[F-Fic] Haunted 3/?? (KH, VenxLea/Axel, Demyx X Zexion)

Feb 26, 2010 17:27

Disclaimer: KH is Disney's and Square Enix's (unfortunately D8  it's a yaoi game, I so swear)
Summary: Lingering spirits, taking advantage of those who miss them the most to get back at the mass murderer who is still on the loose. Ventus and Zexion exploit the undead fact to get revenge on the living with Axel and Demyx as their unwilling accomplices. AU
Pairings: Ventus/Axel, Demyx/Zexion, Axel/Roxas
Genre: Spiritual, Horror, Adventure, Tragedy... blah
- only the first paragraph and the back few parts make sense
- I was under work pressure (overdue homework)
- Time off to fix costume
- No pre-checks for grammatical/spelling errors, hur

A/N: I swear that I so do not had a brain when writing the middle parts.

Navigation: *(1)* . *(2)*Hey Demyx!

In 2 months, it’s going to be that time of the year again. You know what it is. It’s the ever grand Golde Twins Crashes the Nocturne House event. Mum and Dad are going to visit Grandpa and Grandma, and we’re not allowed to go. I tried to appeal to them since they usually tend to favour me more, but look where it got us. Another year of messing at your place, even though we’re already 16. This time we’re staying at your place for real since Big Bro kicked the bucket last year. We had it bad, all of us but we sort of pulled through. I mean, Ven won’t wanna see us sad and all. Rox wasn’t quite the same and I had to literally drag him to see the school counselor. But Rox being Rox, he put up quite a fight. Riku had to subdue him into going. He seems alright now. After all, Ven worried about Rox the most. That’s all I’m allowed to tell you. Better proof up your place.

Till then. Sora

Demyx wanted to laugh after he read the email. Sora had been nice to warn him in advance that they were coming to the city. The last warning he got was a week in advance and they were staying with Ven then. In the 8 hour visit, the three brothers wrecked enough havoc. Ven had to clean up with him and needless to say, the three of them left pretty late. The twins visited the city for as long as he could remember. He missed Ven as well, and that would be even harder when a blatant reminder walks through the place in two months. After all, Ven was the one who took care of the twins whenever they arrived, like any brother should. He was sure neither of the twins met Axel yet.

He heard the door knock loudly twice. Demyx jumped off the chair and ran to the door. Through the peephole, he saw Zexion. “Zex!” he exclaimed as he opened the door. Zexion smiled wryly.

“Hello Demyx,” he greeted. “So are you going to let me in?”

Demyx stepped aside to let the smaller boy pass. “Sorry,” he laughed as he closed the door. “I just gotten an email from Sora. He’s coming over again.”

“That would be great isn’t it?” Zexion commented as he headed for Demyx’s room. The small apartment only had two rooms. One for Demyx’s personal use and the other acted as a spare room, be it Demyx’s semester-long plant samples or his music equipment. Or a place where a guest can spend the night. “So you’re going to let your little cousins room in there?” He gave a skeptical glance to the second room. It was messy, for one. Water tanks were lined neatly along the wall, some containing plants and fishes, but in the center, sheets of scores were strewn over the floor. A spare amp was sitting in the middle of nowhere and the guitar and its casing were haphazardly placed. “God knows Sora is accident-prone,” he remarked.

Demyx let out a nervous laugh. “I was going to deal with it,” he answered. “What brings you here?”

Zexion handed him the samples of kelp Demyx had forgotten to retrieve from Marluxia. “Marly asked me to give this back to you. He said Professor Aqua gave you the same kelp in different kinds of water.”

The other took the plants gratefully and placed them onto the nearest table. “Thanks Zex,” he said. “You came all the way here just to return the plants?” he asked in a teasing manner.

“Fine, next time I’ll come over with the excuse that a new horror movie is in town and you’re coming along with me,” Zexion replied, his eye taking on a strange glint. Turning his attention back to the room, he remarked, “Looks like you’re going to need a hand.”

What he saw, and Demyx did not, was Ven in a corner of the room. “He’s coming,” Ven told Zexion.

Zexion looked back to make sure Demyx was well away from the room and out of hearing range. “Who, Axel?” Zexion asked quietly. Ven nodded. “He’ll see me for sure,” Zexion told the smaller boy. “But Dem knows you’re dead. It’s better for you to wait back at Axel’s place.” After Ven disappeared, Zexion went over to Demyx’s room.

“Hey Dem, I’ll be clearing stuff for a while,” he said. Demyx nodded without looking back.

“Sure, call me if you need help,” he said over his shoulder. “I’ll be finishing the kelp report here.”

Zexion turned back and closed all the windows of the other room and left the door open. He needed stealth to keep Axel from running away.

True to Ven’s word, the doorbell rang in a few minutes. Demyx groaned in annoyance and answered the door for the second time. Joy wiped Annoy out from his mind in an instant. “Ax!!” he greeted. “Aren’t you supposed to be working?”

“Day off,” the redhead replied, amused. “So wanna go down to the warehouses by the harbor?”

Demyx shook his head. “Can’t Axe,” he replied. “Cousins coming over in a couple of months. I’m going to have to Sora-proof the place. Aha I know! You can help me.”

To his surprise, Axel shrugged and agreed. “I had nothing else to do anyway.”

The blond looked at the redhead in shock. It was Axel. The Axel who would not help anyone out of the blue for no reason. “Whatever happened to the business down at the harbor?” Demyx queried.

“Nah, just some peers from school wanting to break into one of the unused warehouses and asked me to go along with them,” Axel replied. Pointing to the room Zexion was in, he asked, “This one right?”

Demyx nodded as he headed into his room. “Yeah. Try not to break anything or electrocute the fishes ok?” he requested. “I got Professor Aqua’s report to finish and I need the day off tomorrow.”

The moment Axel stepped into the unlit room he let out a string of curses. It was cold. The door suddenly closed, plunging the room into semi-darkness. “What the…”

“Axel,” he heard someone say his name. When he looked at the person who addressed him, his blood ran cold.

“You’re… supposed to be…,” Axel fumbled around for words.

“Dead?” Zexion supplied helpfully, a ghost of a smile on his pale lips. “Indeed, I know I am. Demyx doesn’t.”

Axel’s eyes narrowed. “Whatever you’re doing, you can go the hell out of the mortal world. Leave Dem alone, you’re not supposed to be here,” he ground out.

Zexion shot him a glare. “Not until I apprehend the idiot with the machine gun,” he snapped back. “I’m not going to go quietly while that maniac could go to other blocks and re-enact the same scenario.”

Axel gave him his trademark “I don’t believe you” smirk. “I’m sure it would be hard to march up and walk around the grounds with a machine gun,” the redhead replied. “Mr Strife with his huge sword caused enough commotion although he claimed to have brought the sword for Professor Vexen’s research and have filed for permission.”

“You better listen to him, Lea,” someone beside him said softly. “The maniac is certain to strike again.”

Blond hair, a white and black jacket with a red inner lining, black pants with white bell bottoms and an X shaped belt draped from his shoulders and over his torso. Bright sapphire eyes met acid green. “He’s still out there, planning his next attack,” the blond boy said.

“V… Ven…” Axel seemed at a total loss for words.

Ventus looked at Axel with determination. “Zexion and I have been tailing that guy. He’s going for Professor Aqua next,” Ventus explained. “He would stop at nothing to be the only student left in the circle.”

‘This is where I need you and Dem,” Zexion continued. “Physical beings. Not untouchable ones like Ven and I. We need you, to find Terra.”
A/N: Yes, 'Golde'. Coz Ven and Rox has same face and same blond hair and Sora doesn't, so Sora was outvoted >D Lame name though. No, Cloud doesn't actually teach obnoxious has-attitude undergrads so he doesn't have the title 'Prof' like Aqua and Vexen. Yes, Terra with Xehanort's influence is deadly. Otherwise he seemed like a nice guy. Although nobody can EVER win Reno if wanna compare to the FF7 references >D


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