Title: From The Inside (2/2)
Pairing: Leeteuk/Kangin
Prompt: From The Inside - Linkin Park (Drabble #7)
Rated PG-13 (Swearing, mentions of...stuff)
A/N: This is based on a drabble I did for a challenge found
Here Summary: Trying not to break but I'm so tired of this deceit every time I try to make myself get back up on my feet all I ever think about is
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Honestly, I have to say that style wise it’s nothing special and there’s not even a single scene in this story. But… I’m still smiling and I LOVE how you didn’t use the ‘illness’ factor for your story. I was dead afraid that as I kept reading you would write that Kangin had cancer or something. Totally clique. But this… even though it’s damn hard for me to see KANGIN being raped… I like that he did it for his members. I just… kinda wished the ending was a LITTLE bit longer. Something… more. But it was good as it was and I’d love to thank your friend very, very much for making you finish this. ^___^ I myself was looking for inspiration to finish off my own KangTeuk story and I think… now I can. X3 Just doubt that anyone would read it. Ahaha~~~
Anyways, nicely written. Can’t wait for your next story (whenever it may be).
but regardless I'm glad you were still able to enjoy it
I'm actually thinking of writing a middle-verse because I really didn't like just ending it like that either. Your thoughts?
[And I would totally read your story, pass the love right back ;D]
Thanks so much for reading~!♥
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