Title: Raptor
skeyttles Genre: drama, horror, humorWarnings: AU!, OOC, violence
Rating: PG13 (going up to NC17)
Pairings: JongTae, Onkey
Summary: Gosh, I suck so much at writing summaries but let’s give it a try. xD
Taemin started studying criminology a while ago and is pretty happy with it. Well, until the day his lecturer tells him he wants him to
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Comments 22
TwT You know how much I love it. And thanks god I know how it goes on! xD
I really enjoy reading your fanfics. <3 (also nothing new, huh?)
My gawd translate the other chapters!!! QOQ Now! We need moaaarrr~ (I speak for the masses. Û_u)
강아지야 you're awesome! 사랑해~ <3<3<3
tihi TwT next time i write something like this, i won't send you the chapters before uploading them Ò_O .... i'm just joking TwT *hugs*
thank youuuu QQ <33 and yees, i'll start translating the other chapters soon TwT kyah!
사랑해 QwQ <33
Aww was soll ich sagen? <33 Ich könnte durchdrehen, dass du das alles übersetzt *OO* Omfg deine FF wird sicher total gut ankommen <333 Da wett ich drauf awwr <3
Und ich lieeeeeeeeeeebe Raptor Q__Q Obwohl das Pairing... you know, eh?
Awww QwQ hab ich nicht eh irgendwann mal erwähnt, dass ich die Fanfiction übersetzen will? Ich glaub schon Ù_u *poke* aber hoffen wir's mal xD so sicher bin ich mir da noch nicht.
Dankeschööön <33 und jaa, ich weiß XD aber es werden ja noch andere Fanfictions kommen und die wirst du dann mögen Ò_O *anstarr*
<333 liebeee~
Aww wirklich? Q________Q Omg *hibbel* <33 Beeil dich mit Raptoooooooooooor~ XDD <3
I've always wanted to read some creepy stuff like this, serial killers and those stuff *____*
omg I love you~! Your writing is sexy too~
[Raptor as in the bird? or the dinosaur?]
waiting for the next chappie~~!!!
I was afraid that no one would like the idea since it's not all lovey-dovey and stuff T_T
and thanks for liking my writing xD it's the first time i'm writing a fanfiction in English, so i'm a little insecure about it.
raptor as the dinosaur x3
i don't think it'll take long until i can upload the next chappie :D
I'll be waiting for the next one ^^
i'll upload chapter 1 soon :)
I'm gonna follow this story for sure, keep updating, okay? hehe...
i'll update soon, don't worry :D
thanks again for commenting <3
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