Fic Dump #4

Sep 10, 2011 17:49

Bleh, been another exhausting couple of weeks. ON WITH THE FIC.

Something a little different. I did these prompts as exercises from a list of 30. I was going to finish all 30 and then I didn't. All first gen gods, mostly all back in the day because idrk how to write anything else.

I tried not to have ambiguous pronouns and then I did. Whoops. Also warning for borderline pretentiousness? IDK IDK.

Apart from the fact that he was bold and charismatic and people seemed to follow him like the Pied Piper, Zeus was constantly challenging and trying to defy her. That, Rhea thought, is what will make him the best candidate for kingship.

She stood perfectly still, her face tilted up, her eyes closed as her mother brushed the eye shadow lightly over her eyelids.
"Now open," Rhea said, "and see how you like it." Hera picked up the hand mirror gently off the dresser and looked at her reflection. She was slightly startled by how much older she suddenly looked. "Fit to be a queen," her mother said, brushing a curl gently back off Hera's forehead.

Even though he griped and grumbled and told her to leave him alone, he was still grateful when she not only ignored him completely, but made him squish up on the chair so she could sit crammed in beside him.
"I'm sorry, Brother, but you look like you need the company." She was right. It wouldn't be the last time.

She annoyed Demeter greatly. Always coy smiles and clever answers that didn't actually answer the question. It wasn't decent of her at all. Sisterhood was a two way street. After all, if you couldn't share secrets with your sisters, who could you share them with?

Rhea thought a union between her two eldest children might work-after all, they did get along far better than she had ever expected-but when she mentioned the idea to Hestia, her daughter had looked so confused by the proposition and laughed so carelessly at the idea of being in love that Rhea dropped the idea entirely.

Demeter felt so odd after the first time things had become heated between them she drew herself a bath of near scalding water and sank into the water all the way up to her neck. She could still feel the touch of his rough hands on her skin and she licked her lips self-consciously as she remembered how salty his kisses had been. He had smelt so unusual too: something she couldn't pinpoint that she had caught on a breeze once, maybe. Taking a deep breath she slid under the water completely.

They took off across the grass running as fast as their legs could take them. He drew out in front of his brother easily, fleet as a horse, ignoring the swearing and shouts from behind him. Although Zeus tended to shout and stomp if he lost, Poseidon was still of the opinion he should learn to lose now and then.

He learnt pretty quickly that even though it was far more entertaining to have no shame in his sexual endeavours, it was probably not a topic he should boast about in front of his mother and sisters.

If she was being completely objective about it, Zeus was, on paper, a much better pick. But in practice he was too self-aware for her liking. Marriage material or not (and she didn't think he was) there was something much more appealing to her about how calm and observant Poseidon could be. Still, flirting with Zeus was clearly driving Hera nuts, so she didn't feel particularly inclined to stop.

She was the smallest of her siblings, oldest and the smallest. She didn't like to argue either, and she was always trying to resolve disputes and help them to get along. She just wanted to avoid conflict and keep the peace. But sweet and forgiving as she was, there was a fire that burned inside her that kept her strong and steady, and to them, that was worth protecting.

She watched with awe and excitement as in her own hands the bud unfurled into a brilliant blossom, the leaves curling around her fingers in a delicate embrace.

The closer and closer he got to Hestia, the more and more Demeter disliked him. She resented that Hestia turned to him, unquestioningly, in times of personal crisis. After all, she was the sister, and she looked on Hestia as someone she should be protecting and looking after. He was just their strange, awkward brother who didn't want to get along with anyone. She held him in deep contempt.

"Wrong" was all the others seemed to say to him. She was the only one who ever said "right".

"I bet I can make you smile," he said one day, as they sat across from one another playing cards. She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I bet you five drachma I can make you smile!" She rolled her eyes.
"Don't be absurd."
Ten minutes later, she handed him five golden coins.

He placed his hand lightly on the small of her back to guide her through the doorway first. It was a small gesture, but it sent a shiver over her skin like a shock.

There was grass in her hair and clinging to her robes, but that wasn't unusual for her, and so no-one suspected a thing.

No matter how old any of them got they still secretly loved the sound of their mother's voice as she walked around the palace in the evenings, singing quietly to herself.

He had seen her cry before, so he wasn't quite sure why this time it was so hard to see. Awkwardly, he pulled her into a tight hug and she sobbed into his chest. He suddenly felt fiercely protective of her and angry towards whoever had made her so upset. She was so sweet and gentle to everyone she didn't deserve to be sad. She was so rarely pushed to tears he knew how actuely the pain she must be feeling was. In that moment he resolved that he would always be there to protect her from any harm, to make sure her heart remained untouched.

After lights out, the three of them would climb into one bed, pull the covers over their heads, and whisper and giggle quietly with one another, sharing secrets and teasing each other gently.

Prayers weren't enough to keep the family together. The night after the Council, Hestia buried her face in her pillow and cried herself to sleep.

Hades was always so grumpy and grim and frustrated, and while this was the source of much teasing, a seriously talking to from their tiniest sister was enough to make his brothers take it upon themselves to see if they could give him an attitude adjustment. After several days consideration, Zeus and Poseidon realised in a flash of brilliance that their mission was clear: they had to get Hades laid.

The routine of their lives had always held together tenuously; when Rhea left it collapsed like a paper house.

It wasn't so bad, Hades decided, after several months. And anyway, a kingdom of the dead would always be far greater than one of the living.

Comment away~

character: persephone, myth, character: demeter, character: rhea, character: hera, fic dump, character: hestia, character: poseidon, character: zeus, fic, character: hades

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