I want a shield for the innocent, strength for the small

Dec 23, 2011 13:17

Who: The KH kids + OPEN to friends and invites.
When: December 24th and 25th.
Where: Riku, Sora, Kairi, and Ritsuka's home.
Summary: Celebrating the holidays as kids usually do: stories, games, food, presents and happy.
Warnings: Shenanigans, cuteness to the point of diabetes, possibly bawwww.

I would like hope for the weary and love for us all )

replica riku, kairi, xion, namine, aslan, axel, roxas, riku, aoyagi ritsuka, sora

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Christmas Day - Later (OPEN for visitors/guests/friends) walkthedawn December 23 2011, 18:20:51 UTC
[When everyone else arrives for dinner, more gift-giving, and chatting. There's ham and turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, a salad, corn, biscuits, plenty of cookies, pies, and candy, and so much more.

There's also a cooked goose...but that's for Aslan.

Any visitors can drop off their gifts under the tree or give them to whomever.]


linkings January 8 2012, 20:45:35 UTC
Your... purpose? [It makes her pause for a minute, looking awkward and thinking. Her own purpose was over as far as others and herself knew, and yet she was still here.

She's close enough to reach out to him and her hand shakes and hovers just over his mane, a little unsure.]

How can you tell... that you still have one?


aslandish January 20 2012, 05:35:58 UTC
[ He does not draw away, the look in his eyes a gentle one. ]

The same way I know that the sun rises in the east.

Everything that lives has a purpose all its own.


linkings January 22 2012, 04:44:17 UTC
[She quietly gulps and dips her hand into his mane, visibly surprised at how soft it was.]

You always sound so sure of your purpose... and so positive that everyone has one.


aslandish January 24 2012, 06:06:23 UTC
[ Very soft and very warm. ]

I am certain.


linkings January 27 2012, 19:12:27 UTC
[She pets a little more, creeping a little closer.]

That's nice. I... I'm not sure about things like that myself. I thought my purpose was over.


pullsheavendown December 25 2011, 05:22:14 UTC
[Roxas smiles when he sees their friend-their father-there like he's always been. Well, he certainly belongs.

He doesn't hesitate before bending over to hug the lion, burying his face in Aslan's mane.]

Merry Christmas.


aslandish December 26 2011, 05:58:48 UTC
[ All the hugs ever.

He smiles, as he has for them all. Though they hail from many different worlds, he loves them like his own. ]

Merry Christmas.


pullsheavendown December 26 2011, 17:24:25 UTC
[He grins when he pulls away, full of the Christmas spirit and all that.]

There's a lot of food and everything. Riku made you a goose again.


aslandish January 2 2012, 05:35:22 UTC
[ It's rather catching, isn't it?

His eyes are bright with good humor. ]

I know.

He has outdone himself.


pullsheavendown January 3 2012, 02:23:14 UTC
It's a special occasion. We're all together...you're back with us.

Hey, do they have Christmas in your world?


aslandish January 20 2012, 05:37:37 UTC
We do.


pullsheavendown January 20 2012, 20:54:22 UTC
Is it very different from how is it here?


aslandish January 21 2012, 04:42:44 UTC
It is a time a great happiness and celebration.

Father Christmas is a purveyor of many gifts.


pullsheavendown January 24 2012, 00:31:39 UTC
Father Christmas...like Santa Claus.

I hope he brings something for you this year.


aslandish January 24 2012, 06:02:03 UTC
The very same.

[ A quiet smile. ]

As he will for you.


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