Never change a winning team (RyoUchi One Shot)

Nov 25, 2012 09:55

Title: Never change a winning team
Pairing/Group: Nishikido Ryo/ Uchi Hiroki
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: Paths can part - the question is if you are able to find a way to each other again.
Note: Written for the junior_exchange

Never change a winning team. That's what Ryo's father had always said when he was still a child.

He’d almost forgotten about that, but somehow it came back to his mind again, hunting him every day and night.

The winning team changed. Uchi was gone and for the time being Ryo had no idea where he was.

They were living in a small town. It was like a different world and most of the young people around the area only wished to get away from that place. They dreamt of moving into the city, living life like a big party. Ryo had never cared about that, because he was happy the way he was.

As it was he felt comfortable where he was, but he knew Uchi didn't feel the same. They’d been living together since two years already and everything was perfect. Their little apartment had a direct view to the lake and the forest around it. Of course, living in a big city was nice, but Ryo enjoyed the silence and nature around him. It was the perfect place for him to rehearse and compose new songs. It was enough for him to be in town once in a while to play in some small bars.

Up to the resent day he had thought Uchi was enjoying it like he did, but he’d been wrong. And with that the winning team broke apart. Uchi was more and more in Tokyo, he stayed away for weeks and sometimes he didn't even call Ryo for days going. At first it wasn't hard for Ryo. He thought Uchi would need some freedom and the feeling of being in a crowd.

It was a warm evening. They sat on their balcony with two glasses of wine and some self-made cookies. Ryo had his eyes closed. He was listening to the crickets. It had something calm and peaceful for him. No traffic, no loud noises, he loved it.

"I want to move to Tokyo." Uchi said after a while. The words Ryo had feared the most. He didn't want to leave this place.

"What?" Ryo looked up at him.

He could see Uchi was nervous and from that he knew what the other wanted to tell him. "I got the offer to work in one of the most famous advertisement agencies around Tokyo. But for that I have to move to Tokyo."

"With the car you only need 45 minutes to get there." Ryo tried. He knew Uchi would never agree to that, because he hated driving the car - especially during rush hour.

"Ryo." Uchi started. He didn't want to go alone, but he knew that in case Ryo wouldn't go with him, he'd go alone.

"I know. It's the way you want to go. Maybe it's time to let go." Ryo sipped on the glass. His eyes were sad, Uchi could see it. His heart ached when he heard the other one's words.

"But we can live separately and still being together, right?" Ryo could hear the depression in Uchi's voice. He wanted to say yes, but he knew that wouldn't work out. Not because it didn't in generally, but he knew Uchi better than anyone else. He was someone who needed his partner around him, who needed someone to care about him, and with the separation he would
suffer and he knew he would start to blame Ryo for whatever was a current topic. Every time Uchi was away for a longer time and Ryo didn’t call, they would fight afterwards, because Uchi started clinging again.

"We wouldn't see each other often, because I will start working in the bar here in town next week. I wanted to tell you today that I got the job and I accepted the offer." Ryo's voice was deep and Uchi could hear that it wasn't easy for the other one to speak.

"I am sorry." Uchi had his gaze lowered. He already knew it was hopeless. He needed the other to be with him and he wouldn't be able to manage a relationship on distance - even when it wasn’t far, he would not have Ryo around when he needed him. He wasn't the type for that kind of thing at all.

Uchi moved out while Ryo was at work. They wanted it like that. They didn't want to see the other's pain and they both didn't want to say goodbye.

The apartment was empty when Ryo came home later in the afternoon. It was too empty and silent. The sunlight was lighting the room, but the comfortable feeling was almost gone. The apartment wasn't Ryo's soul anymore without Uchi in it. He’d often said that his life with the other in that apartment was his soul - his one and only. And suddenly that one and only was gone. And even though the apartment was still the same, it wasn't the heart of Ryo's life - it was Uchi.

He thought about whether maybe he just should have gone with him, but he knew that wasn't the life he wanted. He didn't want to go to Tokyo, he didn't want to live there. He just hoped he wouldn't regret it. He shook his head to forget about the real reasons why he hated Tokyo so much. He never talked with someone about it, and he wouldn't do it. Never.

Uchi's apartment was almost empty. He hadn't had the time to unpack his things or to buy furniture. So he only had the essentials. On the small table he had he placed the most precious thing he’d taken with him. He smiled sadly as he looked at the picture, showing
him and Ryo. They smiled at each other. Uchi brushed his finger over Ryo on the picture. Maybe he should call him or message him? In the end they hadn't broken up in a fight.

From: Uchi
To: Ryo

How are you doing?

Uchi stepped under the shower, the warm water running down his back. He enjoyed having some time for himself after a long and exhausting day. He listened closely if his mobile was vibrating, but even after he was done and already lying in the bed he didn't get an answer.

It was 4am when Uchi woke up because something was vibrating. He rubbed his eyes and took his mobile.

From: Ryo
To: Uchi

I got home from work now.

Uchi smiled. He didn't know if it was because he got an answer, or if it was a sad smile because the answer sounded so cold and rough. It wasn't what he was used from Ryo.

He decided to answer to it.

From: Uchi
To: Ryo

How's your new work?

Again there was no answer for a longer time. Uchi was already dozing off again when he saw his phone blinking again.

From: Ryo
To: Uchi

Great. Sorry, need to go.

That time Uchi knew he was smiling because he was sad. He bit his lips nervously, staring at the message for minutes without moving. It was a cold message, like Ryo wasn't even interested in talking to him. Did he hate him? Uchi couldn't stop thinking about everything
and his night got restless. He was rolling around, but he didn't find any sleep.

He listened. A bird was singing outside. He coiled up and concentrated on it. He loved that noise. It reminded him of his and Ryo's world. Their soul. He finally fell asleep for at least some more hours.

Days passed and Uchi's work got more stressful. For some hours he even forgot about thinking of Ryo. It was some days later that he heard some guys talking. "I am going to marry next month." One of them said. Uchi smiled and congratulated him.
Something in him was twitching painfully. He missed Ryo. He was sure about it.

"I am out for some fresh air." Uchi finally said and left the room. He didn't know if he was allowed to write Ryo again, but he did.

From: Uchi
To: Ryo

I miss you.

He regretted it when he had sent the message. He knew he wasn't allowed to say this anymore. But he was always weak when it was about his own feelings. He always needed to tell everyone how he felt.

Much to his surprise this time the answer didn't take that long.

From: Ryo
To: Uchi

Are you already at home?

Uchi blinked at that. What did Ryo want from him? Why was he interested where Uchi was?

From: Uchi
To: Ryo

No, why?

From: Ryo
To: Uchi

Go home.

Uchi didn't understand a word. He walked back into the bar, torn between staying and going home. He didn't know what Ryo’s intention was. He got more and more nervous and finally left to get back to his apartment. He walked upstairs and stopped when he saw a small package in front of his door. It was Ryo's handwriting on the top of it.

"Never change a winning team." Was written on it. He took the package and placed it on the small table on his balcony. It was a warm night, so he could sit outside. He opened the item and smiled when he saw a little box with self-made cookies in it.

He took one and tasted it. With his eyes closed he tried to keep every single taste of it. He loved Ryo's cooking skills. Next to the cookies he saw a small letter. He took it out of the package and unfolded it. It was Ryo's handwriting. Uchi never would have expected such a long letter - 4 pages all in all. He leaned back and started reading it.

Dear Hiroki,

I don't know how often I started writing this letter, because I don't know how to tell you about my feelings. But I felt the need to explain myself.

When you wrote me that you miss me, something in me twitched painfully. I tried to ignore all the feelings and pushed them aside. I know it's your dream to live in Tokyo. You like the city life and I totally understand that, but let me tell you why it is difficult for me.

I was living in Tokyo some years ago and some guys bullied me. They were after me no matter where I was. I was playing in this little bar and they visited me every night. I tried to run away, to hide, but it didn't matter, they always found me.

I am afraid of meeting them, or others like they were, again. That's the main reason I didn't want to move. Maybe it sounds strange to you and, believe me, I tried to fight against my fear, but I just can’t get over it. At least that's what I believed.

And then I got your message, and I remembered what makes my life complete. The fear of those guys isn't the main focus of my life. It isn't the feeling that I need like air to breathe. It's you.

If you still want to meet me, I will come to Tokyo in two days. I want to clear up some things to get a chance to complete the winning team again.


Uchi swallowed. He hadn't known that Ryo’d had a hard time in Tokyo. He had never talked about it, he only refused going there. Finally he started to understand why Ryo had never come with him, why he’d always remained at home. He knew he needed to meet him to make them one soul again.

Two days passed too slowly. Uchi almost counted every second of a day. Finally the day came. Finally he would be able to talk with Ryo again. Talk about their future. Uchi crossed the park in front of his apartment, where he could already see a slender figure waiting for him. He immediately knew it was Ryo. There was no chance that he wouldn't recognize him. He looked nervous, Uchi could see it in his behaviour. He rubbed his hands on his pants and bounced from one side to the other. Uchi was wondering if it was because they would meet or if Ryo was afraid of something else. "Ryo-chan?" Uchi called him when he was so close the other would hear him.

Ryo looked up. He smiled, his head tilted to the side a little. Uchi saw Ryo's eyes sparkling like he loved it most. "Hiro." Ryo's voice was hoarse and there was a sign of relieve in it.

They wanted to talk, but the first thing that happened was Uchi wrapping his arms around Ryo and pulling into a warm hug. Ryo's body was tense, Uchi could feel it, but with the embrace he got more relaxed. He drove small patterns down Uchi's back and leaned more and more into him.

After dissolving they walked into the building. "That's my apartment", Uchi said as they walked into the room. Ryo looked around, a small smile curling around his lips. "That looks like my apartment would look like without your sense for furniture." Uchi pouted at him.
"No, I mean that without your style my apartment would be cold and grey. No matter if I am in a big town or in a place where only five people are living."

Ryo walked around and stopped when he saw the picture of them together on the small table. He brushed over it, lost in his thoughts. "Ryo?" Uchi said after a while. "Please come here with me."

"I don't know...." Ryo looked at the other, his heart was aching when he saw Uchi's sad glance. He remembered, he’d felt like someone had cut off his breath when he had gotten off the train earlier. He had tried to avoid facing anyone, he’d just searched for Uchi's apartment and sat down there to wait for the other. "I am .... scared."

Uchi stepped closer behind Ryo. He wrapped his arms around the latter's waist and leaned his chin on Ryo's head. "How about I watch out for you? How about I will be your bodyguard?"


"No, listen, I will buy a black suit and sunglasses, and I will wear a cool walky-talky and a gun." Uchi grinned brightly.

Ryo just rolled his eyes at that, but in the end he had to smile at that idea. "Idiot." he finally said. He looked down at Uchi's hands on his stomach. This was his soul. This was what he needed. It was his life-elixir.

"Really, Ryo. I will care about you. Please, don't leave me alone." Uchi started biting his lips nervously. His heart beat rose. He could see Ryo was thinking about it. He put his hands on Ryo's cheeks, stroking them lovingly before he kissed him softly. "Please."

Days passed…

Ryo sighed. The bags were heavy and he really didn't want to carry all the stuff anymore. "Hiroki! You were the one who said you will be my bodyguard, so get your ass here and take this stuff." Ryo yelled.

Several hours later they had finally managed to get all of Ryo’s things into Uchi’s apartment. He was terribly tired, but Uchi was still grinning like mad, his mood all chipper. "Welcome home." He said later on. Ryo looked around. The grey and lifeless apartment had turned into a light and warm place. "And you can even hear the birds singing in the morning." Uchi said, his head leaning against Ryo's shoulder.

Ryo kissed his forehead and smiled at him. "Tokyo isn't that bad anymore." He said after a while. He kissed down Uchi's cheek till he reached his lips and cupped them with his own.

NOTE: Dear readers, thanks for all your support. I hope you enjoy reading my things and you enjoy your stay in my community. Maybe there is something you want to have and you want someone writing it for you?! Feel free to request it

p: nishikido ryo/ uchi hiroki, g: romance, g: drama, lenght: one shot, r: pg13, g: au-ish

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