Title: Raptor
skeyttles Genre: drama, horror, humor
Warnings: AU!, OOC, violence
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: JongTae, Onkey
Summary: Taemin started studying criminology a while ago and is pretty happy with it. Well, until the day his lecturer tells him he wants him to write his bachelor thesis about a psychopath. Will Taemin be able to pull through …?
raptor - chapter II )
Comments 33
Ah, you're so fast @@ Too fast for a lazy Hachi ;OO; Buuuut I can't wait for moooore <33 (Yeah, I already know how It continues |DD~~ mwaha~)
I can only repeat myself because I LOVE YOUR WRITING ;OO; And even if It's not my fav couple, I will continue to read it until THE END!!! <3
*huggles* <33~
naaaah i'm not fast QQ i may be a fast writer in German but English ... nope, not at all XD but i'll change this =w= i waaant to change this! wrah! and yup ... you know it XD *patta* you're such a lucky hachi <3
thanks dear <33 glad you do and i know jongtae is not your cup of tea but well >w< maybe somedaaaay ... who knows XD
*hugsback* <3
Can't tell you how happy I was to see the second chappie! :D
What's a beta reader? If it needs good English I can be one!
i hope i'll be able to post chapter 3 soon TwT
yup QwQ it needs good English (or at least better than mine, which is not that difficult xD). i need someone who will proofread the chapters before i'll upload them TwT just to make sure there're not too many mistakes and stuff. and you'd really help me with it? QQ
some things will happen in chapter 3 >xD don't worry .... eehehe xD
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