Heya! I got an update for you guys~ I've actually had this sitting on my computer for a while but enough with that. Last time, Georgia gave birth to Kendall Tempo, Jeff's best friend Haruma raped Georgia, and she got pregnant. After that, I managed to lose all of the kids and my save (this was months ago) and they moved to Redwood Harbor. So yeah! Onto the update~
Warning: Cute toddlers, shotgun weddings, mindless picspam!
Georgia: OhmygodFranceskasaidthiswouldhurtlessthesecondtime WHY DO ALL OF YOU PEOPLE HAVE JOBS!?
Georgia; Okay. I can do this. I've got this. Just one... two.....
Lain Tempo, ladies and gentlemen. He is definitely Haruma's son.
He rolled Athletic and Genius.
They moved to their new house right here.
Right after they moved in, it was time for Kendall's birthday!
He rolled slob.
Aritistic | Brave | Slob
The next day, there was a package in the mail for him.
Georgia: Remember your uncle Jonas? He said that he thought you might want this.
Kendall: Wow, really!? Tell him I said thank you! I think I know what this is!
Kendall: Me gusta.
Jefferson: Your mother--she asked me to teach you how to talk. How am I supposed to do that?
Jefferson: I guess you're not gonna reply, huh?
Kendall's favorite thing to do is play in the sand.
Georgia: Ughhh why are you making me garden when I feel so horrible?
You got the want to garden. Sorry for making you garden.
Georgia: Oh man, what's gotten into me?
Jeff caught a chameleon for Kendall to keep as a pet. His name is Oscar.
A day later, Georgia had an unexpected surprise.
Being the coward she is, her thoughts instantly went to how badly it could turn out.
Later that afternoon...
Jefferson: Are you alright, sweetie? you don't look well...
Georgia: Uh... remember when we were talking about having more babies?
Jefferson: No...
Georgia: Well... I'm pregnant.
Jefferson: Really? That's great!
They decided to finally exchange rings right then and there.
Ooh, birthday time!
He's a bit awkward. He rolled something...
Kendall decided his LTW was to be a zoologist.
Pregnancy swag.
Birth swag?
Twins! Marigold Tempo, with Georgia's hair and Jefferson's eyes, and Naomi, with Jefferson's hair and grey-blue-purple-i don't know! eyes.
Marigold is Absent Minded and Good, Naomi is Insane and Neurotic.
The house I built for them. You can download it
They're identical.
You might be a Tempo if... the first thing you do in the morning is go out in your underwear and ride on a rocketship.
Kendall and Lain decided that the clubhouse was no-girls allowed, and they go up there to do completely legal, non-drug related things. Yeah.
Marigold rolled Artistic!
Naomi rolled Angler~
Bryce's grump face is still very much alive in this family.
Georgia: Hello? Dad? No, you didn't wake me. Are you kidding me? It's always nice to hear from you!
Georgia: What's new in Glendalough? I heard Jonas got accepted into some big University! That's fantastic--Dad, what's wrong?
Georgia: I-- oh my gosh. Dad. I'm so sorry. I wish we could be there for you.
Georgia: No.. I... you know what. Why don't we move back to Glendalough? It might take a week, but I can get stationed back there--the kids will understand.
Georgia: I gotta make a few calls, but call me tonight, okay? I love you, too. Bye.
Georgia: Look, sargent. I don't care how many ranks I drop, I need this done as fast as possible.
Georgia: Yes, sir. All three of them. My father was the only survivor. I can--I can be back in Glendalough next week? Thank you, sir. Have a good day.
Jefferson: Back in Glendalough?
Jefferson: What's all this about moving back home?
Georgia: Oh, gosh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you!
Jefferson: Don't worry, sweetie, you didn't. What's going on?
Georgia: Oh, Jeff... there was a really bad car accident. Jonas was driving, and there was a deer and--Jonas swerved and they....
Georgia: The car flipped, and--it was really bad! They all... Jonas, Franceska, Heaven, Iszy... my dad needs us badly.
Jefferson: Shh, shh. Come here, sweetie. Of course we can go back home.
Georgia let her tears fall freely. Her three siblings and the woman she had known as a mother for most of her life were gone. She didn't know what to do for herself. If Jefferson hadn't been there, she might have collapsed.
And that concludes 3.1! Two more updates until the heir poll, the next one will be here probably next week :D Thanks for reading!