On the first day of Christmas.....continued

Dec 14, 2010 13:53

My true love gave to me the rest of a massive pic spam. :)

Tao of Rodney )

12days challenge, 12days-03, pic spam, screencaps

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Comments 25

fififolle December 15 2010, 08:03:35 UTC
These are just fabulous!! YUM
tongue! blood! gun!

Thank you!!


mackenziesmomma December 15 2010, 18:09:59 UTC
You are very welcome :)


jayfray18 December 15 2010, 10:30:20 UTC
I love the little pokey out tongue - keeps giving me ideas lol!

I am definitely going to have to borrow my son's dvd's and watch again, just for inspiration for my fic you understand :P


mackenziesmomma December 15 2010, 18:10:45 UTC
I love the little pokey out tongue

The man spends an inordinate amount of time with his tongue poking out ;)


spacedogfl December 15 2010, 16:21:13 UTC
Butt shot = WIN! And though I hate the ending, the scene in Sunday in his blues...*sigh* Thanks so much for posting these! YUM!


mackenziesmomma December 15 2010, 18:11:50 UTC
Butt shot = WIN!

Totally. I have a bunch more too ;)

Thanks so much for posting these!

You are very welcome :)


denyce December 15 2010, 16:56:29 UTC
Beyond awesome thank you, I know what I'll be doing in-between unpacking.... Tis very drool worthy =)


mackenziesmomma December 15 2010, 18:12:30 UTC
You are very welcome :)

Glad I can (hopefully) make unpacking a little better ;)


sparkyqueen December 17 2010, 02:09:02 UTC
i never realise how many funny faces the guy pulls!!

there's one where it looks like john has just reached back and squeezed lorne's manhood for all its worth... :P


mackenziesmomma December 17 2010, 03:42:39 UTC
Yeah he does have a pretty expressive face. Glad you enjoyed it :)


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