All the world is a stage, and everyone has their part

Dec 15, 2011 13:33

Who: Jack Kelly [cowboy_newsie] and Batman [kingofrooks], Black Mask [ebony_mask] and Batman [see above].
When: The 16th, post-sirens.
Where: Black Mask's hideout.
Summary: Batman finally finds out where Black Mask is keeping Jack. He goes for a rescue. Then Black Mask comes back.
Warnings: Violence. Mentions/explicit descriptions of torture, gore, drugs and drug abuse. Stuff like ( Read more... )

bruce wayne | batman, daedalus yumeno, black mask, jack kelly

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kingofrooks December 15 2011, 06:23:05 UTC
[ Fear reeks off the boy, a scent sharper and heavier than the blood and vomit on his clothes. If Batman's strength is closer to Superman's, the wall next to him would have already caved in with how hard his hand slaps against it- with barely any sound, leather against concrete, a dull impact that sends painful shockwaves up his arm that he barely acknowledges.

Batman walks forward, and lets the anger he feels curl within himself, shoving it to the back of his mind. There is no use panicking or being angry; there is no use in feeling the hint of bile at the back of his throat, choking him and strangling his words until he can't even feel the edges of them. He no longer thinks in words, but only in pictures- in violence. ]

I'm not going away.

[ He can hear those little whispers, those little whimpers. Batman moves fast, and he's already taking the lockpicks from the slit in his armour, slipping them into the lock and pulling the chains away from Jack ( ... )


kingofrooks December 17 2011, 04:06:30 UTC

[ The answer is half-shouted into Daedalus's ear, over the roaring rush of the wind against them. He brakes, and swerves suddenly, ducking into an alleyway when he sees a group of monsters start for them. He shakes them off easily enough - this, after all, isn't his first time in the Darkness. He can count the times where he avoids the Darkness with one hand.

And he can feel the fear in the tension of the body in front of him, and not for the first time Bruce wonders what on earth keeps Daedalus to Re-l, given their completely disparate personalities.

It doesn't take very long for them to reach Skye's - it's one of the few advantages of Darkness. The vehicles outside are extremely few, and no one is there to make sure that traffic laws are being obeyed. As long as Bruce can keep control of the bike, he can go as fast as he wishes, down whichever road he chooses, and he doesn't even have to stop- which reminds him. Out of the corner of his eyes, there's a monster chasing after them by running along the walls ( ... )


gaveherwings December 17 2011, 04:47:42 UTC

[His eyes are round, Daedalus gulps for breath maybe once every thirty seconds or so, cheeks burning in the icy wind, until he turns his face, curling inward against Batman's armoured front. His whole body cringes, knees pulling up when they suddenly swerve and there's a scattering of gravel and slush, wetting his ankles with grime. After that his breath comes fast and panicked, like a small and terrified mammal huddled behind the handlebars.

But I'm not even On Call! (I'm not supposed to do consultations or serve as attending) Why am I even-

It must be Re-l. Re-l needs me. She must have called for me. Made Batman come and fetch me.

That's a ludicrous thought, but the only motivator that keeps him from wanting to roll back his eyes and count slowly to twenty, hoping he'll pass out from overstimulation.

He is steering this forsaken adrenaline generator with one hand!

A loud sound behind him, and even with Daedalus' dangerous curiousity, he won't look back. Can't. Blackness is shrouding him.]


kingofrooks December 17 2011, 05:13:44 UTC
[ ... Did Daedalus just faint?

Bruce blinks down, keeping half an eye on the road, the rest of his attention taken up by Daedalus, who seems to have slumped completely against him. At least it's against his right arm, which by necessity's sake will never leave the handlebars because that's where the accelerator is, and he lifts his left arm to try to shake him awake.

At the same time, he starts to brake. They are almost there, Skye's lights showing the way and keeping the Darkness monsters away from the front doors as much as possible. When he reaches the hospital, he swings off the bike, and literally lifts Daedalus up by his armpits and sets him to the ground, turning him until he fades the entrance of Skye's. ]

Jack Kelly is asking for you. He's been trapped under the basement and his healing abilities strained for two weeks. Right now he's suffering from malnutrition.

[ As he speaks, he has a hand around Daedalus's elbow and is practically dragging him into the hospital. ]

You're the doctor. Heal him.

[ And he lets go- but ( ... )


gaveherwings December 17 2011, 06:12:07 UTC
[No, he's just hoping it may go away if he keeps perfectly still and plays possum.

And when he's hoisted off the bike and placed on sailor's legs, Daedalus sways on the spot- one, because he's off balance, but also because the task set before him (with that almost-gentle push between the shoulders) is unbelievable. Malnutrition and shock from hemorrhage.

His autoreivs could handle that, without manual command instruction.

It's both the highest commendation and the most ludicrously banal and offensive task that's been set before him since 'Here is this comatose specimen, Doctor Yumeno. Your Purpose is to keep it asleep.'

So he laughs. It's Batman who teases it out of him, not Joker. It's more like a heady, hysterical little scoff, as he stumbles two steps forward then wheels around, pacing backward towards the double doors, flinging one arm out for emphasis.]

There are a slew of capable, trained medical staff in this building!

And yet you drag me, from my job, through the night, and expect me to just-

[His mouth hangs open, and ( ... )


cowboy_newsie December 17 2011, 06:21:53 UTC
[As soon as the door opens, a doctor with a sour expression and a sizeable bruise on his cheek marches forward. Thank god you're here, he drawls, and the words couldn't be dryer. You've been asked for.

And a little farther back, sitting right where Batman had set him, is Jack Kelly. Fear and anger switches back and forth in his expression, fighting for dominance; a nurse stands next to his gurney, looking hesitant. She holds an IV drip on her hand, and it's clear she wants to slip it in-- but it's equally as clear, from the way Jack keeps glaring at her, that he absolutely won't let her.

He gives Daedalus a tight smile when he catches sight of him.]

Evenin', Doc, and how are you?


gaveherwings December 17 2011, 08:43:59 UTC
[Daedalus sheds his lab gloves that he's worn through the ride, stuffing them into his pocket with a mutter on his lips that might be a soured 'hello to you too, Williams', snatching a free pair from a passing cart and snapping them on before he swings into the curtained off section of the ER.

One look at Jack, sitting up, speaking, churlish with the nurses- and it's almost painful, how unnecessary his own presence here is. He releases a long sigh, swiftly surveying the situation. And comes to the sudden striking realization that he probably left his good bedside manner- oh, in the settling dust on some gritty street corner now covered in charred monster guts.]

Vitals? The nurse chirps status in return, and he shakes his head with a little roll of his eyes ("Stable!")

[It's singsonged, with a brisk click of irritation. He hasn't exchanged pleasantries with the patient yet, and some of the passing staff seem surprised to find him here in the night clinic, the bottom half of his trousers (not scrubs!) stained with mud.]BP? (in units ( ... )


cowboy_newsie December 17 2011, 08:50:27 UTC
You weren't on call?

[He doesn't bother to keep his voice down, too exhausted for that. One of the nurses glances back, attracted by the tightly held fury in Jack's tone, but the others hustle her away.]

Well, excuse me, Doc. Why don't you go home? Get some beauty rest. I didn't mean to wake you up. I'll just be rescued from torture at a more convenient time, oy? Say, nine AM, that work for you?

Fuckin' hell, I don't need this, I can take care o' meself--

[He slips off the gurney-- and for a moment, the world spins sickishly. Jack sways, his face paling, his hands gripping at the bed in an attempt to steady himself.]

Just call Sirius and I'll nurse myself back and you can go back to bed.


gaveherwings December 17 2011, 09:04:06 UTC
Sit back down. That's a clean needle, Mr. Kelly, and it's only saline. And you know it.

[And that's really more like doctor's orders, straining to curtail the tired, trying patience of one who's be hauled through hell to get here and play cooperation staredown with a boy too stubborn to take a needle.

It's little wonder Dr. Williams was so quick to turn over attending position.]

You are probably quite dehydrated, and could use some overnight observation. So sit down, stay awhile. Since we're both here till sun up now.

[Daedalus frowns, in no mood.] And let Sirius get some rest too. He and Re-l have been combing the city for you, for days.


cowboy_newsie December 17 2011, 09:06:49 UTC
[He glares hard at Daedalus, but sits on the edge of the bed.]

I don't fuckin' like needles and I can drink water on my own. Go home, I don't want to be in the damn hospital and neither do you.

[But he's trembling with the effort of speaking, and he's covered in enough blood and dried vomit and tears and god knows what else that he's getting looks from every person in passing.]


gaveherwings December 17 2011, 09:31:18 UTC
Considering you've worked for the damn hospital, Jack, one would think you'd be a bit more understanding.

[But his tone is leveling, gradually, adjusting to that place where the dynamic meets into something workable. Because he's really not so stuffed (Diego Armando would never have compromising if he wasn't.)

Daedalus looks him up and down with sympathizing crease in his brow, although the vomit doesn't help the queasy feeling in his stomach from the jostled sandbagging and the ride over.]

You wouldn't like to change into a gown, and have some towels bought over right now?

[He finally leans in and cajoles, wondering just how long Batman left him waiting here, that no one's gone ahead and cleaned him up.

Then, in one of Skye Medical's fine off-cuff traditions, one that he still hates clearing his throat and hollering clear across the ER and all too casually for, the coded language of a hospital that certainly doesn't run on SPGH's kind of behavioral restrictions-]

Heeeey! How far do I have to go for a hand towel!

[ "White ( ... )


cowboy_newsie December 18 2011, 01:30:47 UTC
[He begins scrubbing himself hard, trying to wholly devote himself to the task. It's no easy feat; he's entirely covered in blood. Still, at least his face is somewhat clear now-- and his hair and the back of his neck-- and his hands--

And when he thinks Daedalus isn't looking, he presses the damp cloth to his lips, sucking out a bit of water there.]

You know I can regenerate. I'm fine, I know how to take care o' malnutrition. Daedalus, please. Let me go home.


gaveherwings December 18 2011, 08:54:18 UTC
Jack, please listen. [And now he's really moving down eyes to eye, in that way that's almost doting and paternal, but wears like a concerned friend on a twenty-two year old babyface. And there's a hospital gown, set beside him on the gurney. His voice lowers to a volume that's one to one, beneath the clamor of the ER.] I understand you've been through a great ordeal, I know you'd like to go home and sleep it off, and I don't doubt your training and capability. But you have suffered trauma, and there are precautions of recovery that are best taken within a medical facility.

I really don't want negligence to be on my hands, particularly given the person who just brought me here.

We need to run a few tests to be sure your blood- regenerative or not, hasn't been contaminated by whatever's been done to you. I know you don't like needles. And I know you've probably seen enough of them. But this is with your best interests in mind. Now that I'm here, that you called for me, please trust in me.

[And then, because he knows these boys well, ( ... )


cowboy_newsie December 18 2011, 21:11:00 UTC
[He stares at Daedalus, his eyes hard, his expression blank-- and then abruptly gives a curt nod, glancing away.]

How long do I have to stay? And tell the other staff here I ain't lettin' them near me.

[He glances back toward the other man, his expression still hard-- but there's fear there as well, subtle and tense, if Daedalus is looking close enough.]

I've had needles in me for the past two weeks. Like hell I'm lettin' anyone but you or me put another in me.


gaveherwings December 19 2011, 01:20:56 UTC
[If Daedalus had one weakness in career, one fast way to make him fold, it was a sense of self-importance, and the acknowledgement that he was exceptional at what he did.

The thought that Jack Kelly trusted him and him alone was something he couldn't argue- not even on behalf of his colleagues, as long as they weren't in earshot.

After all, it was the simplest way to do things, between the two of them.

The confidential mark of a personal physician. Which he still longed to me, no matter the swirl of the system around him.]

Alright. [He reaches for the hanging bag his nurse had abandoned, when staff had cleared off, and the needle.] This is just a fluid replacement drip.

I'm only going to do it for you, because I've been watching you wash yourself off- and your hands are trembling.


cowboy_newsie December 19 2011, 01:30:25 UTC
[He pushes the dirty and tattered sleeve above his elbow, his free hand clenching as he tries to stop it from shaking.]

You try not eatin' for two weeks, you see how bad your hands get.

[But it's not as angry as it was, and Jack sticks his arm out.]



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