31 days of Ryo (Birthday special)

Nov 03, 2012 16:17

Title: 31 days of Ryo (Birthday special)
Pairing: Ryo with various
Rating:  PG - R
Genre: Romance, friendship, humour,
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, but the story is mine. :D
Note: English is not my native language, so I'm sorry for mistakes
Summary: 31 days of Ryo-love. Every day contains a different pairing.

1st day of YokoRyo

Yoko smiled when he sees the slender figure standing on stage, his guitar in his hands.

“God, you smile like a teenager in love,” Subaru grumbles.

“Maybe I am,” Yoko returns. A big grin appears around his lips when he sees Ryo smiling at him.

2nd day of RyoKame

Kame was sure that he had placed his stuff on the table, but it was nowhere around there. Slowly he started getting annoyed. When he felt Ryo’s hands around his waist he leaned into the embrace.

“Look under the table,” Ryo whispered. “After our hot and steamy sex session yesterday it is probably there.”

Kame blushed when he collected the sheets from the floor.

3rd day of HinaRyo

Ryo brushed over the other’s trained body. He loved every part of his skin. When Hina opened his eyes, smiling at him, Ryo’s belly started dancing. It wasn’t only the body he loved, it was everything.

4th day of RyoPi

Ryo glanced at Pi. Since weeks they were fighting because of minor reasons. Often we thought if it was over. Was there was a chance for them, or was it already over. Right in the moment Ryo wanted to leave, he felt Pi’s hand around his arm. “I need you,” he whispered and Ryo knew he couldn’t go, and in the end he didn’t want to go.

5th day of NinoRyo

“Yeah, I won again,” Nino yelled. His grin covered the whole face. Ryo mostly loved Nino’s smile, but not when it was about him winning another video game. Ryo wasn’t a bad loser, but he hated it how Nino teased him afterwards. “I am sorry,” Nino whispered. He was suddenly close to Ryo’s face. “I let you take the lead tonight, okay?” Ryo smiled when Nino kissed him. In the end he was the winner in the bedroom.

6th day of RyoYou

When you feel his kisses all over your body, you know it is right. Even though you doubt sometimes. It’s hard to be with him. He is a celebrity after all. You can’t share a normal life, like so many other couples.

But when you hear him saying that he loves you, when he tells you that you are his girl, and when he is singing a song for you, you know that these complications are worth it.

7th day of YasuRyo

Two guitars played the same melody. It was a melancholic song, but it fit the mood which was spread in the air. Ryo didn’t look up, he was just playing.

When he heard the second guitar, he opened his eyes for one moment. He saw Yasu sitting next to him, playing the same melody, but he didn’t care about it.

“I am sorry for what I did,” Yasu said after a while.

Ryo just nodded. He knew the other felt sorry, and he knew he’d forgive him, but he’d need some more time.

8th day of Ace/Mac (8uppers // YokoRyo)

Ace grasped the wall to find some hold. He could feel the other one’s hand in his pants, stroking him into full hardness.

He moaned when Mac entered him, pushing into him roughly. “I love you,” Mac whispered into the other’s ear.

Ace moaned loudly when his spot got hit again and again, he wasn’t able to say anything else than “more” or “faster”. With a last yell he finally came.

“I love you too,” he answered.

They weren’t cheesy, but their relationship was something else than random.

9th day of Taisuke/Koichi (Ryusei no kisuna // NinoRyo)

“Do you really think that’s okay?” Koichi asked. He lied next to his brother, stroking his chest lovingly.

“It’s not right, but it’s okay. I can’t keep it behind.” Taisuke answered. He stroked softly over his brother’s cheek.

A small smile curled around both of their lips. Their eyes were sparkling like stars on the night sky. When they kissed, the world stopped and belonged only to them.

Even though it wasn’t right what they did, for them it was.

10th day of RyoAsami

The first time they met was on set.

The second time they met was in the bar.

The third time they met was in the restaurant.

The fourth time they met was in Ryo’s apartment.

The fifth time they woke up together in one bed.

11th day of SubaRyo

It’s not easy to go on as friends after a 5 year relationship. It still hurts Subaru to see his band mate almost every day. He hates it when he sees how Ryo smiles, because it seems like he has already forgotten that they were together.

“Hey, Subaru, can you help me with the music? There is something wrong with it, and I don’t know what it is,” Ryo’s smile is honest. Subaru can see that he doesn’t have anything bad in his mind.

“Sure,” he answers. It will take weeks, maybe months, but he’ll overcome the stinging pain in his chest.

12th day of KoichiRyo

Ryo didn’t know why he was here. He never went to KK concerts, but this time he did. Maybe it was because Koichi asked him to drop by, but if someone would ask, he was forced to go there.

When the music started and Ryo saw Koichi standing on the stage, his cheeks flushed. And with that he knew no one would believe when he’d say that he wasn’t there because of him.

13th day of KokiRyo

Koki never thought that he’d be able to fanboy over someone. Most time when Kame did so he started laughing, and now?

He was not different from the others. When the light was dimmed his heart started beating faster. He knew Ryo would come out now and sing - mostly sing for him.

14th day of AibaKameRyo

Ryo loved his birthday. It always meant that he got something special. Like today. He breathed in deeply when he felt some ice cubes on his body. He could feel two tongues gliding down his chest, sucking on here and there.

Ryo could only guess it was Aiba who was kissing him right now, because he was blindfolded. But he knew the two would care about him this night, because it was his birthday night, and he loved it to get petted by Aiba and Kame.

15th day of ShingoRyo

Ryo knew his Senpai since years, but he always saw him as funny and somehow weird guy. But when Ryo was sitting outside, big tears dropping down his cheeks, he got to know the other way Shingo could be.

He came up to him, sat down next to him, gave him a tissue and promised him that everything would be alright.

Two months later, when Ryo woke up in Shingo’s bed he knew his Senpai was right.

16th day of Sakai Masato/ Ryo

Ryo got nervous when he walked on the set. He knew the other from interviews and various parties, but they never talked with each other. He didn’t know what to say and how to act.

When Masato made the first step and invited Ryo for dinner, Ryo’s nervousness started fading away.

When they slept the first time with each other Ryo could feel a different kind of nervousness appearing in him.

And when they decided to go different paths Ryo’s nervousness turned into sadness.

17th day of SaitoRyo

Ryo turned around in his bed. It was a hot summer night. He closed his eyes when he heard the soft melody. He loved when Saito played the guitar, but the more he loved when the other joined him in bed and started kissing him tenderly.

“Sorry for waking you up,” he said while kissing Ryo’s neck.

“It doesn’t matter as long as you take care about me now,” Ryo smirked evilly.

18th day of MaruRyo

Maru ran up and down in his apartment. He cleaned for hours, he prepared something to eat, he cleaned again, he bought more food, he forgot the wine, so he walked to the supermarket again, he needed to make another Pizza, because the first burnt, he got desperate, because nothing worked out, and then the doorbell rang.

When Maru woke up and looked at Ryo next to him in his bed, he knew all the preparation was useless, because he already knew they’d jump each other almost immediately.

19th day of TegoRyo

Ryo’s hand roamed down Tegoshi’s chest. Ryo could feel the other’s arousal rising. Ryo smiled. He exactly knew how to touch Tegoshi after all this years of being together.

They knew every part of each other, every weak and every strong point they had.

Sometimes it scared Ryo, but he would never wish it to be different.

20th day of TaichiRyo

When Ryo had his first piano lesson he was nervous, because it was Taichi who’d teach him. But the other’s cool way of acting with him let him feel content in between a short time.

Ryo’s bounce in his belly just appeared again when Taichi taught him something else with or better to say on the piano.

21st day of Aoi/ Ryuzaki (Orthros no inu // TakkiRyo)

Their power was gone, and with that the extreme tension between them. They were just two normal people, two guys who were brothers, but no one knew about it.

It also didn’t matter that they knew it, because in the end their love was much stronger than the feeling of doing something wrong.

It was their chance to start new - a new life together.

22nd day of Date/Kudo (Joker // Ryo/ Sakai Masato)

Kudo wasn’t the shy type, but when it was about his body and his past he was different. He didn’t want to talk about it, and he didn’t want someone to see what has happened to him.

Everything changed when he got to know Date, who was calm and somehow stoic, but he caught him with the first sentence they talked with each other.

When Kudo was lying in the bed, thinking about his life, he was glad when Date joined him. He could feel Date’s hand on his back, stroking the scars lovingly. “Talk to me,” he often said.

Kudo didn’t want to, but to see Date’s warm and tender eyes let Kudo open up to him, and he started talking about everything, till he found himself lying in Date’s arms.

23rd day of Ryo/ Shirota Yuu

Ryo bit his lips to hide his bright smile.

“What?” Yuu asked.

“Nothing,” Ryo just answered. He bent forward to lean against the other’s back. He loved it to be surrounded by Yuu. When he lied in his arms, Ryo thought he’d disappear somewhere, because Yuu was tall and strong. He felt save and loved when Yuu hugged him and he got pressed against his chest.

“I love that you are so tall and strong,” Ryo whispered while he kissed down Yuu’s back.

24th day of RyoUchi

Ryo always played on the playground right in front of his house. He didn’t know the boy who was suddenly also there, but he could see that the other children just laughed about him and started ignoring him.

“What’s your problem with him?” Ryo asked one of his friends.

“Look at him. He is tall and fat, and he can’t be Japanese,” one of them returned.

Ryo got angry. He hated such a behavior. He left his friends to walk to the boy, who was sitting on the swing, crying.

“Hey, I am Ryo. And you?” He smiled at him.

“Uchi Hiroki.” The boy sobbed.

“Hey, Hiroki-kun, let’s play together,” Ryo smiled and took the other one’s arm to pull him along.

“And your friends?”

“You are my friend now, okay?” Ryo smiled at him.

25th day of TakkiRyo

“I won’t stay at home,” Ryo yelled. He walked up to his closet to pull out some of his clothes. He felt weak and everything around him started getting dizzy, but he wouldn’t stay at home. He needed to work after all.

“You will go to bed and nowhere else,” Takki crossed the arms in front of his body and stepped to Ryo.

“You aren’t my mother,” Ryo replied.

“You are right, but you don’t have the key to this room,” Takki’s smile was evil. Ryo was too slow to prevent the next things happened. Takki closed the door to their bedroom and turned the key.

Ryo was locked. He was in the 14th floor, so he couldn’t escape. “Let me out!”, he yelled, but he knew it wouldn’t help. He was caught, and the only thing he could do was going to bed.

Even though he hated Takki sometimes, he also loved how he cared about him. “Bring me at least some tea,” he yelled.

26th day of KimuraRyo

“Is it really okay?” Ryo asked. It wasn’t the first time he repeated the same question. Kimura was lying next to him, his eyes closed.

“Ryo, why are you so insecure about us?” he finally asked back.

“Because I can’t believe that you chose me,” Ryo’s words were honest. When he felt Kimura pulling on his arm to make him sit on Kimura’s lap, he remembered that it was okay, because both wanted each other.

27th day of RyoJin

Ryo loved this special candy shop next to his apartment. He went in there every day he had time to do so. “Three of the strawberry candies, one chocolate and one caramel stick, some apple bonbons and three chewing gums,” Ryo smiled, his eyes were sparkling.

The young man returned it and gave him the little package with the candy. “How are you today, Ryo-kun?”

“Fine, thanks, and you Jin-kun?”

“Everything alright. How about a coffee tonight?” Jin suggested. Ryo agreed almost immediately.

He walked out of the shop and gave the sweets to the neighbor’s child. He hated candies, but he loved going out for a coffee.

28th day of ShoRyo

Their first date was a disaster.

Their second date ended in the hospital.

Their third date didn’t happen.

Why? Because they decided to stop dating - and jumped directly to the next step.

Ryo smiled when he woke up in Sho’s bed. His body felt a little bit sore, but it was okay, because he never experienced something like this before.

29th day of MatsuRyo

Jun loved showers, and so did Ryo. When Ryo felt the other one pressing him against the wall, the heat in his body rose. Not even the cool water could change this.

Ryo loved how explosive Jun could be. He got almost rough when he was really aroused. Ryo could feel him biting into his neck playfully. He scratched over Ryo’s butt with his fingernails, making him moan in pleasure. When Jun entered him, Ryo couldn’t avoid moaning loudly. Jun pounded into him merciless, his hands still scratching down Ryo’s body.

But no matter how rough the foreplay and the sex was, it was always love making.

30th day of OhnoRyo

Ryo felt ashamed. He stood there in the middle of the room - naked, while the other scanned him properly.

“Satoshi, I feel strange,” Ryo said honestly.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of Ryo. I am just portraying you. And believe me, you are perfect,” Ohno grinned brightly.

Nevertheless Ryo’s cheeks flushed. “But I am the only naked here,” he complained.

“Oh we can change this,” Ohno replied and started undressing himself. “Better?”

“Yes, thanks,” Ryo said, totally distracted from the body he wanted to touch.

31st day of AibaRyo

They sat towards each other, both bouncing up and down because of nervousness. “And you never did it before?” Aiba asked.

“No,” Ryo shook his head.

“Okay, let’s try it,” Aiba breathed out before he closed his eyes and waited. Some seconds later he could feel Ryo’s lips on his, caressing them with his own.

He opened his mouth a bit to let Ryo’s tongue slip in. The kiss started shy, but turned into a heated one.

Hours later they stopped, both with sore lips, but both content and totally bouncy.

NOTE: Dear readers, thanks for all your support. I hope you enjoy reading my things and you enjoy your stay in my community. Maybe there is something you want to have and you want someone writing it for you?! Feel free to request it

p: nishikido ryo/ uchi hiroki, p: nishikido ryo/ takizawa hideaki, g: romance, g: angst, g: au-ish, p: aoi/ ryuzaki, p: matsumoto jun/ nishikido ryo, p: kimura takuya/ nishikido ryo, p: date/ kudo, p: nishikido ryo/ saito kazuyoshi, p: nishikido ryo/ sakai masato, r: pg13, g: fluff, r: pg, p: akanishi jin/ nishikido ryo, p: nishikido ryo/ tegoshi yuya, d: ryusei no kizuna, d: joker, p: nishikido ryo/ yokoyama you, p: kamenashi kazuya/ nishikido ryo, r: pg15, p: nishikido ryo/ ohno satoshi, length: drabble, d: orthros no inu, d: 8uppers

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