
Jan 31, 2007 23:59

The 2007 Slayerversathon is now officially underway! When you have posted your contribution, please leave a comment to this post with the link and the appropriate header information (see this post for details) and it will be added to this masterlist. You can also post to this community if you like so that all the contributions can be found in one place. Have fun!


Author: frogfarm
Title: Faith the Vampire Slayer 1x01: "Big Country"
Characters: Faith, Willow, Xander, Dana
Pairings: Faith/Willow
Gen/Het/Slash: Genslash with occasional hetness
Rating: R
Warnings: Swearing, sex and violence. 'Cause otherwise, it wouldn't be Faith.
Disclaimer: Me? Not Joss. These? Not mine.
Summary/Notes: If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise.

Author dragonydreams
Title: Magic in Numbers
Characters: BtVS - Willow, Buffy, Angel, Lindsey, Xander, Robin, misc slayers; Numb3rs - Charlie, Don, Megan, Colby, David
Pairings: Willow Rosenberg/Charlie Eppes
Fandoms: BtVS/Numb3rs
Gen/Het/Slash: Het
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Minor violence and sexual situations. Nothing more than on the show(s).
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Joss et al. and Scott Free.
Summary/Notes: The FBI is called in when teenaged girls go missing, who just happen to be new slayers.

Author: hesadevil
Title: Dancing the Night Away
Characters:AtS/BtVS crossover: Spike, Illyria, Buffy, Angel
Gen/Het/Slash: Gen/Het
Rating: PG for swearing - Spike.
Disclaimer: The usual, none of these characters is mine. I've merely borrowed them for a while, given them a little R&R from ME and sent them back fully refreshed. (Take better care of them this time Joss.)
Summary: The battle's over and Angel's missing. Spike goes in search of him, and finds out more about an old adversary.
Artwork: by kathyh

Author: tessarin
Title: Rememberence
Characters: Faith, Giles
Pairings: None
Gen/Het/Slash: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Buffy the vampire slayer is owned by Fox. All characters bar original characters are copyrighted by Fox and Mutant Enemy.
Summary/Notes: Faith and Giles visit the military cemetery at Louverval near Cambrai to meet a collector of rare antiquities. This fic acts as a prequel to my ongoing wip Running on , as such it takes place roughly one year before that and 6 months after chosen.

Author: smhwpf
Title: Tales of the First - the City
Characters: The First Slayer
Pairings: None
Gen/Het/Slash: Gen
Rating: PG
Warnings: Violence, mild.
Disclaimer: Based on the characters and world created by Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. No violation of copyright intended, and no profit made.
Summary: The First Slayer is summoned to follow her calling in a world far removed from all she has known before.
Notes: This fic was started prior to slayerversathon, but the early chapters have been revised, so this version is new to the community. It is one of a series of connected stories under the heading Tales of the First. They are to a large extent stand alone stories and will not all need to be read in order, although the first should probably be read first. The series begins with Tales of the First - the Calling.
This fic follows after Tales of the First - the Desert.

Author: liz_marcs
Title: Behold, Little Padawan! (aka Five Adventures Xander Harris Never Had Wrapped in One True Christmas Story)
Characters: Xander, Faith, Andrew, OCs
Pairings: None
Gen/Het/Slash: Gen
Rating: PG for Language
Warnings: Language
Summary/Notes: As Andrew tells five positively true (he swears!) stories about Xander Harris to a gaggle of Chicago Slayers, a stressed-out, exhausted Xander blows into town to help with a demon hunt. Toss in Faith who’s hopped on the bandwagon for reasons of her own, and it’s another classic Harris Christmas Special.

Author: lmzjewel
Title: A Different Kind of Wish
Characters: Xander, Buffy, Faith.
Pairings: B/X
Gen/Het/Slash: Het
Rating: R
Warnings: Some strong languae and violence
Disclaimer: I do not own BTVS or any of the characters associated with the show. They belong to Joss Whedon and ME. I'm just playing with them. No harm intended and no profit made.
Summary/Notes: This is a B/X fluff story. It takes place a couple of years post chosen. Xander and Buffy have been assigned to assist Robin and Faith with the Slayer School at the Cleveland Hellmouth. Xander has started dating again and Buffy doesn't like his choice in date. Buffy wishes that her and Xander could both find the two people that they are meant to be with and decides to help Xander out a little bit by helping him find a date. When her attempt to find him a date for the evening fails she's persuaded to go out on a date with him herself. Then things get interesting.

Author: mara_sho
Title: Her Own Path
Characters: Faith, Giles
Pairings: None
Gen/Het/Slash: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None, unless you count a vague reference to a shop selling sex toys as something that needs a warning, in which case, consider yourself warned! Oh, and it's Faith, so there's a bit of bad language in here.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. I'm just playing in this pretty big sandbox.
Summary/Notes: August 2005, Faith has been travelling the country on her own terms and Giles is left to wonder what she's been doing.
This story is intended as a stand alone, but works as an introduction to my planned opus Paths Crossed which will be a crossover fic. Her Own Path is not, however, a crossover. This is all BtVS. Well...kinda.


Title: You Think You Know
Artist: mara_sho
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Buffy, Tara, First Slayer
Spoilers: Restless
Warnings: None

Title: Icons from 'Lovers Walk'
Artist: thedothatgirl
Characters/Pairings: Willow/Oz Buffy/Angel Xander/Willow Xander/Cordy Spike Joyce
Spoilers:'Lovers Walk


Title: No Self Control
Vidder: thedothatgirl
Characters: Spike
Pairings: None
Song & Artist: No Self Control by Peter Gabriel
Format: WMV
Warnings: There's plenty of neck biting and lots of 'insane in the basement'.
Summary/Notes: Not only does Spike have the guilt package from the newly acquired soul to contend with, the First Evil is also giving him a hard time. He has no self control.

masterlist 2007

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