Prompt Post #1

May 22, 2010 14:41

Prompts go here!

Winter Games Part 1 is here.
Winter Games Part 2 is here.
Figure Skating Part 1 is here.
Figure Skating Part 2 is here

The full rules are here. If you are new, please read this before posting!

You can find an index of fills here at ice_slash.

Please follow the threading rules when filling prompts. Top level comments are for prompts only, second level comments are for discussion of that prompt or for top-level fill claims for that prompt only. When you post a new fic or a continuation, please make a second-level post to "claim" your fill (with the title, any necessary warnings, links to previous parts, etc), and only post actual fic contents/chapters to third-level comments under the claim post for your specific fic. This allows a single prompt to be used for multiple fills/fics without the parts of each becoming tangled up with each other, makes it much easier on archivers/reccers, and generally greatly improves the readability of the meme.

Please try and keep discussion of prompts to a single second-level thread under that prompt.

When you post a new fill/claim, please make a thread for it on the fills list, and keep it updated if you need to open a new thread once this post fills up. This is also a handy way to check if there are new prompt fills since you were last reading the meme.

For ease of archiving as well as courtesy to other readers/authors, please put trigger warnings for major issues (rape/noncon, dubcon, violence/gore, bdsm/kink/injury during sex, eating disorders, self-injury, suicide, miscarriage/abortion/forced pregnancy, incest, underage characters) as part of the subject line of your fics when you claim them.

Flat comment page is here.

Prompting is no longer permitted on this post. For the second part of skatingkink, go here!

prompt post

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