Sirius Black Fest 2013: Fic: A Night to Remember

Oct 08, 2013 13:42

Title: A Night to Remember
Author: torino10154
Pairings: James/Sirius, James/Lily implied
Rating: NC-17
Prompt #: Prompt 19: Sirius is bisexual and has always thought James was attractive. James is engaged to Lily and wants to experience what it would be like to have sex with a guy before he gets married.)
Word Count: 1950
Summary: This is James's last chance ( Read more... )

warning: anal, warning: first time, warning: infidelity, pairing: sirius/james, warning: fingering, rating: nc-17, type: fic, *fest 2013

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Comments 24

philstar22 October 8 2013, 23:24:27 UTC
Yes, this. Perfection. This idea has actually always been my headcanon: Sirius having feelings for James and being bi, and maybe James returning them just a little even if he is in love with Lily, and the two of them doing it once just to see what it was like with each other.

And you've pretty much managed to capture my headcanon and make it so much hotter than I ever imagined.


torino10154 November 4 2013, 19:32:39 UTC
Thank you! I admit there is some of my head canon in here as well. I'm so pleased it worked for you.


traintracks October 9 2013, 01:04:39 UTC
Oh!!! I love this pairing! And you straddled that line really well -- with Sirius being all sex and bravado and mischief on the outside while we all know he's actually in love with James. This was so hot and bittersweet. Great work, MA!


torino10154 November 4 2013, 19:35:41 UTC
Thanks so much, you!

we all know he's actually in love with James

ROFL That came through, did it? ;)


akatnamedeaster October 9 2013, 16:46:50 UTC
Very hot little story and I love the way Sirius seems so casual about the whole thing while there's an inkling that there's a part of him whose heart is breaking.

I especially like the last line. It makes their encounter seem like the beginning of the end, for me anyway.


torino10154 November 4 2013, 19:40:18 UTC
Thanks so much. You definitely picked up on the bittersweet undercurrent.


xonceinadream October 11 2013, 22:13:05 UTC
Wow, this was so perfect. So, so, so hot and I really loved that they were still okay. There wasn't real drama. It was perfect for James/Sirius. Great work.


torino10154 November 4 2013, 19:42:19 UTC
Thank you so much! As for them being OK, to me, I think they'd do anything for each other and in this case that includes Sirius walking away, no regrets.


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torino10154 November 4 2013, 19:43:57 UTC
Thank you! LOL about "Jamie". I think nicknames can be overused but if placed well, really work to show the level of familiarity and emotional attachment between two people.


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