12 days of Lorne - Day 1 - fic recs

Dec 14, 2008 17:46

Okay, 12 Lorne filled days of Christmas start here!
I have for you, a fic rec post. A lot of these are older fics as I've kind of drifted out of the fandom recently. But I still love Lorne, and there is no reason why older fics aren't as good as new ones!

EDIT: Cut for length!!
So I'll start with )

12days challenge, fic recs, 12days-01

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Comments 3

cadencecascade December 14 2008, 19:05:27 UTC

*goes off to read*


tktrix December 14 2008, 20:34:38 UTC
yes!! I've just found miss-porcupine 's stuff recently and I agree on everything you said, the characters are becoming canon to me a I swear I love them that much. Especially Lorne's mariens, there so.. special? heh, now off to read all the new and pretty!


denyce December 14 2008, 22:23:54 UTC
Awesome!! Thank you :) Will be adding to the masterlist & also saving for personal use *g*


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