All the world is a stage, and everyone has their part

Dec 15, 2011 13:33

Who: Jack Kelly [cowboy_newsie] and Batman [kingofrooks], Black Mask [ebony_mask] and Batman [see above].
When: The 16th, post-sirens.
Where: Black Mask's hideout.
Summary: Batman finally finds out where Black Mask is keeping Jack. He goes for a rescue. Then Black Mask comes back.
Warnings: Violence. Mentions/explicit descriptions of torture, gore, drugs and drug abuse. Stuff like ( Read more... )

bruce wayne | batman, daedalus yumeno, black mask, jack kelly

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gaveherwings December 17 2011, 09:31:18 UTC
Considering you've worked for the damn hospital, Jack, one would think you'd be a bit more understanding.

[But his tone is leveling, gradually, adjusting to that place where the dynamic meets into something workable. Because he's really not so stuffed (Diego Armando would never have compromising if he wasn't.)

Daedalus looks him up and down with sympathizing crease in his brow, although the vomit doesn't help the queasy feeling in his stomach from the jostled sandbagging and the ride over.]

You wouldn't like to change into a gown, and have some towels bought over right now?

[He finally leans in and cajoles, wondering just how long Batman left him waiting here, that no one's gone ahead and cleaned him up.

Then, in one of Skye Medical's fine off-cuff traditions, one that he still hates clearing his throat and hollering clear across the ER and all too casually for, the coded language of a hospital that certainly doesn't run on SPGH's kind of behavioral restrictions-]

Heeeey! How far do I have to go for a hand towel!

[ "White Star!" Chimes a cheerfully cheeky voice from down the hall. ]

Thank you!

[He calls back, surprised at how easy it is to fall back into that patter, and soon there's the squeak of an orderly's cart with damp towels, Daedalus passes them off to Jack while the man in scrubs tries to instigate small talk.

"Heeeeeey, it's Doogie! They got you pulling nights again, Kid?"]

No. A favor. Busy now.

[ "Yeah, yeah, clean your boy up, Dr. Malthus. Good to see you on the floor." ]


cowboy_newsie December 18 2011, 01:30:47 UTC
[He begins scrubbing himself hard, trying to wholly devote himself to the task. It's no easy feat; he's entirely covered in blood. Still, at least his face is somewhat clear now-- and his hair and the back of his neck-- and his hands--

And when he thinks Daedalus isn't looking, he presses the damp cloth to his lips, sucking out a bit of water there.]

You know I can regenerate. I'm fine, I know how to take care o' malnutrition. Daedalus, please. Let me go home.


gaveherwings December 18 2011, 08:54:18 UTC
Jack, please listen. [And now he's really moving down eyes to eye, in that way that's almost doting and paternal, but wears like a concerned friend on a twenty-two year old babyface. And there's a hospital gown, set beside him on the gurney. His voice lowers to a volume that's one to one, beneath the clamor of the ER.] I understand you've been through a great ordeal, I know you'd like to go home and sleep it off, and I don't doubt your training and capability. But you have suffered trauma, and there are precautions of recovery that are best taken within a medical facility.

I really don't want negligence to be on my hands, particularly given the person who just brought me here.

We need to run a few tests to be sure your blood- regenerative or not, hasn't been contaminated by whatever's been done to you. I know you don't like needles. And I know you've probably seen enough of them. But this is with your best interests in mind. Now that I'm here, that you called for me, please trust in me.

[And then, because he knows these boys well, he feels obligated to add-]

Sirius will be by as soon as he is able and aware, doubtlessly. Dramatic hospital escapes are fanciful and may even seem desirable for you, I'm sure, but they are not by any means practical in this situation. I won't be happy if you take it upon yourself to discharge.


cowboy_newsie December 18 2011, 21:11:00 UTC
[He stares at Daedalus, his eyes hard, his expression blank-- and then abruptly gives a curt nod, glancing away.]

How long do I have to stay? And tell the other staff here I ain't lettin' them near me.

[He glances back toward the other man, his expression still hard-- but there's fear there as well, subtle and tense, if Daedalus is looking close enough.]

I've had needles in me for the past two weeks. Like hell I'm lettin' anyone but you or me put another in me.


gaveherwings December 19 2011, 01:20:56 UTC
[If Daedalus had one weakness in career, one fast way to make him fold, it was a sense of self-importance, and the acknowledgement that he was exceptional at what he did.

The thought that Jack Kelly trusted him and him alone was something he couldn't argue- not even on behalf of his colleagues, as long as they weren't in earshot.

After all, it was the simplest way to do things, between the two of them.

The confidential mark of a personal physician. Which he still longed to me, no matter the swirl of the system around him.]

Alright. [He reaches for the hanging bag his nurse had abandoned, when staff had cleared off, and the needle.] This is just a fluid replacement drip.

I'm only going to do it for you, because I've been watching you wash yourself off- and your hands are trembling.


cowboy_newsie December 19 2011, 01:30:25 UTC
[He pushes the dirty and tattered sleeve above his elbow, his free hand clenching as he tries to stop it from shaking.]

You try not eatin' for two weeks, you see how bad your hands get.

[But it's not as angry as it was, and Jack sticks his arm out.]



gaveherwings December 19 2011, 02:05:40 UTC
I'm not shaming you for it. I'm just stating fact.

[Daedalus points out gently, steady with the needle and catheter, now that he's absorbed in finding a vein, not in the burning rawness on his face from riding fast through the biting cold outdoors.]

I'm going to be clear on procedure, so you understand what's going on-

Fluids first, and then we'll try you on some solids. Food may be difficult, if you haven't been digesting much in two weeks, so we're going to start you easy. Meanwhile I'll run a blood sample down through the lab, (which I'm going to take right now), to rule out any infection.

If your blood pressure does not remain stabilized, then your regen ability is not acting fast enough to counteract the lost volume, and we may need to move to transfusion.


cowboy_newsie December 19 2011, 02:08:51 UTC
I'd like to stick to fluids for a while, whether I can handle solids or not.

[He winces a bit as the needle slips into his skin, but keeps still. He pointedly glances the other way, though, nauseated at the sight of his blood leaving him once again.]

Once you're done, I'm goin'-- Jesus Christ-- I'm goin' to the bathroom. I need to get outta these clothes. How much blood do you need?


gaveherwings December 19 2011, 02:26:20 UTC
I'm going to draw 20ml right now. [He's eying the syringe closely, replaces it with another- it's been awhile since he's done something so menial in the hospital hierarchy as playing phlebotomist, but it's a skill that you don't really lose.] Two vials.

And then you can go to the bathroom, if you keep the IV in.


cowboy_newsie December 19 2011, 02:36:35 UTC
Well, thanks, Doc.

[He falls silent after that growled sarcastic retort, glaring at the floor.]

Is there--

[Jack hesitates, glancing around, making sure they're alone. It's something that's been preying on his mind for a week now-- and normally he would trust his ability, but since Roman's been playing hell with it who knows what sort of diseases he has?]

Don't look at me funny, all right? Don't look all horrified, don't get all funny, just answer the damn question. Is there any diseases I could have from eatin' another person?


gaveherwings December 19 2011, 02:54:29 UTC
[A caveat like that, and Daedalus stills himself, prepares a neutral face- and when he's asked he just holds his breath an extra few uneasy seconds, breaking off eye contact.]

Any normal infectious agent, present in the ingested flesh of another human- yes, it could be transmissible.

[He nods, carefully blank.]

That's why I want to run this through now.

[The question is pressing- What happened to you, Jack?, but as with any other patient fresh out of trauma, it wasn't his place to demand those answers.]


cowboy_newsie December 19 2011, 02:57:04 UTC
And I'll be fine til then? Til it runs through?

[The shaking in his hands has gotten worse, his face has gone paler-- but his expression is tight and steady, his gaze hard and focused on Daedalus.]


gaveherwings December 19 2011, 03:04:00 UTC
[He nods.]

The primary symptoms you are experiencing now are due to shock, blood loss & dehydration. You would be feeling 'sick' now, regardless of diet.

If there are any other trace toxins or infectious agents present in the blood, we should know in a few hours.

Under close observation, with rehydration and you should be fine. I'm going to administer a general antibiotic, just to be sure, once we've put some electrolytes back in.


cowboy_newsie December 19 2011, 04:34:52 UTC
[He nods curtly and pulls his legs up close to him, his arm still held out.


You know who that doctor was? The one I hit?

Figure I owe him an apology or somethin'.


gaveherwings December 19 2011, 04:59:08 UTC
Dr. Williams. [He sighs, casting a quick glance over his shoulder as he withdraws the second vial of blood, capping it with a different color and replacing the IV tube.]

And don't bother. He's what we call a 'prick in residency'.


cowboy_newsie December 19 2011, 05:00:00 UTC
[Any other day, that would earn a startled laugh. As it is, Daedalus gets a flash of a smile.]

Yeah? Why's that?


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