On the first day of Christmas.....continued

Dec 14, 2010 13:53

My true love gave to me the rest of a massive pic spam. :)

Tao of Rodney )

12days challenge, 12days-03, pic spam, screencaps

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Comments 25

clwilson2006 December 14 2010, 22:00:54 UTC


that's it?? every episode?? Clearly we need more Lorne..

(Love the arse shot at the end!!!)


mackenziesmomma December 15 2010, 00:27:55 UTC
that's it?? every episode??

He only appeared in 29 (of 100) Atlantis episodes and then 2 additional SG-1 episodes.

Though I did NOT include shots from "The Road Not Taken" as I have 600 (yes that's right six HUNDRED) screencaps from that episode alone.

Clearly we need more Lorne..

Yes clearly we do. *nods*

Love the arse shot at the end!!!

What a better way to end? ;)


melagan December 14 2010, 23:10:24 UTC
I have so much Lorne Love!!!!

Thank you for the delicious picspam!


mackenziesmomma December 15 2010, 00:30:42 UTC
Thank you for the delicious picspam!

No problem :)


emeraldsnakes December 14 2010, 23:11:16 UTC
This was awesome! Thank you for sharing.

I'd like to point out that as I was scrolling down, I kept wondering when the next tongue pic was :D


mackenziesmomma December 15 2010, 00:34:02 UTC
Thank you for sharing.

No problem I love sharing :)

I'd like to point out that as I was scrolling down, I kept wondering when the next tongue pic was :D

I'm actually in the process of making a separate file in my Photobucket labeled "tongue" and cataloging all the shots where he has his tongue out. (That man spends an inordinate amount of time w/ his tongue out ;))


calcitrix December 14 2010, 23:48:12 UTC
&hearts &hearts &hearts


mackenziesmomma December 15 2010, 00:34:33 UTC
thanks :)


rubygirl29 December 15 2010, 02:39:28 UTC
So many of my favorite caps! And a few I missed. :-) Thank you! There really should have been more Lorne love.


mackenziesmomma December 15 2010, 04:09:14 UTC
So many of my favorite caps!

Glad I hit many of your favorites!

And a few I missed. :-)

Yay! glad I could share some 'new' ones with you :)


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