[54] - [action] & [audio]

Oct 22, 2010 10:30

[Jacketed and scarfed, Buffy is hard at work on the lawn of House Seven. She has in her hands a most fierce and gruesome weapon--long and pronged, wickedly effective for roping in and dealing with rogue...leaves. Yes, today Buffy is devoting her time to raking the leaves on the lawn (a task she takes even into the early but dark evening). And while ( Read more... )

totally needing a time out, !audio, !action, buffy the pirate slayer, buffy's relationships are cursed, domestic bliss is not to be found here

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Comments 452

action; univalent October 22 2010, 13:38:33 UTC
[ it's during that darkening part of the evening that spike makes an appearance near house seven. usually, he doesn't bother to stray too far near the house out of respect for a need to not deal with that doctor's nonsense, but the slayer asking for a rake of all things piqued his curiosity and made him shut his journal and come to her in person. she was outside, as he rightly suspected, which negated the need for him to attempt and acquire an invitation he swore he was alright with not having. (and he was, to a point. constant, walking contradiction of himself, that was spike. not showing any of that - well, that was spike, too.) ]

Doesn't look broken from here, love.


action; slaying October 22 2010, 13:42:23 UTC
[She felt his arrival, and so was hardly spooked by his voice. Turning--practically choking the rake with her fists--she caught the familiar face of the vampire in her sights.]

Maybe. Maybe not. Or maybe it's just not a very good one. Like...like the no-name label rake of rakedom. And what I need is a designer rake.


action; univalent October 22 2010, 13:57:21 UTC
[ he couldn't get that sort of twisted amusement out of sneaking up on buffy - intentionally or not - when she could feel his presence no matter how soundlessly he carried himself. in a way, it spoiled the fun; but in another, it took away the necessity to go out of his way to make some sort of awkward-feeling noise to let his presence be known when he wanted it to be. she just knew and that was both a blessing and a curse to the vampire when it came to the slayer. always had been, always would be. ]

Might be broken soon if you don't stop gripping it like that. It's a rake, not some nasty fellow's arm.


action; slaying October 22 2010, 14:02:08 UTC
Good. Maybe I want it broken. [However, she loosens up that choke hold.] This rake's a traitor. It's a traitorous rake. I should have been done hours ago.


markofthewise October 22 2010, 14:37:04 UTC
[Sokka is just passing on by. He finds her in the middle of sweeping up the leaves, which is a curious task. Why? Because this is his first autumn ever. And he doesn't know why you would bother piling up all the leaves.]

Hard at work, huh? [Do Slayer powers also work on knowing how to use work tools?]


slaying October 22 2010, 14:40:35 UTC
[Beware the over-happy smile, Sokka.]

Very hard at work. Nothing like a day of raking to make you seriously want a leaf-blower.


markofthewise October 22 2010, 14:42:09 UTC
[That IS extremely cheerful.]

Or you could just leave them there. Would it hurt anything?


slaying October 22 2010, 14:45:37 UTC
Lawns gotta breath too, y'know? Have you ever seen grass that was left all winter with--like--a piece of wood on it? Next year, it's all dead and yellow. Very much with the not nice. Too many leaves and the same'll happen all over.


after_march October 22 2010, 15:19:11 UTC
[April is heading back to her house carrying an armload of what looks like broken electronics when she passes by the yardworkstravaganza.]

Hey, Buffy.


slaying October 22 2010, 15:23:31 UTC
[Far too faux-happy for her own good.]

April!...Hi. You look--wow, you look kinda...full.


after_march October 22 2010, 15:33:17 UTC
Yeah, I've got a receiver to build. Derek's making a laboratory for us in the basement of the house, but for now I'm just going to lug this crap back to my room. It's getting kind of cluttered in there.

Doing some fall cleaning? [Eyeing the leaves in the yard. Wondering if maybe she should go home and do the same instead of messing with old spare parts.]


slaying October 22 2010, 15:35:44 UTC
Something like that. It's a lengthy job, but someone's gotta do it.

[She pauses--leaning on the rake.] A lab, though? Heavy stuff.


im_brilliant October 22 2010, 15:20:28 UTC
[Oh hey, the Doctor's just passing on by. It's a decent day all that. But he pauses when he spies a certain blond doing - gasp - yardwork. There's a pulling down of the brainy specs and an eloquent eyebrow for that one. And then he hears the thing about the broken rake and, well...]

Need that fixed?


slaying October 22 2010, 15:24:07 UTC
No. [She eyes her rake rather maliciously.] I just need a whole new one.


im_brilliant October 22 2010, 15:28:42 UTC
M'afraid I can't help you there. [Shrug.] More of a fixer than a replace-er.

So, what have you been up to, other than exceptional skills in domesticity?


slaying October 22 2010, 15:32:46 UTC
Working, teaching. Just...generally getting into trouble.

[Some half-hearted, continued raking.]


[Voice] captain_in_you October 22 2010, 15:46:25 UTC
Need a hand?


[Voice] slaying October 22 2010, 15:49:53 UTC
Uhm? No...no, thanks. Appreciated but--but this is totally a doing it on her own kinda thing. [She does sound appreciative.] Unless...unless you've got a new rake?


[Voice] captain_in_you October 25 2010, 19:27:16 UTC
[[OOC: Sorry for my UTTER SLOWFAIL in tagging. D:]]

I'm sure I can come up with something. Two rakes are better than one, though, right?


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