Victory's within the mile, almost there, don't give up now

Nov 13, 2011 21:39

Who: regeneratesalot & showbizpanache
When:  November 14, afternoonish
Where: Starting at the apartments, then going all over the city. and stuff.
Summary: OCCUPY SIREN'S PORT--Kurt offered to show Claire around the city and now the two are off on a grand adventure to explore the city and all of its wonders! And hopefully they'll be in before the sirens go off.
Warnings: Nothing?

The only thing on my mind is who's gonna run this town tonight )

claire bennet, kurt hummel

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Comments 14

showbizpanache November 14 2011, 06:39:10 UTC
[Kurt tends to avoid the Tower Apartments on principle, but he is on a mission this afternoon. It had taken a trip home to solidify it, but he really did miss Rachel--and not just her, but Mercedes and Brittany and Tina...even Santana. Being sent to the Port had left him oddly bereft of female friends his own age, and meeting Claire had been an unexpected blessing. He hopes they'll hit it off, and if not? At least he'll do some good for the Newcomer community.

He arrives promptly, toting his Gucci bag and dressed in his best shopping outfit. Claire isn't difficult to find, and he gives her a smile, bouncing on his feet a little as he approaches her.]

Hello there! I hope I'm not late.


regeneratesalot November 14 2011, 16:45:31 UTC
Hey. [ Claire smiles back, turning off her NV and placing it back into her bag. In comparison to his outfit and bag, Claire suddenly feels very ... under-dressed. She'd gotten free clothing from a clothing drive, though it definitely wasn't any designer labels; simple jeans, obviously used messenger bag, and a t-shirt. At least she had the boots she'd arrived in; those were her pride and joy, and they gave her an added couple of inches. It felt odd, not being able to feel the temperature like she used to be able to.

She stands, walking a few steps towards him as well. ] No, you're right on time. I like your bag.


showbizpanache November 15 2011, 05:43:15 UTC
Why thank you! [He grips it close, neglecting to mention that it's where he hides his trusty handgun. No need to freak her out.] It's a little beat up, I'm afraid, but it comes in handy.

[He clasps his hands together.] So, shall we begin? We can explore Sector 4 today, and head to the Underground Mall?


regeneratesalot November 15 2011, 05:59:16 UTC
Sure, sounds great. [ Claire would benefit from one of those. Especially if Sylar found a way to get out of jail early. Getting attacked by him twice was not a very appealing thought. She didn't want to think what else he would do to her body the second time through her brain; she kind of liked having control of her bodily functions. ] Lead the way.


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