefferson: Even if I do this?

Georgia: Even if you do that. He'd probably die.

Bryce: Darn you and your need for nutrition! They're probably having sex out there!

Nah, not sex.

Jefferson: I wanna stay... but... I promised Haruma I'd get back home and make sure he did some work outs tonight, he's got to train for some kind of competition.
Georgia: Can I come?
Jefferson: Uh... well... I think you'd be a distraction--
Georgia: Say no more! You need guy time. I get it.

I think he's trying to make sure she doesn't discover his boner, y/y?

Iszy's doll grew into a real IF~

Cyrus: Boo, you whore!

Iszy: OMG I can't believe you said that to her LOL

D'aww, my little chemist.

Since there weren't any threats to his daughter's virginity after Jefferson left, Bryce decided to sit down with Jonas and teach him the ways of words.


Bryce: I don't get it! Why did they put letters in math?

Georgia: Dad... this is my english homework.

Iszy: Oh, hai Georgia!
Georgia: Hey Is--what have you been up to?
Iszy: Oh! I'm going to the bathroom. You?

Iszy: Cover your eyes, Jonas!

Jonas: Otay!

No, Franceska. Not you.

Jonas: Oh lawd that was scary!

Aw. Little musician ♥

Bryce: It's impossible that her body can bend like that. There's... no way.

These two are so cute afjgjgkrjgkergjkregj favorites.

Since the family is about to expand, I built a third story for Bryce and Franceska as they aged.



I also made a Chihuahua for Bryce. Her name is Nelly.

He taught her how to sit, and she is adorable.

Bryce is a fan of ice cream. You look like you've been doing that for a while, care to tell?


Jonas: EEEEE a puppy!
Nelly: Oh, god, that smell! Abort mission, abort!

Franceska, dear. You could look less bored cooking for your husband, step-daughter, and son's birthday.

Jonas does not take after his mother, he looks pretty damned happy all the time, even when he's been left outside all day. Franceska should take lessons from her poor, neglected son.

Bryce does have an excuse, he's almost done with his next best seller.

Nelly pursues an enemy larger than her, like most chihuahuas.

Bryce: Tomorrow, I’m going to be old, and my oldest daughter will be legal. I know I’ve done a pretty good job of raising her, despite the odds, but I feel like I won’t be there for her as much now, when she and that Jefferson boy get married and have kids. I don’t want her to get hurt.

Bryce: Not to mention my other three, who are barely children. What if I’m gone before I get to see them marry, and have children of their own? Dad told me before I moved to Hidden Springs not to worry too much, he never did about us and we all turned out fine. I feel like I did pretty well carrying on what mom and dad started all those years ago, I mean, my kids are beautiful. I may not have had the charisma that Charlie had, the charm of Drake or Elliot’s good looks, not to mention Faye’s scheming mind, but… I think I did a really good job, despite that. I have a good head on my shoulders and I chose… pretty wisely.

Bryce: Astra wasn’t my finest point, but Georgia came out of that, and she’s kept me sane through this all. And Franceska’s my rock, she really got me out of the hole I was in and she’s kept me grounded since. I love that girl. So much. My life was pretty good, come to think of it. I’ve got a beautiful wife, four beautiful kids, this beautiful home…

Bryce: My life was pretty great, really. And it’s going to continue being great, I just know it.

For her birthday, I got Georgia a snake. She named it Darby.

Georgia: What are you doing looking so sad on my porch, Haruma?
Haruma: Jefferson left me out here... your dad...
Georgia: Oh, come on! He is not scary!

Birthday time!
Georgia: Dad! Cool it with the horn! I don't want premature hearing loss!

Bryce: Oh, gosh, does that mean I'm going to start losing my hearing?

Georgia: I've got my two favorite boys right here! What more could a girl ask for?

Queue cute faces. That's Viola Foxeglove (arisily) in the background, btw.

Georgia: Wait two seconds, I think I feel something!

No. Just... no.

Beautiful. She rolled commitment issues.

Bryce: I just want some grandchildren!

Bryce: Do I have to get old though?

Smile for the camera, baby. You're still cute.

Can't forget Jonas!

Jonas: Bitches. Better. Be. Ready.

Happy birthday, little one!

He rolled eco-friendly.

Georgia: Hey, do you wanna spend the night with me? My parents gave me their old bedroom when they renovated the house, 'cause I'm the oldest.
Jefferson: Sure! Yeah!
Georgia: Great! I'm gonna help clean up, go ahead and make yourself comfortable if you want.

Jefferson: Woohoo! I'm finally getting laid!
You'd better not let Bryce hear you, Jefferson.

Jefferson: So this is your room, huh?
Georgia: Mhm.
Jefferson: Cool...

Jefferson: Do you wanna..?
Georgia: O-okay.

Jonas: What do you mean I can only have one piece of cake for breakfast!?

Heaven came home from boarding school for her birthday.
Bryce: My little girl! Look at you, you're so grown up!
Heaven: Dad, you haven't called me once since I went to school. WTF.


Oh, hai there, carbon copy of Franceska.

Nelly does have a bed. She just never sleeps in it.

She's so cute. I'm biased because I made her xD But still! Cute.

Jonas loves her, he and Bryce are going to have to share.

Georgia: Wow, my stomach is all crampy. I must have eaten something funky...
Yeah, totally food related and unrelated to the sex you had last night.

Graduation time!

She was voted most likely to become electrocuted, and graduated with honor. Classy.

That's all she wrote! Go vote for the heir while you can :)

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