On second thought, maybe this enterprise is not such a good idea. Maybe it will only raise Gor sales, except where the buyers would have been pinheaded fanboys, now the books will be bought by slash-loving female fen looking for their fix of male/male love.
And of course he must do as his master says -- or he will be fed to the horrible monster! (I can see it now -- masses of flesh and muscle, oozing over Tarl's body... The strong, muscular tongue, already dripping...)
And what about the scenes with the fliers swooping over the deserts of Tattooine with Tarl's bound body on top, as the Jedi slices off his loincloth with his lightsabre and flings it to the crowds below?
Anyway, we know Tarl is not prejudiced a bit about the outward appearance of strange alien creatures, thanks to his little lecture on tolerance to the Ubar's Daughter, don't we?
The Hutts don't like to talk about it - understandablybellatrysJuly 28 2007, 17:05:42 UTC
but everybody on Tatooine knows that Jabba's got a ... thing...for bipeds. Just look at all the ones he surrounds himself with - and his tastes are certainly catholic: from the burly Gamoreans to the willowy Twi'leks, he can't get enough of those sexy-to-him humanoids. (He's also obviously got a thing for head-tails, but that's considered a sign of lingering normality by his peers.)
Comments 26
And of course he must do as his master says -- or he will be fed to the horrible monster! (I can see it now -- masses of flesh and muscle, oozing over Tarl's body... The strong, muscular tongue, already dripping...)
Pardon me while I go have a lie down and giggle.
Anyway, we know Tarl is not prejudiced a bit about the outward appearance of strange alien creatures, thanks to his little lecture on tolerance to the Ubar's Daughter, don't we?
Enjoy it while it lasts, boy...
What *was* I thinking? Grab a shovel, ladies, and let's start digging!
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