The Customer is Always Right... right?

Aug 31, 2011 21:06

Who: OPEN.
When: The day of August 31
Where: Sector 5, at the Cat's Eye Bistro
Summary: Mysterious flowering cherry trees have sprung up overnight. They're beautiful, but their petals have some strange effects...
Warnings: Eventual violence thanks to an out of control 07 Ghost. Aside from that, just mark your warnings in the subject!

The up side of ( Read more... )

laughing beauty, fai d. flourite, frau, rain jewlitt, sakura kinomoto, *open log

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reflectedstasis September 15 2011, 02:15:10 UTC
Once Sakura was safely gone, Fai turned his attention to Frau as his eye flickered to gold. He was thankful then, that Rain's shift had just ended and the place empty, because as he stepped towards the man, he let his talons extend. Whatever this was... whatever the man had become...

He'd become a threat to Sakura and such a threat had to be neutralized.

Neutralized, or eliminated.



reflectedstasis September 16 2011, 16:19:54 UTC
Fai wanted to ask, true, but given the look in Frau's eyes and the fact that he had gashes along the curve of his neck and the scent of his own blood, tainted with the faint yet unmistakable scent of Kurogane's blood mixed in with his own now cloying the air, and Fai just needed a bit of space.

Because the self-recrimination in his friend's eyes was too like his own, every time he looked in a mirror, just to see another's face. He just needed a breath of distance to separate himself from those memories once again.

Which is why he brought a hand up to press at the still bleeding wound and took a step back towards the door as he dropped his gaze. He nodded at the thanks, then asked quietly, "I need to go close the bistro, so we can, um, talk later. Do you need anything while I'm gone?"


ibreakrules September 16 2011, 16:40:38 UTC
Frau rested on arm on his upraised knee and focused in the ground. Or more just looked at the ground. He couldn't really focus on anything right now. A numb blankness would be good for now. He would hold down the scythe and not let anything else in.

"No. As long as you're sure I can't get out."

There was nothing he needed that could actually be granted. Want was a little bit different. If he could have, he would have gone somewhere high up, away from everything. He'd always been comfortable in places like that. Here it would be too dangerous. He couldn't trust himself if someone else happened to come up there too. All he could do was keep himself locked up down here. Grounded.


reflectedstasis September 16 2011, 17:23:40 UTC
"No... you're quite sealed off."

Fai's other hand lifted to touch the barrier at the doorway, opened a space for him to step through. Once he was on the other side, however, he hesitated before pulling his hand away. He felt as if he should really say something, anything, and blurted out softly, "You didn't hurt her, you know. Might have scared her a bit, but you didn't hurt Sakura-chan. Remember that, for now... and Frau?"

Lifting his hand off the barrier, he glanced back over his shoulder to watch the man through the rapidly narrowing opening.

"It's a sound-proof barrier as well, if you need it. But if you call for me, I'll hear you."


ibreakrules September 16 2011, 17:29:27 UTC
"I know I didn't."

At least he hadn't hurt her physically. If he had, Fai wouldn't be talking to him like this. There simply wouldn't be any "him" left. That would have been destroyed on his first little taste of her soul.

Frau grit his teeth and forced himself to hold onto control. He couldn't let his zaiphon lash out in response. It wouldn't be nearly as dangerous as the scythe, but he still couldn't allow it to happen. He would just have to hold it all back, lock it as far down in his soul as he could and shove it into that box that was already overflowing with darkness and pain. Instead of showing any of that to Fai, he just sat and listened without a word.


reflectedstasis September 17 2011, 02:04:26 UTC
Fai's hand shot out, held a small window opening in the barrier. He frowned a bit and watched Frau for a long moment, his gaze intent on the other blond before he finally spoke. "You were fine, during our conversation so what set you off? What changed so much that you attacked Sakura? Or at the very least... what's the last thing you remember clearly?"

Because now that the moment was past, he realized that the shocked that had been evident after the man had let him go had been like his own after running the Princess through: As if one waking into a nightmare.

So if he were anything like Fai, cursed or something else, then he had to of had a trigger. Fai just needed to figure out what that trigger was.


ibreakrules September 17 2011, 02:51:17 UTC
What did he remember? Far too little. Frau forced himself to look up and meet Fai's eyes with a steady gaze, even if it was slightly blank.

"I remember talking to her, thinking her soul was beautiful. I remember drinking the tea and..."

Frau scowled, thinking. He remembered the hunger that the pastries hadn't fixed. He shouldn't have been hungry though. It wasn't like he come to the bistro hungry. If the scythe had been pulling on him then, why hadn't he stopped it?


reflectedstasis September 17 2011, 03:00:24 UTC
"And?" prompted Fai softly, his tone carefully soothing as his gaze sharpened. "You drank the tea, and then... what?"


ibreakrules September 17 2011, 03:03:06 UTC
Frau sighed and let his head knock back against the wall. There was no avoiding this it seemed.

"You're going to end up with the whole damn mess anyway..."

He fell silent again for a moment before continuing. He still didn't really understand what had happened. Everything after when he's started drinking the tea a lot was a mixed blur. He couldn't put it all together.

"And I felt hungry. Not the usual hunger, though that's what I thought it was."


reflectedstasis September 17 2011, 03:31:26 UTC
Everything, from the moment he'd realized Frau had followed him outside that first night to now, the bits and pieces of the other man that had been glimpsed between here and there, finally combined to create the first hazy image.

Fai blinked, startled, and leans against the doorframe, pressed a little more firmly at the wound still bleeding at his neck. The fact that he should have begun healing by now was a whole other issue entirely, but for the moment, he focused on the important one.

"That hunger is why you were looking for places full of corruption, isn't it? That's why you've been working in places like that - only, there was no corrupted souls in that part of the bistro, Frau. It was just you and Sakura."


ibreakrules September 17 2011, 03:46:54 UTC
So, Fai was starting to see the picture. He didn't know everything though. He didn't truly understand. Once again Frau looked up at Fai and met his eyes. This time he smiled, though it was one touched with sadness.

"Go take care of that, idiot. I'll explain after. Not like I'm going anywhere."

Fai needed to know. In fact... Fai had been able to seal the scythe. Maybe, just maybe, this man would be able to stop him if things got out of hand. In the dark world he was standing in, with the light so far away, he needed some kind of back up.


reflectedstasis September 17 2011, 12:27:19 UTC
Fai sighed softly and nodded. Frau was right, of course - it wouldn't do to lose too much blood. As it was, it meant he'd probably need to feed soon. "After that though... we'll talk."

For now, however, he simply pushed off the doorframe and let the barrier close, then turned to head down the hall. He made his way down to the living room, then continued right on down to the bistro.

He just needed to lock the place up before tending to the wound.


ibreakrules September 17 2011, 14:09:37 UTC
Frau watched the spot where Fai had disappeared from for a little while after he'd gone. With a soft sigh, Frau finally looked away and pushed himself to his feet. He moved slowly toward the window and gazed out. The winding vines of magic Fai had used to seal the room made it look like Frau was looking out through a cage or a prison cell.

Only this one he belonged in. This time he hadn't been set up. How much longer would he last like this? If Fai hadn't been there to step in, it would have been over for Frau. One little if was the only reason he was still himself. Frau hadn't given up fighting the scythe, but even though he couldn't see it through the darkness, he knew his path was ending soon. One step, two. He wasn't sure. All he was sure of was that he would take someone down with him when he went. That was the part that ate at him.



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