Sirius Black Fest 2013: Fic: A Night to Remember

Oct 08, 2013 13:42

Title: A Night to Remember
Author: torino10154
Pairings: James/Sirius, James/Lily implied
Rating: NC-17
Prompt #: Prompt 19: Sirius is bisexual and has always thought James was attractive. James is engaged to Lily and wants to experience what it would be like to have sex with a guy before he gets married.)
Word Count: 1950
Summary: This is James's last chance ( Read more... )

warning: anal, warning: first time, warning: infidelity, pairing: sirius/james, warning: fingering, rating: nc-17, type: fic, *fest 2013

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Comments 24

gracerene October 8 2013, 18:55:24 UTC
I have been so excited for this fic ever since I saw this prompt was claimed and it did not disappoint! This is exactly what I want from this pairing. The obvious love and affection and super hot chemistry. I love that even though James still loves and plans on marrying Lily, there aren't any hard feelings between Sirius and James, no broken hearts. Super hot and I loved the bit of dirty talk. :)


torino10154 November 4 2013, 19:20:09 UTC
Thank you so much! In my mind, these two are closer than brothers but it's fun to add a bit of sexual chemistry to the mix, too. Glad you enjoyed it!


leontinabowie October 8 2013, 19:10:04 UTC
I second the above comment. This was one fic I was so looking forward to reading, and I loved every moment of it.
I'm glad there was no regrets between them, and they were happy with something casual. I can totally see Sirius being into that thought of thing.
I love it when Sirius calls James 'Jamie', and I loved their chemistry. The sex was super hot :D


torino10154 November 4 2013, 19:21:13 UTC
Thank you so much! I think they'd pretty much do anything for each other. Even this. ;) Glad it worked for you.


writcraft October 8 2013, 19:52:46 UTC
Loved this! Super hot and perfect banter - just how I like my James/Sirius. Great work, well done.


torino10154 November 4 2013, 19:24:30 UTC
Thanks so much, Writ! I must say this is how I like this pairing, too. LOL


dogsunderfoot October 8 2013, 20:39:47 UTC
So, so, SOOOOO hot--and I want to write the remix of this. :)

I want to write what Sirius is thinking through this, because you put these little... 'flickers' here and there that make me think this was not something Sirius was taking lightly. As it was, the way you wrote it, it was something that seemed almost destined to happen. The descriptions of things that James was experiencing were very well done so that I could see it all taking place very clearly, and the slight awkwardness at the end was PERFECT.

Loved this! Very much!


torino10154 November 4 2013, 19:27:19 UTC
Thanks so much.

...this was not something Sirius was taking lightly.

You definitely picked up on my intention with Sirius. I'm thrilled you enjoyed it.


0idontknow0 October 8 2013, 22:15:47 UTC
Oh yes, this was hot and they had lovely interaction. Brilliant job MA. Huh. I'm liking sitting in public trying not to flail and trying to avoid having people read my phone screen.

The not flailing part is hard.


torino10154 November 4 2013, 19:31:10 UTC
LOL Not sure this is the best fic to read in public!! Thrilled you enjoyed it though, thank you!


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