[Open] When a Reaper's behind bars...

Sep 10, 2011 12:47

Who: southernreaper and YOU!
When: Saturday 9/10 - Wednesday 9/14
Where: SPPD Jail
Summary: Kevin's been put into jail for murder. People come visit.
Warnings: Possibly mild swearing? Please put date and time in your subject line. Action/Prose it's all cool with me.

Death takes a holiday )

snow white, zoey, frau, wither

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Comments 202

10:30 Friday morning frosty_mind September 10 2011, 19:02:00 UTC
[OOC: yes, Friday morning; checked with the mun. Emma reacted as soon as she saw the Friday newsfeed.]

[Also OOC: Emma's Voided as per standard protocol for jail visitors. You want to talk to her telepathically, you'll have to wait until she's gone.]

"Hello, Kevin. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier; I had no idea until I saw today's newsfeed, and I didn't want to annoy the officers by arriving too much before visiting hours to fill out whatever paperwork they needed for a first-time visitor."


southernreaper September 10 2011, 19:12:14 UTC
"It's alright, Miss Frost." He settles into the chair across from her. He's got gloves on, even though there's Voids all over the place. "Ain't no one's fault."


frosty_mind September 10 2011, 19:23:52 UTC
"Your arrest was no one's fault. The fact that it was six days before your friends found out it had occurred was a due to collection of fault, among them mine for not checking up on you when I knew Julian was gone." Her tone is composed but apologetic.

"There's some paperwork I need from you authorizing me to tentatively hire a lawyer on your behalf: you'll have to fill out more paperwork confirming after whoever I hire meets with you, but it authorizes him or her to make one visit to the jail as your lawyer in order to fill out said paperwork." She's got that filled out except for a signature from you; that would be pretty straightforward.


southernreaper September 10 2011, 21:02:19 UTC
"I c'n handle m'self, Miss Frost. Ya busy an' all; I know tha'." He folds his hands on the table separating them. He pulls over the paper and reads it over. See, you taught him - or will teach him - not to sign anything without reading it first.

"Alrigh'," Kevin said, signing the paper. "Anythin' else?"


Saturday 9/10 1400 makes_asteroids September 10 2011, 19:36:49 UTC
He hated being Voided. It left him feeling ill and out of sorts. But Kevin needed adults, so he swallowed his discomfort and pride and accepted it. But he requested to be seated before Kevin called. Due to his age, it was allowed, because who is really going to deny a elderly gentleman? He could play up the 'senior citizen' role when needed.


southernreaper September 10 2011, 21:07:23 UTC
Kevin walks out of the holding area and into the visiting area. Then he stops. He isn't sure who he'd been expecting but Dr. Xavier wasn't it. But, after a moment's hesitation, he still walks in and settles down across from him. He's wearing gloves, even with the Voids around, and keeps his hands in his lap.

"Dr. Xavier, sir."


makes_asteroids September 10 2011, 23:50:27 UTC

There's a great deal to say. Instead, he looks the boy carefully over. His eyesight isn't as sharp, but he doesn't see any visible signs of abuse.

"I'm making sure Stark gets fed for you."


southernreaper September 11 2011, 00:07:15 UTC
"Thank ya sir." He hasn't been abused. He looks a little strained, but honestly, is that so hard to understand considering the circumstances? "There was plenty o' stuff in the freezer, but I know he c'n go through that pretty quick, if'n he's eatin' proper."

Feeding Stark was a lot better topic than anything he could think of.


leading3men September 10 2011, 22:17:36 UTC
Zoey doesn't like to be on chow duty. She doesn't like to talk to the drunks or the assholes. Worse, she doesn't like to be near scared and sometimes openly weeping teenagers - something about them just hit Zoey too close to home, and it bothers her. But then again, ever since she first arrived here, everything has been bothering her.

But it's chow duty and she's gotta deliver food for the Port's finest. And sometimes, on her worst days, the finest tend to be the people who are the arrested, not the ones who do the arresting.

So she arrives with a plate that has semi-warmed food, because the people who deliver food to the station? Are assholes, of course.


southernreaper September 10 2011, 22:23:12 UTC
He didn't even know it was chow time. He sits up, a bit shaky, and walks over to the bars to accept the chow. "Thank ya, ma'am."

He's soft spoken, polite, and just looks... accepting. Like he knows he deserves this and he's not going to fight it at all.


leading3men September 11 2011, 01:21:39 UTC
Now she feels bad for being so crabby.

The guy looks familiar - maybe he's a newcomer and Zoey has spotted him on the network. Though if you see a familiar face in this island, that's usually the case.

"Anything else I can help you with?"

It's not like she's usually like this to other people down in the joint. Normally she ignores them. But it looks like another Day of being Exceptional.


southernreaper September 11 2011, 02:07:33 UTC
Kevin looks up through his bangs at the young cop that had brought him the food. He settles onto the edge of his bunk.

"Oh, no ma'am." He puts the food to the side. It's impolite to eat in front of people. "Ya a newcomer, ain't ya, ma'am?"


Sunday 1:00pm the_dead_pool2 September 11 2011, 04:13:47 UTC
[He didn't know the kid well at all, heck they had only had one conversation, but he was friends with the Julian kid, he had heard, and he supposed he should do something. He decided to visit, he didn't like facilities, and they had given him a bunch of trouble about his mask, but he had finally made it through after showing them why he wore it. The experience didn't leave him in the best of moods]

You look like shit.


southernreaper September 11 2011, 04:25:11 UTC
[Being Voided for so long is not agreeing with Kevin. Especially when he still has the addiction to his powers pressing at him and no way to ease it. He feels like he's going through withdrawal from a pretty heavy duty drug - even if that drug is his own skin.]

Well, thank ya. I'll be sure t'take that under advisement an' see 'bout prettyin' m'self up fer ya.


the_dead_pool2 September 11 2011, 04:27:34 UTC
I'd down rightly appreciate that, be all sorts of gentlemanly of ya.

[Mocking? Hells to the yeah]


southernreaper September 11 2011, 04:30:31 UTC
[Kevin's still wearing gloves, and has his hands in his lap so Deadpool can't see the fists.]

Did ya wan' somethin', or'd ya jus' come here t'make fun?


Monday, 10:30 am notadisneygirl September 11 2011, 21:28:14 UTC
[Snow was here under the pretense of getting the real story of what had happened with Kevin and the supposed death he had caused. But really, Snow was here to see how he was doing; as soon as she had heard that he was in jail. Which meant not being able to see him, at first, even though they had planned to see each other.

Well, she'd have to do something about that. Snow is waiting in the room, her purse on the table, and wearing gloves.]


southernreaper September 11 2011, 21:36:37 UTC
[He was expecting Miss Frost again, when he'd been told a lady was here to see him. He wasn't expecting Miss Snow. He settled in the chair across from her, keeping his hands in his lap.]

Howdy Miss Snow.


notadisneygirl September 11 2011, 22:24:17 UTC
Hey, Kevin. [She smiles at him, folding her hands in front of her.]

How are you holding up?


southernreaper September 11 2011, 22:28:30 UTC
[He keeps his hands in his lap, because even Voided, he's worried about his powers.]

I'm as fine as I c'n be, ma'am. How're ya doin'?


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