Apr 16, 2011 19:44

Who: EVERYONE! And the HoA2
When: April 16th - April 22nd
Where: HoA2, first floor, unless invited upstairs
Summary: Jubilee convinced Garrus to come over and is setting up a refuge for those with powers that are out of control.
Warnings: none but will update as needed. Action/prose as wanted. Just put your time/date in the subject line, plz. Every ( Read more... )

hitsugaya toushirou, jubilee, rochelle, garrus vakarian, hyuuga neji

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Comments 184

Time Date: Most of the week of the 16th to the 22nd ive_got_reach April 17 2011, 01:07:53 UTC
It was strange in a way, to be helping again after so much time spent hiding because of his face, because of SERO. It had been far too long really, too much time spent preying on the pathetic criminals of of Siren's Port, never really making a difference, never really trying to.

That time was passed. Now he was in the "House of Awesome", still wearing the black trenchcoat and hat, the red scarf and the gloves with false fingers. Hopefully going to make a bit of a difference.


Time Date: April 16th, afternoon -- OPEN icy_heavens April 17 2011, 02:49:44 UTC
Hitsugaya hated to do this, in all honesty. Not just because he should have been able to control his power on his own, though that was certainly a large part of it. But it was also because being without any of his power didn't sit right with him. He felt more exposed, more vulnerable, even though he was still far from helpless.

He certainly wasn't leaving his zanpakutou behind, after all.

In the end, though, pragmatism made the decision for him. He wouldn't spend all his time here, but he needed some respite from the random reiatsu flares and flash-freezing of his surroundings. This whole situation had better be temporary.

He sat away from the general mingling, but still in close enough proximity to have his powers nulled. He wasn't here to socialize. He just needed some peace.


Time Date: April 16th, afternoon also, OPEN axemeaquestion April 17 2011, 04:00:32 UTC
Rochelle, honestly, wasn't sure what to do about her newfound freak nightvision. But it was nice to get away from her new orange tinted world and the fact that she couldn't help staining everything around her with the shit that was coming out of her eyes.

She tried to mingle around, but she wound up literally standing here. Looking around, like a deer in the headlights. Because god, suddenly it was so nice to look at things from a normal perspective.


sup fellow perception-challenged person :> heavenly_earth April 17 2011, 20:03:37 UTC
Neji stepped into the building, bristling as the feeling of cold washed over him and the world inverted, the veins around his eyes finally receding as color bled back into grayed vision and the chakra in his hands settled, no longer dangerous.

He moved inside, looking around properly now without a constantly fluctuating depth perception and caught sight of someone familiar, approaching with an edge of caution.

"Rochelle?" He had seen her around- most recently at the meeting with SERO and AGI in the Tower Apartments- but hadn't actually spoken with her since before her death. Of course, that was hardly an appropriate topic to bring up. "How are you faring?"


HEY axemeaquestion April 18 2011, 02:37:31 UTC
She looked up.

Oh, wow. There was a face she hadn't seen in a while.

"Neji? Hey!"


HI 8) heavenly_earth April 18 2011, 04:10:52 UTC
He dipped his head in greeting. "Good afternoon. Has the Core's recent malfunction affected you as well?"


April 16th- 18th, Anytime - OPEN heavenly_earth April 17 2011, 19:58:01 UTC
On the one hand, losing the ability to use his chakra entirely didn't appeal to him, and his sympathies lied with Tenten as she was going through something similar. But at the same time, it'd allow him to relax, unafraid of touching anything for the possibility of damaging it, and allow his eyes to rest. Chakra exhaustion had the potential to be a very serious condition, after all.

So Neji had convinced himself to show up and forfeit his chakra temporarily for the sake of his own health and sanity. It was as much of a relief as it was worrying though, and just the simple ability to look at things properly as well as handle various objects without risking a minor implosion calmed his nerves.

Neji breathed, finally able to relax and busied himself with settling in for the evening. He set up a small space away from the low murmur of conversation and after leaving a brief message with Tenten, leaned against the wall to meditate.


April 16th -- Lineface buddies! icy_heavens April 19 2011, 04:46:53 UTC
They weren't actually sitting all that far away from one another, and while Hitsugaya was hardly the most social of people, he'd found Neji tolerable to speak with. That, and he'd wondered a bit about his power the one time they'd met in person. Something to do with his eyes. He could imagine that it would be hell to have something like that out of one's control.

And Hitsugaya's unsociability extended to how he began conversations. There was no greeting, no pleasantries, though at the very least his tone was not rude. "Yours too, I see."

What reason was there to not get straight to the point, anyway?


Sup bro 8) heavenly_earth April 19 2011, 05:53:52 UTC
Neji blinked, glancing over. The shock of white hair and serious expression were somewhat familiar and he gave a half-nod of acknowledgment.

"It seems that way. Self-confinement wasn't effective enough to be considered if this is going to be longer-term and although I'm reluctant to resort to these measures, it's fortunate something of the sort was established, hopefully decreasing the number of resulting incidents.


icy_heavens April 19 2011, 06:06:29 UTC
"Self-confinement wouldn't even be advisable in my case. At least not without these conditions. I wouldn't be here either, if I didn't think I'd wind up accidentally destroying my house."

He hated being without his power. He hated it so much. It had been a part of him for some forty years or more, and he felt empty without it. Alone without Hyourinmaru in his head. The feeling was terrible.

But having the power be out of his control was no better, and thus this was the lesser of two evils.


So sorry I'm late paysdelamour April 19 2011, 00:07:32 UTC
Francis had been trying to keep his shapeshifting under control; but every time he made his way back upstairs from downstairs, he had managed to lose all control because of a surge in his new powers returning to him. So as he walked up the stairs to the second floor, he suddenly shifted into a woman. "Merde!" She hissed, tugging at her belt - she'd gotten used to tightening his belt and buttoning up his shirt all the way. And so, there was a rather irritated French girl storming up the stairs to her room.


ive_got_reach April 19 2011, 08:44:01 UTC
"That's...quite the predicament you're in." Garrus didn't know Francis, and hadn't been aware of what he'd been going through. But he'd caught the Frenchman out of the corner of his eye while ascending the stares and then...poof.

So now the Dark trenchcoated figure in the red scarf and the wide hat is standing at the bottom of the stairs, amusement in his voice. "Must make changing levels a pain."


paysdelamour April 19 2011, 18:36:43 UTC
She paused and looked back down the stairs, surprised to see Garrus standing there. Francis - or whichever feminine name one chose to give her, whether Francesca or Françoise - gave a slow nod, and walked back down the stairs a step or two, tugging at her shirt for it to stay on her shoulders. "Oui, it can be... at least I didn't turn into a cat, this time." Her shoes were now just a little too big, and so, she decided to slip them off and simply carry them upstairs. "Mon dieu, if only I could just control them, it wouldn't be so bad!"


ive_got_reach April 22 2011, 04:57:52 UTC
"A cat?" If he had eyebrows, they'd be raised right now. As it was he scratched at his scarf in amusement. "No luck on controlling them eh? I suppose popping in and out of my Null field, or whatever it's called, doesn't really help much."


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