Title: Zeus Apple, second challange: first time of my life
Author: skiing_pelican
Rating: PG 13 (some swearing)
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Cas, implied Sam/Gabriel or friendship if you're not into Sabriel
Spoilers: character spoilers for all mentioned; set somewhere in late season 5 but spoiler free
Warnings: crack
Word Count: ~8300 for this chapter
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Comments 19
Gabriel is so funny in this fic. I mean, putting them into Dirty Dancing? I could so see him doing that. And then he would definitely take perverse pleasure in watching Dean and Cas act it out, all while putting the moves on Sammy. XD
This story started as crazy, stupid crack that just plopped into my brain. But starting with next chapter has been a bitch. I was so content with "dirty dancing" that I tossed all ideas for the next one aside because they weren't nearly as good.
I know now what I'll do for the next one, but it'll take time cause I want to finish the other story I told you about.
I'm glad that you like it!
It is definitely a bit crackish, but crack is awesome. Plus, plot is making its way into your stories, just like you said it would, so it's not pure crack anymore. :)
I can't wait to read them!
Yeah, crack is awesome! I'm never sure if my things really are funny. So thanks for telling me you liked it! It means a lot.
I'm curious what you'll say to next chapter, I'm not sure if it holds up to the rest of the story.
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