12 days of Lorne - Day 1 - fic recs

Dec 14, 2008 17:46

Okay, 12 Lorne filled days of Christmas start here!
I have for you, a fic rec post. A lot of these are older fics as I've kind of drifted out of the fandom recently. But I still love Lorne, and there is no reason why older fics aren't as good as new ones!

EDIT: Cut for length!!
So I'll start with the complete works of miss_porcupine.
If you're a Lorne fan who doesn't know who she is, then you really don't know what you're missing! miss_porcupine writes lovely fic, usually focused on the military portion of the Atlantis population. Sheppard and Lorne in meetings, bitching about paperwork and trying to control a division of marines (who are always up to crazy things).
I don't often like OCs, but miss_porcupine has created such a perfect cast, including Lorne's team, doctors, scientists and many, many marines, that I can hardly imagine Atlantis without Yoni Safir terrorising the medical division or one of her leuitenants standing in the control room.
All her work is gen, or het (although those relationships are almost never the centre of the story) and is written with just the right amount of military jargon that you know she knows what she's talking about, but those who have absolutely knowledge of military (myself included) don't get lost.
Also, she has such a volume of work (she started in 2006 producing a several of pieces a month, and her 'drabbles' are often close to 10,000 words)!

Whilst she has written about many of the Atlantis characters, her favourite appears to be Lorne. To the extent that she has created a brilliant little team for him (Dr Safir (an Israeli doctor) and sergeants Reletti, Suarez and Ortilla).
I suggest you start with Care and Feeding of a CO (PG-13), which has Sheppard on a little adventure in the city with Lorne and his team, and if you like the guys in that then go for Some Assembly Required (PG-13) which is the 3 part story of how Lorne put his team together. 5 things Sheppard did that Lorne had to fix (PG) is also a favourite of mine.
Action packed, angsty, serious and hilarious (often all in the same fic!), miss_porcupine has created a little universe, which isn't really AU, just filling in the blanks, and explaining the bits in the show where the writers have left holes. If you like these two, then don't worry about trailing back through 2 years of fic, it's all here, on her website. All are PG - 18, mainly because she does not shy away from blood and guts.

Moving on, now that I've had my little fangirl moment, the rest should go quite quickly!
A Major's Guide to Dining in the Pegasus Galaxy (PG) by mz_bstone is a fic from way back in 2006.
This was written when we were all still trying to guess Lorne's first name, and it's a little jarring at first that the author calls him 'Michael Lorne' when we all know that it's Evan, but you soon get used to it. I've recced this because it was one of the first Lorne centric pieces that I saw, and it's really well written, with amusing moments and an interesting plot.

We continue with There will be peace when you are done (PG) by spark_force. This was, I think, the first Lorne fic I ever read.
I just want to give Lorne a hug in this one. Exhausted, injured, with enemy guarding the gate and the radios not working properly, we join the story as Lorne is hiding as close to the 'gate as he can, waiting for Atlantis to dial to check why the team is overdue, and hoping he is close enough to call for help. You can't help but feel Lorne's helplessness in this fic, and the author gets this across brilliantly.

Hope in a box (G) is cheating a little, because it's about Lorne's sister and her kids, but its companion piece Mail Call (PG) is Lorne's POV.
cslullaby has written two really sweet fics, Hope in a Box is Lorne's sister, Lisa, thinking about him as she prepares a box of things to send to him. Mail Call is Lorne thinking about home as he opens that box, and wishes that he could tell her what he is doing.

Next, some humour, featuring Lorne and Beckett. It's Cauld Out There (K) (by Greywolf Lupous) has concussed!Beckett and Lorne freezing on an ice planet, with Beckett going on about igloos and sea otters. Its sequel, Otters, otters everywhere (K+), is more focused on Beckett as someone who overheard is concussed ramblings starts leaving otters all over his office, and Lorne has to come to his rescue.
You have to be careful with fics on fanfiction.net, because there are an awful lot of stinkers on there, but these are not.

Another really good fic on ff.net is Predicament (T) by firefly827347.
Several storylines run through the 26 chapters, all covered in a good amount of detail. Sheppard has the lighter storyline (heading over to the mainland to help Beckett when a pregnant woman needs taking to the infirmary), and Lorne the darker (he gets trapped in one of the lower levels of Atlantis, which is flooding at the time, with a rouge wraith and a bullet wound).
It's well written, with a decent amount of humour, and a lovely dose of Lorne!whump.

Verb, noun (K+) by raisintorte is the last on this list on ff.net (although I am sure I've seen it on livejournal somewhere).
Stuck in a puddlejumper on a 15 hour journey, Lorne and Cadman decide that 3 hours of listening to McKay, Zelenka and Sheppard play 'Prime, not prime' is more than enough, and start playing 'verb, noun', constantly getting more ridiculous, and driving McKay insane. With very amusing results.

Finally, some slash. I havn't recced much, even though I know this is a slash comm, because for some odd reason I don't have much saved to my favourites, despite my lapping it up.
entangled_now doesn't write long, multichaptered fics, but that doesn't matter, because what she does write is perfect. She is always funny, occasionally sad, and writes the hottest pieces of fic I've ever read. Peril (Lorne/Sheppard, R) is one of her few SGA fics, told from Sheppard' POV, and plenty of innuendo, although the fic does end before we find out exactly what they use the cherry lip balm for...

Finally, clockstopper writes, McShep, McLorne, and McShepLorne (or whatever title that particular threesome gets).
Starts with Sex (NC-17) is the first part of the McShepLorne series, and is pretty darn smutty!! There are angsty bits later in the series, but the smut is pretty consistent!
Out of the Rodney/Lorne pieces, The Journey Home (pt1) (pt2) is my favourite (in which Rodney and Lorne are stranded on a planet for 2 years after their jumper crashes whilst escaping wraith through the randomly dialled 'gate and have to set up home together), it is angsty and they start off kind of indifferent, then they momentarily hate each other, then love blooms. It's a lovely piece, with a bittersweet ending.

That's it for me. I know that there are other brilliant fics there, and that a lot what I've recced are from when Lorne was new and relatively unknown, but I will leave the newer things to the next person.
Merry Christmas!!

12days challenge, fic recs, 12days-01

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