(no subject)

Jan 15, 2011 18:53

Author: slashmarks
Title: Stress Relief
Rating: R
Warnings: Explicit sex
Prompt: Written for Voleuse, who wanted sparring, reality tv, and cookies. Hope verbal sparring counts?

“What are you watching?” It was the first time Faith had spoken to her since she showed up, and she had wandered into the living room while Willow curled on the couch and ate cookies.

“Survivor,” she mumbled and didn’t look up. Maybe she’d go away if Willow ignored her? Right.

”Isn’t that a little, well, exactly what we’re doing here?” Faith leaned over and stole a cookie. Willow glared, but the Slayer seemed immune.

“It’s distracting. And doesn’t require thinky-ness. What are you doing?”

Faith dropped onto the couch by her. “Buffy took the Potentials out sparring and I’ve been banned from our fearless leader’s presence until I can open my mouth without sexual innuendo coming out.”

“So go bother Andrew. Or Giles. I’m sure he could use help with his research. Assuming you can read.”

“Shouldn’t you be helping Giles?”

“This is my day off. Afternoon. Hour snatched while everyone else is distracted, whatever.”

“Fine.” Faith put her legs on Willow lap.

Willow shoved them off, annoyed. “I repeat, go bother someone else.”

“Um, yeah. About that. I wanted to talk.”

“So talk.”

“Look, about, um… I heard about Warren. Angel told me, actually.”

“Great, you know I’ve no longer got the moral high ground. Taunt me all you want later.”

“No, I’m good here. Anyway. I just wanted to say, if you wanted to talk about… Stuff…”

“Since when are you the talk-about-your-feelings type?” Willow snapped, annoyed.

”Since never. But I know it upset you, and…”

At that point, Faith leaned over and kissed her.

Willow was thoroughly distracted for several minutes - Faith was good at this, much better than Kennedy - before she pulled back. “Hey! What was that for?”

“For you.”

“Um… this isn’t going to try to turn into an actual relationship, right? Because with Kennedy and all, I’ve got all the awkward crushes on me I can stand.”

“I am not awkward. And don’t worry about it, no strings attach. Solely stress relief.”

“Good.” Willow leaned in for another kiss.

There was no one else downstairs. Andrew and Giles were in the basement for… some unexplained reason, and so was Spike. Xander and Buffy had taken the Potentials out. It was a rare moment of privacy.

She slipped her hands up Faith’s shirt and tried not to think about who she was doing it with. No strings attached, stress relief. They both needed it. And what she really needed was Faith to keep doing that - there… “Yes,” she groaned. “Keep doing that.”

“This?” Faith pressed the palm of her hand against the front of Willow’s jeans, harder.

“Yes…” She lifted Faith’s shirt over her head. The other girl wasn’t wearing a bra. Willow leaned over, taking one of the dark nipples into her mouth and sucking at it.

Faith moaned softly, letting her hand fall away from Willow for a moment. Then she reapplied both, unzipping the jeans. Willow squirmed out of them, pulled them down to her knees and then gave up as Faith’s hands returned to her clit.

She rocked against the other girl’s palm, kissing her lips and letting her own hands squirm into Faith’s leather pants. Her efforts were forgotten as the tip of one of Faith’s fingers went into her, and she came.

Faith let her lie back and pant for only a few moments. “My turn,” she said, leaning over for another kiss.

fanfic, buffy

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