
Sep 21, 2010 15:05

30 Days of Videogames - Day 8
Best Soundtrack

Man, this one's a split. Vampire Butt Rock or Kaiju Picnic Pop?

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Akumajo Dracula X: Rondo of Blood
(PC Engine)

So for the longest time I had a backup* copy of Rondo of Blood, but obviously lacked an imported PC Engine to run it. After a few failed attempts to get it running with the resources available to me, I'd more or less relegated it to the burned CD coaster pile, till I realized that the disc itself was organized into CD tracks.

So, in a fit of boredom, I threw it into a player, and after a quick "Hey! This is a game CD. don't play the data track" warning, found the entire soundtrack to the game. This was a new and strange concept to me, which renewed my drive to find a way to play the damn thing.

* - hey, I bought Dracula X Chronicles! It's a valid statement (now)!

Not too long after that I got my hands on a Playstation, regular access to a TV (ah, post-dorm life) and a $10 used copy of Symphony of the Night, and my obsession with Castlevania music was truly underway.

Honorable mention, because it's stuck in my head now and I want to share the earworm. Also, Pizzicato Five shoutout hey :D

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Full List
Day 1 - Very first video game.
Day 2 - Your favorite character.
Day 3 - A game that is underrated.
Day 4 - Your guilty pleasure game.
Day 5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).
Day 6 - Most annoying character.
Day 7 - Favorite game couple.
Day 8 - Best soundtrack.
Day 9 - Saddest game scene.
Day 10 - Best gameplay.
Day 11 - Gaming system of choice.
Day 12 - A game everyone should play.
Day 13 - A game you’ve played more than five times.
Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper.
Day 15 - Post a screenshot from the game you’re playing right now.
Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes.
Day 17 - Favorite antagonist.
Day 18 - Favorite protagonist.
Day 19 - Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.
Day 20 - Favorite genre.
Day 21 - Game with the best story.
Day 22 - A game sequel which disappointed you.
Day 23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style.
Day 24 - Favorite classic game.
Day 25 - A game you plan on playing.
Day 26 - Best voice acting.
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever.
Day 28 - Favorite game developer.
Day 29 - A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.
Day 30 - Your favorite game of all time.
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