Title: Zeus Apple, second challange: first time of my life
Author: skiing_pelican
Rating: PG 13 (some swearing)
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Cas, implied Sam/Gabriel or friendship if you're not into Sabriel
Spoilers: character spoilers for all mentioned; set somewhere in late season 5 but spoiler free
Warnings: crack
Word Count: ~8300 for this chapter
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Comments 19
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I can't wait for more and an Idea for a challenge?? Hmm...
How about something to do with finding a treasure like in National Treasure OR maybe a concert? Where Dean is the lead in a band like maybe the movie The Runaways? ..Just a few thoughts..
I bet I have better ideas when I'm not so...so..distracted.
This is awesome..Please continue??
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll keep them in mind. I'm right now working on the outline of next chapter...
Thanks a lot for the nice words!
( ... )
Cool that you listened to the song while reading! That's the way it should be. Take an educated guess what I was listening to while writing this ;D
LOL, your gif so fits! That's Gabriel back on the table next to Sam! Love it!
Btw: Also like your cute profile pic
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