Show me how it ends, it's all right.

Apr 16, 2011 18:49

Who: hexyoutotuesday, mademyhell, thecrowingtobe, and painhumbles
When: Saturday evening
Where: The apartment of exacerbated emo.
Summary: Trauma's abilities are on high and out of control. This means nightmares are coming true and fears are coming to life in their little apartment. So Jinx gets to have an encounter with fear itself in the form of her old headmaster.
Warnings: Language, mild violence, and sexual implications. This is written from the point of view of a very emotionally damaged girl with a twisted memory of a cult leader who brainwashed and used her. Things get pretty harsh.

The past two days had seriously taken their toll on her.. Claudio had been forgetting things like an old man in a nursing home. Trauma was an absolute wreck, taking painkillers like they were Skittles. And then there was Gabriel who, for the first time in his entire existence, was mortal. Her home was nothing short of a mess and she was trying to take care of it all. Out of the three of them, she was in the best shape. So she was expected to play the role of their mother. It was her job to make sure the boys were all right. She loved them all and they were having a hard time. It was only natural.

…and no one seemed to care that she was in the same damn boat.

Whatever was going on, it eradicated her ability to use magic. That would have been fine - it’s not like hexing was a big part of her life - but it stripped her of a vital part of who she was. Her abilities had been with her for as long as she could remember. Now that they were gone? She felt empty and cold. All of her senses were dulled and the world wasn’t nearly as bright. It was terrifying and gave her on serious migraine. She was the strongest, most capable person in the apartment right now and she felt defenseless. But most of all? She hated, with every last fiber of her being, that even without her supernatural abilities, she was still a fucking freak.

Sure, not having bad luck was a blessing. It was fun to use big appliances or carry a wallet without losing it. Little things like that. But in the end, even without her powers, she would still be an outcast back home. They would still demand she joined a side because she looked different. Because she was different. Evidently, having claws was a big enough ability that society demanded you either save them or destroy them. Why couldn’t she have woken up just as human as Gabriel? It wasn’t fair, damn it. Not fair at all.

But she couldn’t tell them that. They would laugh. Algernon, the Boogeyman, and Stay Puft all had the worst problems in the world right now. No one could feel as awful as they did right now. Obviously. Jinx was just being a diva again and she needed to get the fuck over herself.

God, she needed a break..

Leaving wasn’t an option, though. So she momentarily retreated to her room. She needed some peace. So she picked up a brush and went to her easel. Pouring her negative feelings onto a defenseless blank canvas was a good enough plan. Closing her eyes, exhaling, she made a blind brushstroke. Then, actually focusing now, she started from there.

“It’s sloppy. You always were such a messy creature.”

Her hand froze, applying enough pressure to the canvas to stretch the fabric. Her heart stopped, just like her breathing, and her eyes were wide with fear. That voice. The voice that haunted her. The voice that filled her nightmares. Blood.

“What? Cat got your tongue?”

Gasping shakily, she turned around, praying he wasn’t there. But there he was, in his fighting robes, eyes glowing red as he watched her with a disapproving sneer. Something was off, though. Which was actually a relief.

“Trauma. Cut it out. This isn’t funny,” she growled and set her paintbrush down on the tray. He only chuckled in return. “Trauma…”

Brother Blood reached out to her and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “My poor confused Lucky.”

She felt like she should scream but no sound came out of her mouth. A panicked look on her face, she stumbled backward, knocking into her easel. “Y-You don’t know that name, T.”

“Of course I do, my pet. I know everything about you.”

“Get out of my head. Now.”

“Foolish child. Do not presume to order me.” He began slowly advancing on her, his expression harshening. For every stride he took toward her, she shakily stepping back, feeling behind herself with one hand, afraid to look away from him. “You have no authority here. You know I am stronger.”


“You have nothing to defend yourself. Look how terrified you are.”

“I’m not.” Her voice was coming out in quiet squeaks.

“Oh, but you are. No powers to keep me at bay. No team to throw in my path. You are alone, precious.”

“I…I’m not. My friends. They--”

“--are weak. They will die by my hand. It will be all your fault. Again. They will suffer and it will be because of you.”

“I won’t let you. If you so much as touch them, I’ll--”

“You. Will. What?”

Her back hit the wall. Jinx couldn’t keep herself steady. Her knees felt so weak she could barely stay standing. Feeling along the wall, she sidestepped, trying to keep the distance between them. “I’ll…”

“You can’t protect them. You can barely take care of yourself. You have always needed a master. Someone to serve so they would protect you. Dear child, you fear being alone, but you know they will leave you.”

“Shut up.”

“They will tire of you.”

“They love me!”

He stopped walking and straightened his spine, chuckling. “Love?” He threw his arms out to hide sides, beaming. “You know nothing of love. I loved you.”

“You’re wrong.”

“I took care of you, I taught you, I loved you when everyone else couldn’t even look at you. And how do you repay me?” He raised his voice, “You left me in a cell to rot!”

Her back hit a wall and her knees finally buckled. “I’m… I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry?”


“Sorry won’t make up for the things you have done. The things you will do. I could have made you better. I could have given you everything. My stupid Lucky.”

“I am not yours.”

“I am the only one who has ever truly wanted you.”


“Your toy will only want you until something new captures his fleeting interest. Something better than this pathetic child before me.”

Growling, she pulled herself back to her feet. “You’re lying.”

“How can I lie when you know it’s true yourself?”

“Stay out of my head.”

“Tsk tsk. Now what did I say about giving me orders? You are only making a fool of yourself. Look at you. A shell of what you once were. I can make you strong again. Submit.”

“I am strong.”

He laughed again. “You are deluded. Power without control is nothing. You will kill them all. Their blood will be on your hands, my pet. You are a murderer. You can’t change. They will die.” He shrugged dismissively. “Or they’ll leave you. Just remember, little Lucky. I never left you. Brother Blood will always be here.”

“Go away. Y-You’re not real.”

“Oh, but I am. I can give you so much. I can help you. Serve me. Wouldn’t it be nice talking orders again? Not worrying? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be my good girl again?” Slowly, Jinx moved away from the wall. He took a step closer to her. “Do you think they listen to you? Do you think they care about your plight? You know they don’t. You give them everything you have and they don’t repay you. Did Gabriel take care of you when you were sick?”

“He tried…”

“Hardly. And when you rescued Claudio, did he thank you?” She was quiet. “Trauma never even wanted you. You are a burden to them. They care about each other more than they do you, and Gabriel only cares about the love of his family. The moment he has that, then why does he need a pathetic mortal? The decades you will spend together until you die will be hardly tolerated minutes to him. They will get over you and they will forget you.” His tone and expression softened. “You know that I am the only one who ever loved you.” Barely able to breathe, she took a step toward him. “Come to me, my good child. If you know what’s right for you, you will come to me.”

“…yes, Brother.” So she did. Standing in front of him, fists balled at her sides, she looked up at his red, glowing eyes. “Let me be good. I want to be…”

“Hush. I know you do. I know everything about you.” He brushed a piece of her hair back behind her ear and cupped her cheek. “I know that you are afraid. I know that you doubt” Her eyes closed and she leaned into his hand. She was still shaking. Her face was scrunched like she was about to cry. “It’s all right. I know. I know all your mistakes. I know that you abandoned me.” His voice grew harsh with those words and her eyes shot open. “I know that you are a traitor!”

“No!” Forcefully, she jerked away from him. He tried to pull her back and, reflexively, she defended herself in the only way she felt she could. Panicking, she scratched him across the face. His look was pure acid.

“You will pay!”

The next moments happens so quickly. He grabbed at her, catching her sleeve. The material shredded as she yanked her arm away and tried to hit him. Easily, he blocked her. He blocked every punch she threw before he grabbed her and threw her into the nearest wall. She caught herself, lessening the impact, but was immediately slammed back against it with a hand clasped tightly over her mouth. Her headmaster’s grin was wicked as he tore more of her dress. Tears flowed freely down Jinx’s face as she begged for her magic to return. As she prayed for him to stop. All she got was a risky opportunity when he leaned past her to smell her hair.

“You’re such an ugly girl…”

As hard as she could manage without the momentum, kicked him in the knee, jammed her other kneecap into his groin, then pushed hard off the wall to knock herself free. He stumbled and grasped at her skirt, trying to keep her there, and it ripped as she lunged for her bedroom door. Right before she could reach the knob, right when she thought she was going to be safe, he grabbed her tightly around the waist and she screamed. It echoed through the air, loud and shrill, before the sound was cut by her body getting slammed against her bookcase. Useless spellbooks hit the ground as she thrashed. Once again she tried to scream, yet her voice was muffled when his mouth covered hers. His body pressed up against hers, which pinned one arm between them as he held the other above her head. Brother Blood’s hand crept up her thigh. Tears continued drenching her face as she uselessly jerked her body around, trying to get free.

terrance 'trauma' ward, gabriel/the trickster, jinx, claudio kilgannon

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