Glee Fic: Identity (3/8)

Mar 22, 2012 19:14

Title: Identity, part 3
Fandom: Glee
Summary: In the small sexist village, Kurt Hummel finds life difficult. He’s a man but constantly treated as a woman because of his not-straightforward gender. He wants to leave the village but Blaine Anderson wants him as a wife. Can they compromise their dreams without a lot of heartbreak?
Pairings/Characters: Kurt/Blaine, Burt/Elizabeth, Matthew/Mary Anderson, Puck/Quinn, Finn/Rachel, Brittany, Sam, OCs.
Categories: AU, drama, angst, H/C
Rating: NC-17 this part
Warnings: Non-con (sort of explicit, in first part), mpreg, intersex gender
Word count: 3,997 words this part (15,000+ total so far)
Prompt: this prompt here on the glee_kink_meme, and 'Early 20th century for au-bingo.
A/N:  There's at least two more parts of this, and it has started to veer off in a direction I hadn't anticipated but hopefully, it is still good!!  Please comment if you enjoy this fic :)

Part 1 | Part 2

Getting permission to pull down the dilapidated house on the edge of town and rebuild was easy. Getting the council to stop hounding Kurt was going to be a lot harder. As soon as they heard that Kurt was pregnant, they insisted that he stop pretending to be male and dress appropriately.

Kurt ignored them but knew they would keep trying.

Getting people to help with the house was hard too. There were several men in the village who regularly helped with building houses but as soon as they saw Kurt assisting, they left, saying that they couldn’t work with a woman. Kurt shrugged off their attitude but Blaine could see how much it hurt.

Fortunately, Blaine’s friends, two of whom happened to be the husbands of two of Kurt’s friends, decided to stay and helped, albeit grudgingly.

“It’s not natural,” Puck said as he watched Kurt helping to tear down a stone wall. “Women shouldn’t do this type of work.”

“Kurt’s not a woman,” Blaine reminded him. “And since he’s perfectly capable of helping, why shouldn’t he?”

“He’s going to get us all in trouble,” Puck predicted.

“Then you’re free to leave,” Blaine shot back. He wasn’t about to tell Kurt to stop assisting.

Puck thought about it and then shrugged his shoulders. “You’re going to need all the help you can get.”

Later that day, Kurt was visited by his friends. Rachel, who was now heavily pregnant, was not happy.

“What are you doing, Kurt?” she demanded to know.

“I’m helping to build my house,” Kurt replied without pausing in his work. He had been carrying rocks around all day and it was tiring but he wasn’t going to give in; he didn’t want to give anyone an excuse to say he couldn’t do the work.

“Women aren’t supposed to build houses,” Rachel pointed out.

Kurt glared at her, annoyed by her attitude. “In case it’s escaped your notice, Rachel, I’m not a woman, despite what the council might say.” They had already dropped by the house once and he was dreading a visit to the house site.

“You’re pregnant,” Quinn stated, bouncing Beth on her hip. “Men can’t exactly get pregnant.”

“Kurt’s just like a seahorse,” Brittany said, causing everyone to look at her in confusion. “Remember they taught us in school that boy seahorses carry the babies while the girls go off and do other stuff? That means that Kurt is a seahorse.” She smiled at the others, proud of her logic.

What in the world…? Kurt was happy that Brittany was sticking up for him but baffled by her effort. However, it did show that although Brittany might not be smart, she wasn’t stupid either. “Thanks, Brit.”

“You’re welcome.” Brittany gave him a hug. “If you have lots of babies, I’ll help you look after them because even seahorses need help.”

Maybe he spoke too soon.

“I’m pretty sure I’m only having one baby,” Kurt stated, hugging Brittany back. “But I’d be pleased to have your help.”

Brittany beamed.

“I’m going to help with your house too. I’ve always wanted to build a house.” She wandered off towards where Burt was demolishing one of the old walls.

“I’ll keep an eye on her,” Quinn decided and handed Beth to Rachel before following Brittany.

“I still don’t think this is a good idea,” Rachel said, her stubbornness kicking in.

“Well, that’s your opinion,” Kurt replied. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.” He left Rachel standing there and went back to his task.


Several days later, a week after the engagement, Kurt was invited to the Anderson household for tea. It would be the first time Kurt had officially met Blaine’s parents and he was nervous. “What if they don’t like me?” Kurt said as he and Blaine walked down the street hand-in-hand.

“They’ll love you,” Blaine replied optimistically, squeezing Kurt’s hand. His parents weren’t overjoyed that Blaine had knocked up the village freak - his father’s words - but he was sure they wouldn’t object once they had got to know Kurt.

“Father says the council will be paying us a visit tomorrow,” Kurt continued anxiously, ignoring the stares they were receiving from passers-by. “What if they tell me I shouldn’t be working on the house?”

“Then we’ll ignore them. You have every right to be working there,” Blaine stated. He might have been raised to believe that women shouldn’t do men’s work and that Kurt was classified as a woman, but the past two months had taught him otherwise. That Kurt - or anyone else, for that matter - could be whoever they wanted to be.

There was no time for more conversation as they arrived at the Anderson house. Blaine led Kurt inside to where his parents were waiting in the living area. “Mother, Father, I’d like to introduce you to Kurt.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you properly,” Matthew Anderson said formally. He was a conservative man who was aiming for a seat on the village council, and didn’t exactly approve of his son’s choice in wife. However, he was too polite to say that to Kurt. “My wife tells me you are the best seamstress in the village.”

“Thank you.” Kurt didn’t take offence over the female term as there was no male equivalent. “I had good teachers.”

“Shall we dine?” Mary Anderson suggested. She was a quiet woman, trapped in a marriage she hadn’t wanted, and a reluctant mother to Blaine, her only surviving child.

Dinner conversation flowed reasonably freely, with the adult Andersons becoming impressed by the range of topics that Kurt could discuss. By the end of the meal, Mary had decided she liked Kurt while Matthew, his manner civil despite his thoughts, clung stubbornly to the idea that this young man/woman was not for Blaine. He did, however, make a few polite digs about Kurt’s gender that the two boys did their best to ignore.

After tea, Blaine took Kurt off to his bedroom, pleading tiredness; neither of them wanted to sit around and talk with Matthew for longer than they had to. Upon entering the room, Kurt paused when he saw the bed, bad memories flooding back. “Blaine…”

“It’s alright,” Blaine assured him. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” Despite the fact that he wanted to very much.

Kurt allowed himself to be escorted over to the single bed, removed his shoes and socks, and then he lay down. He was unused to the physical hard work involved in house building and had been tired every night in the past week. Of course, that might also have had something to do with the fact that he was pregnant.

“I’m sorry about Father,” Blaine apologised as he removed his shoes and lay down next to Kurt. “He’s very rigid in his views.” He had cringed internally every time Matthew had implied Kurt was a woman.

“All men are taught those views from birth,” Kurt shrugged it off. “I’m lucky that my father was able to see past them to accept me and treat me the same as my brothers.”

Blaine rolled onto his side so that he could see Kurt’s face. He didn’t like the resigned expression there. “So we educate people. We’re already doing that with our friends. If the children learn from our example, we can change how things are done and what people think.”

Kurt turned his head to look into Blaine’s eyes. He loved Blaine’s optimism but didn’t always share it. “There’s no way people would accept two men being together. They’re only allowing it now because of what I am.”

“I know.” That was why Blaine was so grateful for Kurt’s unusual gender. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t educate people that they don’t have to be restricted to just men’s or women’s work. I mean, Brittany loves coming to help with the house.”

Kurt smiled at the image of the blonde girl hauling large stones around.

“I love her dearly but she’s not exactly the brightest person. She probably doesn’t even realise she’s going against convention.”

“Still, she’s helping despite being a woman,” Blaine persisted. “And that’s what we need to pass on to our children.” He laid a hand on Kurt’s stomach.

Kurt inhaled sharply at the touch. Even though it was through several layers of clothing, he swore he could feel the heat of Blaine’s hand.

“Can I see?” Blaine asked hesitantly. “The… our baby?”

Bare himself to Blaine, even if it was only a small part of him? It was less than Blaine had already seen but more than Kurt was comfortable with.

“Please?” Blaine begged when Kurt remained silent. He wanted to be involved with the pregnancy and to see the results of their one night together.

How could he refuse such a request? Kurt reluctantly nodded, then undid his jacket and lifted his shirt so that Blaine could see his stomach. “There’s nothing to see yet,” he stated.

Except there was. Because he was lying down, there was a slight swell to his stomach that wasn’t noticeable when he was standing. Blaine reverently put a hand over the bump, awed that he had helped create the tiny being in there. “We did this,” he said quietly.

“You did this,” Kurt corrected before he could think. As Blaine removed his hand, a look of hurt and remorse on his face, Kurt felt guilty. “I’m sorry, Blaine. I didn’t mean that.”

“But you’re right,” Blaine stated. “I forced you into my bed. Sometimes I don’t know why you ever spoke to me again.” He wasn’t proud of his actions back then. Despite the views he had been brought up with, Blaine had a conscience and knew what he had done hadn’t been right.

“Because you regretted the way you went about it,” Kurt replied, reaching out to take Blaine’s hand. “And you treat me with respect. That’s very important to me.”

“What about love?” Blaine lifted his eyes to Kurt’s.

Kurt’s heart started beating faster. “What about it?”

“I know I love you. Do you love me in return?” Blaine held his breath as he waited for an answer.

Many thoughts flickered through Kurt’s mind: how he looked forward to seeing Blaine each day; how they had confided things no-one else knew about; how Kurt would feel warm and happy every time he saw Blaine. Of how, despite their rough start, Kurt couldn’t imagine not seeing Blaine again.

His eyes widened at the sudden realisation. “I think I do,” he said, his voice tinged with surprise.

Blaine grinned widely with happiness. Kurt loved him! Blaine leaned down and kissed Kurt thoroughly, unable to express his feelings in words.

Kurt responded enthusiastically to the kiss, pulling Blaine down to half lie on top of him. He was becoming aroused, the sensation sort of familiar but also somewhat overwhelming. When he felt Blaine’s leg start to rub between his thighs, Kurt broke the kiss, panting for breath.

Blaine was equally aroused. He was so hard, and he could feel Kurt’s erection against his thigh. “Can we… you know?”

The question caused Kurt to tense up. Last time was still vivid in his mind and he didn’t know whether it would be any better this time. “Blaine…”

“I promise it will be better.” Not knowing what to do, Blaine had asked Brittany for advice (her suitors had all praised her skills). It had been embarrassing but hopefully worth it.

The sincerity and eagerness in Blaine’s expression caused Kurt to nod. They were going to be married; Kurt felt he couldn’t keep denying his husband-to-be.

Blaine started by kissing Kurt for several minutes. Then he slowly worked his way down Kurt’s neck and chest, undoing buttons and laces as he went. Kurt was so smooth, Blaine discovered; such a contrast to his own hairy chest. He spent some time licking and sucking Kurt’s nipples - as per Brittany’s instructions - and enjoying the little noises of pleasure that his lover was making.

Kurt could hardly contain the pleasure that was building inside him. He bit his lip to keep quiet, knowing that Blaine’s parents were still in the house, but a squeak or two escaped him when Blaine kissed his stomach. It was just too much!

When Blaine judged that Kurt was relaxed enough, he quickly stripped and then helped his future husband out of his clothes so that they were both naked. Then Blaine put his hands on Kurt’s hips and leaned down to lick the hard shaft.

Kurt bucked upwards at the sensation but Blaine’s hands held him down. As the other boy continued to lick and then suck, Kurt had to stuff a hand in his mouth to keep quiet. He’d had no idea that such pleasure could be given this way! The feeling inside him kept building and building until he could finally stand it no longer.

Blaine quickly let go of the hard shaft when Kurt stiffened. He looked on in fascination as Kurt climaxed, his seed spurting out to land on his chest and stomach. Blaine had never imagined how arousing that sight was, and how good it had felt to have Kurt in his mouth like that. He shifted to lie beside Kurt and captured his lips in a short kiss. “Good?” he murmured.

Kurt managed to nod, unable to speak. He felt completely boneless after the intense orgasm. If Blaine had done that to him the first time, Kurt wouldn’t have had the strength to protest anything else, nor would he have wanted to.

“Good,” Blaine said again. He let his fingers drift down to the folds of skin right below Kurt’s small sac and stroked lightly. When Kurt didn’t tense up, Blaine let one finger slide lower into the tight hole below.

Kurt automatically tried to get away from the invasive touch. His expression grew panicked and Kurt reached down to grab Blaine’s arm in a vice-like grip. “Don’t.”

Blaine stilled his finger but didn’t pull it out. “I’m just stretching you a bit. It’s supposed to make it easier for me to… you know. Fit in there,” he explained with some embarrassment.

“Who told you that?” Kurt wanted to know. Talking about intimate pleasures wasn’t the done thing.

“Brittany,” Blaine confessed. “I wanted to know how to do this better and she gave me some advice.”

Kurt was mortified that Brittany knew what Blaine would be doing to him but sort of pleased that Blaine had sought advice in the first place.

“You asked Brit?”


“And it will help?”


Kurt took a deep breath and then let it out slowly. He could do this.

“Then keep going.” He stared at the ceiling as he felt Blaine’s finger moving inside him, then he shifted uncomfortably as one finger became two. A strange tingly feeling began to build inside him, different from the pleasure before but not unwelcome.

Blaine put a third finger into the tight warmth, gently moving his fingers in and out. He could tell that Kurt was beginning to enjoy it by the loosening of the grip on his arm. Blaine made a mental note to thank Brittany tomorrow for the advice as it was certainly working.

After another couple of minutes, Blaine withdrew his fingers and shifted to kneel between Kurt’s open legs. “Are you ready?” he asked.

“I think so,” came Kurt’s reply. He was as ready as he would ever get.

Blaine lined himself up and carefully pushed the tip of his erection into Kurt’s vagina. Kurt’s breath hitched and Blaine paused, allowing him time to get used to the intrusion. He waited until Kurt’s breathing had evened out again before slowly pushing in again.

The shaft was just as big as Kurt remembered but it wasn’t as painful as last time. It helped that he was more accepting of the intrusion this time and that his body was more relaxed. Even so, he tried not to focus on the sensation so that he could get through this.

Moving slowly, Blaine leaned forward so that he could kiss Kurt. This pushed his shaft in deep, a sensation that he liked. “Put your legs around my thighs,” he muttered against Kurt’s lips. “It will be more comfortable.”

Kurt did as he was told and found that it was indeed more comfortable. However, it also canted his hips up which in turn made Blaine’s erection go deeper inside him, which wasn’t so comfortable. He reached down to push Blaine’s hips away.

Blaine got the hint and pulled out a little. When Kurt’s tense expression eased, Blaine started to move his hips back and forth slowly, just in small increments. “Is this alright?”

“Mmmm.” It wasn’t as bad as last time, Kurt decided. But he didn’t know why people enjoyed doing it.

Blaine took that as a ‘yes’ and kept the slow pace going for a while. Soon, however, that wasn’t enough and he started going faster.

Surprisingly, Kurt began to feel small bursts of pleasure inside him as the pace increased. He didn’t know why but he began to get an idea as to why some women enjoyed this. Before those small bursts could add up to anything more though, he felt Blaine stiffen and the shaft inside him pulse in release.

Somehow, Blaine managed not to collapse on top of Kurt, his shaky arms keeping him above his lover. He realised that Kurt hadn’t climaxed and so, shifting his weight to free one hand, he took hold of the half-hard shaft and started stroking it.

It only took a couple of minutes for Kurt to orgasm again. It was different though this time though, as his muscles contracted around Blaine’s soft organ. But overall, he felt much better than the last time they had done this.

Blaine waited for a few moments before carefully withdrawing and moving onto his side next to Kurt. He placed a hand on small baby bump and looked into Kurt’s eyes, uncertain as to whether he should say something.

Kurt waited until his breathing evened out a little before saying, “That was much better.”

A proud smile crossed Blaine’s face. “Really?”

“What, you couldn’t tell?” Kurt asked sarcastically as he indicated the sticky mess on his stomach and chest. “Speaking of which, have you got something…”

“Um, sure.” Blaine quickly hopped off the bed and found the cloth he used for drying himself after baths. “Here.” He handed it to Kurt.

“Thank you.” After Kurt wiped himself, he handed the cloth back to Blaine. “You should… you know.” He gestured towards Blaine’s groin.

“Oh! Right.” Blaine hadn’t thought about that. He turned away from Kurt and quickly dried his penis. Then he threw the cloth into the corner and got back on the bed with his husband-to-be, drawing the quilt up to cover them both. They might be getting married but being naked in front of someone was still new. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“I’m fine,” Kurt assured him. He was a bit sore but not as bad as it had been two months ago. He turned onto his side to face Blaine, creating a little more room in the narrow bed. “I’m glad we waited before doing this again.”

“So am I.” It had given Blaine time to learn how to do things right.

“But never ask Brittany for advice again,” Kurt said with a smile. “I don’t want her knowing any more about my private life than she already does. If she lets slip anything about what you asked her, the gossip will invariably get back to my parents and I definitely don’t want them to know the details.” That would be just way too embarrassing.

“I promise I won’t ask her again,” Blaine stated as he put his arm over Kurt’s waist. He figured that he already knew enough to help Kurt enjoy their love-making and anything else, they could figure out between them.

“Good.” Kurt closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Blaine. He was so tired…

Blaine held Kurt as the latter quickly fell asleep. It felt so good to be holding Kurt in his arms, so right. This was what he had dreamed of and what he was so close to getting permanently. The wedding day couldn’t come quick enough for him.
Part 4...

kurt/blaine, glee, au, au_bingo, identity, fic

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