Fic Dump #3

Aug 28, 2011 21:05

Oh gods this week has been insane. Please don't ask why I always leave assignments to the last minute, I have been trying to work that one out for 16 and a half years.

ANYWAY, in order to help me finish said assignment, madri, in all her BAMFness, came up with the idea of matching my daily word count with fic. She has posted the results here in her journal and if you haven't read it GO CHECK IT OUT. There's some really fabulous stuff there and ignore her when she says it's all crack, she's full of lies. There's totally angst there too. If you have read it go read it again BECAUSE WHY THE HELL NOT.

We've also decided to keep this system going until October when I hand in my dissertation. Hopefully we can keep each other on the bandwagon, and I might even think of something to prompt her that isn't related to the gods LOL UNLIKELY.

Characters: Rhea, Zeus/Hera
Content Warnings: Mild smut towards the end you love it
Setting: Past
Word Count: 776
Rhea was stood by the window gazing out over the gardens when there was a knock at the door.

"Enter," she commanded. Zeus walked in, all confidence and charm as usual.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes." She fixed her cool eyes on him steadily. "I have become concerned with your behaviour regarding your various admirers. You cannot continue like this if you wish to take a wife." Zeus frowned slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"This flittering about from one interest to the next. If you wish to establish an enduring reign, you cannot risk causing offence." He rolled his eyes.

"I don't see why it matters. Whomever I marry will have to do as I say anyway." Rhea pursed her lips.

"Maybe so, but if you marry someone of a jealous disposition it may not simply bring harm to you alone." Zeus scoffed.

"Well that's just idiotic. I can't help it if people are attracted to me."

"No, but you might do less to encourage them."

"I'm just being polite," he smirked.

"Zeus, if you insist on being so slavishly devoted to your lust then I will have to forbid you from marrying."

Silence fell between them. Zeus looked suddenly serious.

"You don't mean that. You're the one who has always insisted I need a queen."

"I do," she insisted. "You do not understand the damage your behaviour could cause."

"Whatever girl I marry won't be allowed to complain."

"Yet if you select someone who is actually worthy of being queen she most certainly will." Zeus' face darkened.

"Who are you to tell me what to do anyway?" he demanded. "You might be my mother but with Father gone I'm the head of the family." Rhea narrowed her eyes.

"Don't be petulant," she snapped. "I am trying to advise you."

"No, you're trying to force me to do what you want," he said, flickers of electricity crackling in his hair. "You're trying to control me, so you can have more power!"

"I am doing nothing of the sort! If you refuse to listen to sense that is your prerogative, but do not accuse me of behaving in such manner, young man. You only confirm that you do not know the consequences of your actions."

Zeus glowered at her before he turned sharply and stormed out of the room, the door banging behind him. He stomped down the hall and made his way to the large weaving room. As he opened the door Hestia jumped to her feet, but he took no notice of her.

"A word," he demanded, looking directly at Hera.

"Alright, let me just finish-"

"Now." She raised her eyebrow and fixed him with a hard look. After a tense moment she stood and followed him out of the room, tactfully ignoring Demeter rolling her eyes.

"Yes?" she asked coolly as he slammed the door. He took her by the wrist and pulled her along, ignoring her indignant protests. He dragged her into an empty bedroom and pushed her against the door, kissing her passionately. After several moments she pulled away with a slight gasp.

"What are you doing?" she spat.

"You love it," he said bitingly.

"Th-That's not the point!" She gasped as he began to kiss and suck at her neck. He wrapped an arm possessively around her waist and pressed himself flush against her, running his other hand up the back of her thigh. She arched her hips against him and kissed him hard, gripping the back of his neck. It was only when he slipped his hand between the fabric of her robe and ran his fingers up the inside of her bare thigh that she pushed him away forcefully.

"What?" he demanded. Her pale skin was flushed and she glared at him.

"I've told you before."

"So I'm not even allowed to touch you? For fuck's sake, what do you think is going to happen?!"

"What is your problem?"

"I don't have a problem, you're the one who's being frigid."

"Well, sorry if I refuse to become one of your whores," she sneered.

"You still have to do what I say." She flushed deeper, this time with anger.

"I refuse." She straightened her robes and fixed her hair, a harsh, proud expression on her face.

"I order you to-"

"No." She turned her back on him and left the room, slamming the door behind her. Zeus swore loudly and kicked the door. How dare she speak to him in such a way! His fingertips sparked with electricity. Well, fine. If she was going to act like that, she could just forget about their meeting for later that evening.

Characters: Hestia, Zeus
Content Warnings: None
Setting: Pre-TLH-ish, kind of inspired by stuff of madri's
Word Count: 216
Hestia woke in the middle of the night to an urgent banging on her door. Stumbling slightly and only half awake, she pulled on her dressing gown and walked down the hall, using a small flame cupped in her hand as a light. When she finally opened the door she found Zeus on the other side in his own dressing gown and looking far worse for wear.
"I'm sealing Olympus," he said, his voice gravely and heavy with exhaustion. Hestia stared at him.
"I-What?" She rubbed her eyes and frowned. "Sealing Olympus?"
"Yes," he replied. "I'm recalling everyone. No-one is allowed in or out until this is over." Hestia shook her head.
"But why? Surely-"
"Whatever took Hera is still out there. We can't afford to lose any more."
"Brother, I really don't think-"
"Hestia," he snarled, making her jump. "Just make it happen."
"I-Yes, my Lord." She curtsied and bowed her head.
"Good," he said gruffly. Hestia bit her lip.
"...Is there anything else?" Zeus sighed.
"No, that is all." He turned to go when Hestia spoke again.
She hesitated slightly before saying, "I'm worried about her too." He studied her a moment, and Hestia saw his shoulders drop slightly.
"I know, Hes."
"Sleep well, brother." He grunted in reply and walked off.

Characters: Hera, Demeter (I was going to include a Hes one and then I didn't)
Content Warnings: Notoriously vague pronoun use
Setting: Past
Word Count: 251
She would watch her sister with pursed lips and a furrowed brow. How she would cock her head to one side and smile out from under long lashes, how she would giggle too much at jokes that weren't particularly funny and touch his arm in a half-shove when he flashed his cockiest smile. It was a variable she hadn't counted on, and she had to think on her feet to out-manoeuvre her. But how could she? Flirting didn't come easily to her, and it felt stiff and forced when she tried it. In the meantime she had to maintain a mask of perfect composure, keeping everything locked away, smiling when she needed to, laughing when it was appropriate, so her sister wouldn't realise how much damage she was causing.


She noticed. Oh, she noticed. Try as she might, her sister was not quite so good at hiding things as she suspected she was. There would be a visible flash in her hard eyes and in those moments she would betray her feelings before she could mask them. Sometimes when they talked about him her smile wouldn't quite reach her eyes, and you could see she was picking her words and phrases very deliberately, stepping gracefully along a fine line. Personally, she didn't much care to marry him: he thought far too well of himself and was incredibly pig-headed. But any time she spent with him seemed to cause her sister great irritation, and she took a vindictive pleasure in it.

myth, character: demeter, character: rhea, character: hera, fic dump, character: hestia, fic, character: zeus

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