Title: A Good Day
Author: slacker_d
Pairing/Characters: Rachel/Santana, Brittany/Marisa, Quinn/Alyson
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It's Brittany's birthday.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count:~3,425
Spoilers: Not really.
A/N: Follows
Some Variations on Pranks Past. Okay, so I couldn't find an exact date for Brittany's birthday, so I’m using Heather's. Same difference, right?
2nd A/N: Unbeta’ed, so all mistakes are mine.
series masterlist When Brittany came to Rachel requesting she help set some things up for her birthday, Rachel knew the list would be unique. However, she can admit she still didn't expect anything on the list that Marisa has slid over to her. Not even the first request, which was definitely the easiest.
She let Santana handle it because she just doesn't have time for Quinn's defensive snark when she was trying to figure everything else out.
So when she wakes up Saturday morning, wrapped up in Santana's arms in her fathers' bed, she can't help but smile. It's so nice when everything works out.
Since Brittany's birthday was technically on Wednesday, the official celebration is happening today, though they did have a small party in glee on Thursday. It mostly consisted of singing and dancing to random songs and then having cupcakes.
Today, however, is Brittany's day, so Rachel gently pulls herself out of Santana's embrace, not wanting to wake her and slides out of bed.
"Were yo going?" Santana mumbles as quietly opens the door.
"Coffee," Rachel replies. "And breakfast."
Santana blinks a few times, trying to wake up. "I can help."
"It's okay, San," Rachel says. "Sleep a bit longer. You'll need it."
"Kay, babe."
Chuckling to herself, Rachel quietly closes the door and heads downstairs. She makes coffee, humming to herself, but careful not to make too much noise; there are still five other people in the house, sleeping.
It's a nice feeling. This house is rarely full; even when her dads were around, it was just the three of them and the house never felt full. She always wondered why they bought such a big house. Then again, in Lima there weren't that many options.
As she sits at the table reading the paper and drinking coffee, Rachel wonders who will be the first to appear. She knows she's a bit of an anomaly getting up so early on a Saturday, but there's a lot to do today and she wants to make sure that everything Brittany wants, happens.
Surprisingly, or maybe not since Rachel got up at eight, no one appears for over an hour. And it's not who Rachel was expecting.
"Morning," Alyson greets as she heads straight for the coffee.
"Good morning," Rachel replies.
Alyson sits down across from Rachel and takes several sips before speaking. "You make good coffee."
"Thank you." Rachel folds up the paper. "Is Quinn still sleeping?"
Alyson nods. "I thought about going back to sleep, but the lure of coffee was just too much."
"I understand," Rachel nods.
"Thanks for, you know, letting me stay again."
"You're always welcomed, Alyson, you know that."
"And thanks for inviting me to Brittany's, uh, birthday thing," Alyson adds.
"That was all Britt," Rachel replies. "She didn't want Quinn to feel like a fifth wheel today."
"That's sweet of her."
"Plus, you're kinda cool to have around."
Alyson and Rachel look up to find Brittany entering the kitchen.
"Thanks," Alyson says as Brittany opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of orange juice.
"Good morning, Britt."
"No one else is up yet?" Brittany asks.
"I guess coffee isn't as good as lure as I was hoping," Rachel replies.
"Maybe pancakes would help," Brittany suggests.
"Is that what you want?" Rachel asks.
Brittany nods. "Blueberry?"
Rachel laughs as she stands. "I can manage that."
"You're the best Rachel."
"Don't you forget it," Rachel tells her as she pours herself more coffee.
Marisa stumbles downstairs next as Rachel's pouring the first pancake. She plops down next to Brittany at the table and half leans against her as she waves at Alyson.
"Not a morning person?" Alyson asks, smiling.
Marisa tries to shake her head, but it doesn't really work while leaning against Brittany. "Not really."
"But no coffee?"
"Never liked the stuff."
"College'll change that," Alyson replies. "You'll welcome the caffeine."
"Kid's got a couple more years to stay off the stuff, then," Santana says, entering the kitchen. "It stunts your growth."
"Is that why you're so short?" Marisa asks.
"One of the reasons." Santana presses herself against Rachel's back. "Morning babe."
"About time, lazy pants," Rachel smirks. "Some of us have been up for hours."
"Yeah, well, some of us are insane," Santana says, backing away slightly and moving towards the coffee pot. She leans against the counter. "Where's Fabray? Still sleeping? Ha! She never gets to call me lazy again."
"When has Quinn ever called you lazy?" Rachel asks.
"Cheerios practice," Brittany says. "As captain, she sometimes gets lazy with her motivating insults."
"She insults you guys?" Alyson questions.
Brittany nods. "But they're motivating insults."
"That sounds like an oxymoron," Alyson says.
"That's Quinn all right," Santana laughs.
"God it's too early in the morning to have to listen to you chortling," Quinn groans entering the kitchen.
Santana just grins and moves so Quinn can pour herself some coffee.
"Please tell me we're not eating rabbit food this morning," Quinn says as she sits down next to Alyson.
"Is your nose broken?" Santana asks. "My girl's making pancakes at B's request. Did you not smell them when you were less than a foot away?"
"Apparently not, S."
"Hush you two," Rachel admonishes. "Maybe your birthday gift to Britt could be getting along for a day."
"It's okay, Rach," Brittany says. "I don't mind. It's not their fault they're too chicken to just tell each other they love each other."
"Britt," Santana warns.
"We've talked about this, B," Quinn sighs.
"I have a theory that for whatever reason, they're both afraid to admit they actually care about each other and so instead they just insult the hell out of each other. It's cute."
"I am not cute," Santana growls.
"I am not a chicken," Quinn says.
"You're both ridiculous," Rachel adds.
"Please tell me there's pancakes," Alyson says. "So they'll both be quiet."
Quinn elbows Alyson.
"What? If I wanted to hear bickering all morning, I would have stayed at my parents'."
"That's certainly true," Rachel says as she sets a stack of pancakes on the table.
"Thank god," Marisa mutters.
"Nice job, Fabray," Santana says. "Even the kid is annoyed by you."
"You mean, you, S," Quinn retorts.
"If you two don't stop it, you won't get any more pancakes," Brittany interjects.
"Sorry Britt," they chime.
"So what's first?" Alyson asks as she plops down at the kitchen table.
After breakfast, everyone disappeared to get ready for the day. Rachel is done first, followed quickly by Alyson.
"Um, Britt wants it to be a surprise," Rachel replies.
"But everyone, but me and Quinn know what's on the magical list," Alyson says. "How much of a surprise is that?"
"She's got a point, babe," Santana says, entering the kitchen.
"Nonetheless, it's what Brittany wants," Rachel replies. "Besides, you only saw the list once for a few seconds. Do you remember what's on it?"
Santana takes a moment, but can't and shakes her head.
"So it stays a surprise until everyone's down here," Rachel says.
"God, Berry, you've been so mellow lately, I forgot how insanely bossy you can be," Quinn says sitting next to Alyson.
"Pot," Rachel says pointing to Quinn before pointing to herself. "Kettle."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Berry," Quinn grumbles.
Alyson laughs lightly. "Don't worry, Quinn, I love you anyway."
"What's taking those two so long?" Santana asks. "I thought for sure, B'd be the first one down here, ready to go."
"Maybe they're showering together," Alyson says. "You know, to save water."
"Why does everyone always say that?" Quinn asks.
Alyson shrugs. "They just do."
"Considering I was using Rachel's dads' shower, I don't think I'd even be comfortable even thinking about doing anything," Marisa says as she enters the kitchen.
"I don't see why not," Rachel says. "It's not like they use it that much anyway."
The kitchen gets quiet as Santana laces her fingers with Rachel's. No one knows what to say, since Rachel rarely brings up the lack of parental presence in her life.
Thankfully Brittany comes bouncing down the stairs a moment later. She goes directly to Rachel and gives her a big hug. When they pull apart, Brittany turns to everyone with a big smile.
"So who's driving?"
They take Santana's car with Brittany and Marisa in the front and Quinn, Alyson and Rachel in the back. Santana follows her girlfriend's quiet directions as they head out of town.
They eventually pull into the parking lot of Allen County Community Center. Everyone gets out, despite the confusion.
"Please tell me you didn't want to play wheelchair basketball, B," Quinn says as they follow Rachel inside.
Brittany shakes her head.
They watch as Rachel hands over her driver's license. The woman behind the counter disappears for a moment and they hear the sound of a copy machine. The woman returns, handing Rachel her license as well as a key chained to an orange Frisbee golf disc.
When they step inside the gym, no one knows what to expect, but seeing a giant wheel of cheese leaning against one wall isn't one of them.
"So, since Britt apparently spends too much time on the internet, we're going to do a couple things she found and has always wanted to try."
"Please tell me it doesn’t involve eating all that cheese," Alyson says. "Because we just had breakfast."
"Nope," Brittany shakes her head, grinning. "We're going to race it."
"I'm sorry, could you say that again, B?" Santana asks.
"We're going to race the cheese wheel," Brittany says. "It's what they do at the Gloucestershire Cheese-Rolling festival."
"Seriously?" Quinn asks.
Brittany nods. "You're supposed to race down a hill, but Rach figured this would be easier."
"Where did you get a wheel of cheese that big?" Alyson asks.
"Oh, it's not actually cheese," Rachel replies. "It's just a giant wagon wheel made to weigh and look the same. It can be put on that track." Rachel points to a stripe of metal running the length of the gym. "And then we race it. It's not exactly the same, but being authentic meant getting permits--"
"And you couldn't manage that, Berry?"
"Actually, I could have, but it would have taken too long. Besides, I'm not sure we want too many spectators."
"You just don't want anyone to see me beat you, Rachy."
"What does the winner get?" Alyson asks.
"This blue ribbon," Marisa answers, holding it up.
"Seriously, Berry?"
"It's not who wins, Quinn," Rachel tells her. "It's the fun of the sport."
"Uh huh. Whatever you say."
"Alyson," Rachel says. "Will you please get Quinn off of the negativity train she seems to be riding?"
Chuckling, Alyson playfully pulls Quinn aside as Rachel and Marisa begin to ready the fake wheel of cheese.
"So the timer is set," Rachel says. "And then the wheel will release at the same time as the buzzer goes off. It's as fair as I could make it."
The six of them are lined up on one side of the gym, toes just behind the out of bounds line. Brittany is practically bouncing as she waits for the signal.
"Everyone ready?" Rachel asks. When she receives general consensus back, she starts the timer.
Ten seconds later, the buzzer is going off and the cheese is released. It begins rolling as they all begin running.
Alyson finishes first, followed quickly by Brittany. Everyone else is a step or two behind. Still breathing heavily, Rachel maneuvers the wheel so it's leaning against the wall and won't fall over.
"Congrats," Brittany says to Alyson.
"Oh, well, thanks."
"You should have let her win," Quinn hisses, elbowing Alyson.
"No way, Quinn," Brittany interjects. "I'm not seven. I don't need to win. I just wanted to try it." She turns to Alyson. "Thanks for a good race."
Alyson smiles.
Marisa, meanwhile, has pulled out bottles of water from the backpack she brought. After giving everyone else one, she takes one for herself and quickly gulps down half the bottle.
"You okay, kid?"
Marisa, nods, smiling slightly at Santana. "My fault. Shouldn't have raced four athletes and an insane exercising freak. Theater doesn’t keep me in as good of shape as you guys are."
"Well, you did just fine."
"Thanks. Thankfully the next activity won't be so taxing--"
"Well, for me," Marisa finishes.
Santana raises an eyebrow and turns to Rachel, curious.
"I'm sorry, but could you repeat that."
"We're going to try wife carrying next," Brittany repeats.
"None of us are married," Quinn says.
"That's your argument?" Alyson chuckles.
"Why?" Santana asks.
"Because it'll be fun."
"I'm getting super curious about how you spend your time online," Alsyon says.
"You can only look at pictures of cute puppies and kitties for so long," Brittany shrugs.
The four of them watch from the bleachers as Rachel and Marisa finish setting up the obstacle course.
"I just can't believe that racing a fake wheel of cheese isn't going to be the oddest thing I do today," Quinn says.
"Okay," Rachel says, once she and Marisa finish. "It's pretty simple, but just so we're all on the same page, I'll go through it."
"Good idea, Rachy."
"You start there." Rachel points to one corner of the gym. "You run one lap and then follow the cones, weaving through them. Then you have to run up and then down the bleachers. Next, you wade through the collections of sports balls and then you sprint to the door to finish. Whoever touches the door first, wins."
"And what do we win this time?" Quinn asks.
"This exciting bottle of tequila," Marisa says, holding it up.
"Not bad, Berry."
"How come I only got a ribbon then?" Alyson asks.
"Because the Gloucestershire Cheese-Rolling festival doesn't have a prize, but wife carrying contests usually do," Rachel answers.
"Like the wife's weight in beer," Marisa pipes up.
"So figure out who's carrying who and we'll start in a few minutes," Rachel says. "And don't forget the person being carried should wear a helmet."
They line up in the corner as Rachel moves the buzzer in place. Even without the fake wheel of cheese, the buzzer will still work, giving them ten seconds before going off.
Rachel climbs onto Santana's shoulders and they join the others at the line. She grins at Marisa and Alyson, who are on Brittany's and Quinn's back respectively, with brightly colored bike helmets on their heads. Rachel'd been curious about Alyson and Quinn. Alyson probably has better stamina because of the soccer, but Quinn's additional two inches of height seems to make her the more likely candidate to be the carrier.
"Everyone ready?" Rachel asks.
Brittany's yeah is enthusiastic, while Quinn's is a bit disgruntle.
"Let's win this, babe," Santana whispers.
Rachel nods and hits the button.
Brittany takes an early lead, which Rachel contributes to her height, since she's only a step or two ahead of her fellow Cheerios. The cones keep Brittany slightly in the lead that she somehow manages to increase as she bolts up the bleachers. Wading through soccer, volly, basket, foot, and rubber balls slow her down and let Quinn and Santana, who were neck and neck catch up.
The final sprint is a little hectic and Rachel does her best to just hold on. She knows Santana hates losing to Quinn, so she tries to make herself as aerodynamic as possible.
Brittany and Marisa finish two steps ahead of Santana and Rachel, who is basically being matched step by step by Quinn and Alyson.
Before arguing between Quinn and Santana gets to be too much, Brittany declares it a tie.
"Congrats, B," Santana says, half leaning against her best friend.
"I feel a bit obsolete," Alsyon grins.
"It was kinda fun, though, right?" Marisa asks.
Alyson nods. "Congratulations."
"Like I had anything to do with it," Marisa says. "But thanks."
"We can always go again and switch," Rachel offers.
"No thanks," Marisa says.
"Yeah, I'm good," Alyson says.
Rachel just grins.
"Please tell me the next activity involves sitting," Santana says as they drink water on the bleachers.
"It does, indeed," Rachel agrees.
"I didn't realize that we were celebrating your seventy-second birthday, B," Quinn says as they walk into the Bingo hall.
"Don't be like that, Q," Brittany replies. "It'll be fun."
"So it's all on the machine?" Quinn asks.
Rachel nods.
"And we all have to do is yell out Bingo if we win?" Quinn continues.
Rachel nods again.
"Weird," Quinn says.
"It seems to make it easier to play multiple," Marisa says.
"But there are still paper sheets," Alyson points out.
"It'll be fun," Brittany says. "And if the machine does all the work, then I won't mess up."
"B," Santana says. "Well all know you're smarter than you act."
"Oh. Right. Sorry. Habit."
They end up having a great time. Quinn and Santana can't help but cattily mock the other players around them. Brittany can't stop fiddling with her machine, changing her blotting symbol over and over. Alyson gets a little too competitive and Marisa actually wins fifty dollars.
An official stops at their table with a wad of cash. "Twenty, thirty, forty, forty-five, fifty. Congratulations."
"Thanks," Marisa says, picking up the money.
"Nice job, kid."
"Yeah, it was really tough to call out Bingo like I did," Marisa quips.
"Yeah, well, I'm totally winning the last round," Alyson says.
"The full card?" Rachel questions. "That's a tough one."
"But the prize is five hundred," Alyson replies.
"Keep hoping, Aly," Quinn adds.
Alyson doesn't win, but they still leave in a good mood.
"Please tell me food is next on the list," Quinn says.
"It is," Rachel says. "Where are we going, Britt?"
"Back to your house, actually."
"Okay, back to the car, then."
While everyone heads inside, Brittany goes to her car and pulls out a large paper bag. Inside, she sets it on the counter.
"So what's next?" Santana asks.
"I had my mom make lasagna," Brittany answers. "It just has to be headed up. She also made a small bit of eggplant parmesan for you, Rach. Totally vegan."
"Aw, thanks, Brittany."
After a boisterous dinner, each couple goes their separate ways for a little alone time at Brittany's insistence.
"Thanks for coming down," Quinn says as she slips into bed with Alyson.
"I'm glad it just worked out," Alyson replies. "Plus it was nice of Britt to invite me; even if it was more for you than me."
"I don't know about that," Quinn says. "B might like you better than me."
"Don't be ridiculous."
"Well, next time, I'm coming to see you, right?"
"Exactly," Alyson says. "My roommate's gonna be gone in a few weeks and you're driving up."
"Can't wait."
Brittany and Marisa curl up in Rachel's bed.
"Did you have a good birthday?" Marisa asks.
"One of the best."
"I'm glad." Marisa lets herself be spooned. "Brittany?"
"Is it okay that we don't, uh, that we haven't…"
"Whenever you're ready, Maris," Brittany replies. "You know that."
"I just don't want to be a disappointment."
Brittany tightens her grip around Marisa. She wants to look at her, but knows her girlfriend is more comfortable having the conversation this way.
"Well I haven't been yet," Brittany says.
"Yeah, well--"
"And do you know why that is?"
"Because it's things I already had experience with?"
"No. And that's not entirely true." Brittany can't keep the smirk off her face. "I just want to be with you. I really like you, Marisa."
"I really like you too, Brittany."
"So whenever you're ready is fine. As long as the kissing continues, I'm happy."
Marisa turns in Brittany's embrace.
Brittany nods.
"Happy birthday Brittany."
"That it is," Brittany replies, leaning in for a kiss.
"I think today went well," Rachel says.
"I do too," Santana agrees. "And though I think it's great that you're letting everyone stay here, do we really have to be the ones in your dads' room?"
"It has to be us," Rachel replies. "Unless you want to sleep on the couch."
"Considering how much they hate me, maybe," Santana says. "What happens when they find out?"
"Are you going to tell them?"
"Don't be ridiculous," Santana scoffs.
"Then'll be fine."
"If you say so."
"Do you think Britt had a good day/"
"We did everything on her list, didn't we?"
"We did."
"So it was a good day, then."
"Yeah, it really was."