[Open] When a Reaper's behind bars...

Sep 10, 2011 12:47

Who: southernreaper and YOU!
When: Saturday 9/10 - Wednesday 9/14
Where: SPPD Jail
Summary: Kevin's been put into jail for murder. People come visit.
Warnings: Possibly mild swearing? Please put date and time in your subject line. Action/Prose it's all cool with me.

Death takes a holiday )

snow white, zoey, frau, wither

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Sunday 1:00pm the_dead_pool2 September 11 2011, 04:13:47 UTC
[He didn't know the kid well at all, heck they had only had one conversation, but he was friends with the Julian kid, he had heard, and he supposed he should do something. He decided to visit, he didn't like facilities, and they had given him a bunch of trouble about his mask, but he had finally made it through after showing them why he wore it. The experience didn't leave him in the best of moods]

You look like shit.


southernreaper September 11 2011, 04:25:11 UTC
[Being Voided for so long is not agreeing with Kevin. Especially when he still has the addiction to his powers pressing at him and no way to ease it. He feels like he's going through withdrawal from a pretty heavy duty drug - even if that drug is his own skin.]

Well, thank ya. I'll be sure t'take that under advisement an' see 'bout prettyin' m'self up fer ya.


the_dead_pool2 September 11 2011, 04:27:34 UTC
I'd down rightly appreciate that, be all sorts of gentlemanly of ya.

[Mocking? Hells to the yeah]


southernreaper September 11 2011, 04:30:31 UTC
[Kevin's still wearing gloves, and has his hands in his lap so Deadpool can't see the fists.]

Did ya wan' somethin', or'd ya jus' come here t'make fun?


the_dead_pool2 September 11 2011, 04:32:34 UTC
[You aren't the one in jail, don't say it]

Can't it be both?

[Better then what I thought we were going to say]


southernreaper September 11 2011, 04:37:17 UTC

[Irritated teen is irritated.]


the_dead_pool2 September 11 2011, 04:40:40 UTC
Mmmmmm, thats too bad. I guess I'll head out.

[He starts turning around]

No. There is a reason that we came on by. Stop being a little kid.

How about, shuddap?

[Just having a conversation in his head... except out loud]


southernreaper September 11 2011, 04:44:15 UTC
[STARE. However, he's so used to weirdness...]

Then what was ya reason fer comin'?


the_dead_pool2 September 11 2011, 04:50:55 UTC
Huh? Oh right, the guy I went came to see.

[Pauses and paces a little]

I guess I feel I owe it to Julian, he was a pretty cool guy, and you were close. So uh, hows the food?


southernreaper September 11 2011, 04:55:36 UTC
It sucks.

[Kevin shrugs.]

But it's food. How're ya doin'?


the_dead_pool2 September 11 2011, 04:59:06 UTC
Yeah, they don't have the best selection, thats for sure.

[Scratches his head]

Oh, been keeping busy, killing some Darkness monsters, pushing myself to the limits and all that jazz.


southernreaper September 11 2011, 12:24:30 UTC
Sounds like ya done made yaself at home.

[He doesn't feel at home anywhere, right now. He's kinda envious of Deadpool for that.]


the_dead_pool2 September 11 2011, 16:37:08 UTC
I think of it more as a vacation without a clear limit of time. Eventually it will all be over. So how you holding up in there, dude?


southernreaper September 11 2011, 16:49:09 UTC
Vacation huh? Think I preferred California.

[A shrug.]

Ain't too bad.


the_dead_pool2 September 11 2011, 16:59:01 UTC
Most people do. Canada isn't exactly a tropical local, but what we lack in warm weather we make up for in trees, and mooses or is it meeses? Well regardless trees and large creatures with antlers we have in abundance.

[Pause for a second]

No beatings or anything?


southernreaper September 11 2011, 17:03:32 UTC
Think meeses is somethin' t'do with mice. Sounds like somethin' m'aunt would say anyway.

[Kevin shakes his head. The beating happened before police custody.]

Naw, nothin' like that. Food needs a decent cook, but ain't nothin' more'n that.


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