Show me how it ends, it's all right.

Apr 16, 2011 18:49

Who: hexyoutotuesday, mademyhell, thecrowingtobe, and painhumbles
When: Saturday evening
Where: The apartment of exacerbated emo.
Summary: Trauma's abilities are on high and out of control. This means nightmares are coming true and fears are coming to life in their little apartment. So Jinx gets to have an encounter with fear itself in the form of her old headmaster.
Warnings: Language, mild violence ( Read more... )

terrance 'trauma' ward, gabriel/the trickster, jinx, claudio kilgannon

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Comments 17

painhumbles April 17 2011, 03:25:06 UTC
If Gabriel knew half the thoughts in Jinx's head, he might have felt bad for his own silent brooding, the way he utterly shut down, except to accept her into his arms and draw some measure of solace from her. He'd spent most of the time asleep, when he wasn't throwing up bile that tasted too sweet, curled up in the fetal position on the couch. He'd actually thrown a pillow at Lutz at one point, he was pretty sure.

He should've sensed the power the moment it occurred- there's no explanation for what it feels to sense everything and then suddenly be shut off. It shouldn't have taken Jinx's screaming to wake him up. He jumped up and immediately felt sick from the vertigo- he wasn't used to anything about this human body yet- but Jinx took precedence over his own condition. Aside from the disorientation and the fact that he couldn't just appear in her room, he almost forgot that he was human.

"Jinx? JINX?" Could she hear him? When he paused at the door, he could hear two voices and one of them- he hurled himself at the door without ( ... )


mademyhell April 17 2011, 05:52:15 UTC
He knew something was off.

That was probably the best way to put it, because saying he felt utterly disconnected and wrong was...No, that was probably closer, really.

It was like something was being yanked on in the back of his head. Like...The compulsion to shift, but- ...No. That wasn't it at all. Close, but-(Damn it. What the fuck was that?) The weirdest part was how the white noise of everyone in the fucking building (From what he could tell anyway) was suddenly both louder and...incomprehensible. There was no urge to shift, no individual louder than the rest, just a tug at the back of his brain that had latched around a specific sound in the mess of things running through his head. It felt like something was yanking on him. But not...Physically- What- He couldn't fucking focus.

(Of all the times to be going fucking crazy, Ward, you have amazing goddamn timing.)

What the hellHe was trying to figure it out, eyes unfocused, absent and red-eyed, staring at the wall far wall when he heard Gabriel crashing into the door. It took ( ... )


thecrowingtobe April 17 2011, 06:23:42 UTC
He was just.. .really out of it. He hadn’t been paying proper attention, and while Gabriel was taking over the couch in the living room, he was taking over the couch in his own room, seated though, head leaning back and not really focusing on anything other then Apollo sitting on his chest and purring, the feel if the cat’s purrs vibrating on his chest was his only focus point at the moment.

It was better to focus on the cat then his own breathing. His mind felt empty at times. No voices. No visions. No nothing that was normally there. He focused on the rhythmic in and out of his breath and the cat purring on his chest.

It was easier then letting his mind focus on what happened the day before, with Trauma and how Josie was suddenly there and what she said and-he heard something in the room next door, but he didn’t move at first. He just lay back, taking a moment, telling the others that he had a headache and wanted a nap. Breathing in and out and-he heard her talking louder. Stronger. To some male voice. Was it… Patrick ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday April 17 2011, 06:59:27 UTC
Jinx tried screaming again, as loudly as she could. That only made him kiss her harder. She tried to kick, tried to headbutt him, anything, but her every move turned into a constricted thrashing. Weak. She was so weak. Not just without her abilities. It was him. He weakened her. Brother Blood controlled her mind. With his telepathy, his manipulation, all that fear. This was asking a child to fight the Boogeyman bare handed. Go into the closet and face your fears. They're not real. They can't hurt you. Oh, but Blood could. He had shattered her bones, cut her, strung her up, beat her, and this. The last time she had managed to escape. But now ( ... )


painhumbles April 17 2011, 07:17:36 UTC
Gabriel snarled when Trauma managed to... Sort of get a handle on the situation. It should be him. It should be him blasting the shit out of that thing and...

The growl tapered off as he clambered over to where Jinx was. He couldn't fit himself into the tiny space, but he could reach a hand in and grab hers. He was sore and still exhausted and in agony, but he could forget all of that for Jinx- dammit, he was a self-centered asshole to barely pay her any mind the last few days, except when she was bossing him around and mothering him.

"Jinxie? Babe? C'mon. It's just me." He pressed his forehead against the bookcase, squeezing her hand tightly. "It's okay. The boys are taking care of it."

The boys. He gritted his teeth and tried to focus on her, instead of his own uselessness for once. He'd worry about how badly he wanted to tear whoever that was, whatever that was apart later. For now, it was making sure his girl was safe and okay.


hexyoutotuesday April 18 2011, 03:59:47 UTC
The moment he touched her, her body jerked tighter into a ball. She didn't have the room to jerk her hand away, but she took to pressing it harder against her ear. Jinx was afraid of just hearing that man's voice. It was like she couldn't snap herself out of it no matter how hard she tried. All she saw was that night at the HIVE. The night where she grabbed Mammoth and Gizmo and just took off. For weeks she couldn't have her back to an open space. She thought he'd come after her again. So she put up every line of defense against him she possibly could.

It had been years and she still had the nightmares. She still wondered if he could somehow control her mind, even from across parallel dimensions. Every supervillain that fell into the Port from her world seemed to make the chances higher that Brother Blood would follow them. Now he was here. Her greatest fear come to life. He was here and everyone was in danger. They needed to run. She needed to do something, but her body just wouldn't listen. Her powers were gone. She was useless. ( ... )


painhumbles April 18 2011, 04:50:01 UTC
Gabriel jerked back so hard, he actually fell back onto his ass, all grace torn away from him. It didn't take him long to reach back into the space and get a hold of her the best he could. He wished he could yank her up, pull her into his arms and take her somewhere far away from here, but she wasn't the only one feeling weak and useless. It was more prevalent now that it had ever been. He couldn't do this much. How did human men stand it? The Winchesters always lost the people they loved, because they were idiots. Well, he might be smarter than the average Kansas hick, but he wasn't exactly a genius when it came to self-preservation and protecting people. He counted on being strong.

If he wasn't, then what good was he?

"You're not his. You're not his," he found himself saying, hoarsely, trying to shake her out of the trance. "You're mine. Okay? You're mine and no one- no one is gonna touch you like that again, unless they want their entrails on Gucci's next fall line." The words poured out of his mouth, despite him knowing he ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday April 18 2011, 07:09:13 UTC
Now that she wasn't covering her ears, she could listen. She could hear someone talking to her. Everything was so fuzzy right now. She could feel someone's hand on her, but she couldn't feel anything. She couldn't even tell who was still in the room. Jinx was afraid to look up and see Brother Blood staring back down at her.

No one is gonna touch you like that again.

There was a good deal more sobbing until she was finally able to breathe in more than gasps. It was jilted, but she was trying. Her hands gripped tight fists in her hair and she trembled, trying to just focus on her lungs. Trying to get some sort of control. She felt like she was going to puke. She wanted to scream. Instead, a small voice came out of her. "Gabriel...It took a great deal of effort, but she pulled her head up just enough to show her eyes. Slowly, cautiously, she opened them. The expression painted on her face was that of a terrified child. She felt sixteen again, under Blood's control and unable to fight it. A weak waste of flesh. That was with her powers ( ... )


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