Title: From The Inside (2/2)
Pairing: Leeteuk/Kangin
Prompt: From The Inside - Linkin Park (Drabble #7)
Rated PG-13 (Swearing, mentions of...stuff)
A/N: This is based on a drabble I did for a challenge found
Here Summary: Trying not to break but I'm so tired of this deceit every time I try to make myself get back up on my feet all I ever think about is
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Comments 18
But I enjoyed this story. :D
Merci Beaucoup for reading~♥
but regardless I'm glad you were still able to enjoy it
I'm actually thinking of writing a middle-verse because I really didn't like just ending it like that either. Your thoughts?
[And I would totally read your story, pass the love right back ;D]
Thanks so much for reading~!♥
glad they fixed up everything...it was really sad and touching... <333
{and you're very very very welcome ;D}
this totally broke my heart! s':
first KangTeuk breaks - then the members hate on KangIn - then KangIn is getting raped?! D':
I could totally imagine him doing ANYTHING to protect the other guys - but this is just.. heartbreaking >.<
KangIn I love you!<3
It's a good thing that they find out eventually, and loves KangIn again (':
Thank you so much for reading and commenting though
It was always my opinion that Kangin would be the type
to protect them no matter what ♥
No prob.! (:
Yeah - I'll definitely agree with you on that :)♥
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