Awkward & Awesome!

Jun 05, 2011 11:34

As a part of  ljremix's first prompt of the week here, things that were both (or either) awkward and awesome over this past week.

  • Somehow I feel like this entire week was awkward. But the most awkward of moments would have to be the fact that we let our manager go at the shop. He has been with us for a few years now, but my boss decided he wanted to cut back. The awkward thing was that he started to fire the guy three months ago.

    At first his last day was supposed to be April 1st. That came and went, and then it was going to be the end of April. After May started, it was "We will keep him through Mother's Day, and his last day with be the 27th." Fast forward to the 27th (which was a Friday) and it was decided he would work that Saturday, Sunday and Monday... and then his last day would be Tuesday.

    I was so thankful that I ended up not being there Tuesday (where they threw him a 'going away' party and had lunch. WTF?!), but when I came in Wednesday, it was brought to my attention that he would be coming in to get his last paycheck and talk to our boss. He came in... AND SPENT THE ENTIRE DAY THERE. Just hanging out! He was telling people what to do still like he was still working there, and just observing us "falling apart" because he wasn't in charge. He ended up telling our boss that he would work for the next couple of days for free because "we were so busy and he didn't have other plans." My boss kind of asked me what I thought, and I nearly bitch-slapped him. His comment to me was "Yeah, that would be kind of awkward right?" I nearly yelled "IT'S BEEN AWKWARD FOR THE LAST THREE MONTHS." Jimminy CHRISTMAS.
  • As for the awesome... Well the first thing that comes to mind is seeing "Bridesmaids" with cloudwoven! It was so much fun and I can't even believe how funny the movie was. I couldn't help but be reminded of our friendship through the whole thing, because honestly - we are just as goofy and nutty as they are. Minus the throwing up from food poisoning and shitting in the street part.
  • And this...

  • My peonies are blooming! I've been watching them in our front garden for a few weeks now, and they've been getting so huge. It makes me happy, because I didn't even think they'd be coming back after the winter we had.

ljremix, life, photos, work

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