
Mar 17, 2010 01:31

Who: Severus Snape, open to anyone out after the siren.
Where: The baseball diamond
When: March 16th, just after the evening siren.
What: Snape arrives, and is distracted at an inopportune moment.
Note: I'll be responding tomorrow, as I'm ff to bed now.

botherbotherbotherbotherbother )

dr. byron orpheus, severus snape, ishida ryuuken, nnoitra jiruga

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Comments 34

fightandfuckk March 17 2010, 06:33:36 UTC
It had been a pretty fucking boring day, which was why Nnoitra was out after the siren. Shit got exciting after dark, even if there were some things Nnoitra would rather not go up against. He'd just kill bitches until he got bored and then go home.

Except before he could get started, he noticed a human with pretty strong spiritual pressure coming out of the arena thingy. Nnoitra grinned as he studied the newcomer and wondered if he'd be worth fighting. Santa Teresa was on his shoulders as he approached the guy.

"Pretty strong spiritual pressure ya got there, human."


potionsmaster March 17 2010, 17:28:14 UTC
He certianly had not been expecting something like that to introduce itself to him. Severus was not even sure what it was. The height suggested a giant hybrid. But Severus had never seen one carry such a complicated weapon, or speak so clearly.

"Is that so." Severus said, sounding completely uninterested in the creature that stood before him. "I'll be sure to take note of that." Although, from the tone in his voice, he would not be doing that at any time in the near or distant future.


Just the thought of Snape making that face at Nnoi has me lolling XD fightandfuckk March 17 2010, 18:13:22 UTC
Nnoitra stared at the human for another moment, but he was already tuning out what the guy was saying. Shuffling in from allies and dark corners all around, the monsters had arrived.

Nnoitra grinned as he ran the nearest one through with his hand. The blob-like creature fell to the ground with a splat, its black blood staining Nnoitra's arm.

"Better use yer shit cuz I sure as fuck ain't savin' yer ass," he said, Santa Teresa a blur as he decapitated two more monsters. He'd see what this guy was all about, and if it was interesting or strong enough, maybe he'd take him on.


potionsmaster March 18 2010, 05:42:33 UTC
Severus' eyebrows raised in surprise as a gelatinous creature sprang forth from the shadows, oozing its way toward the impossibly tall man. And then, despite the foolishness of the action, the man attacked it with his bare hand.

That was not good. Not at all. And what was worse, more appeared to be coming, different creatures crawling out toward the stranger and himself. Severus scowled, watching the man as he destroyed a few more.

"I do not need to be saved," he informed him, even as an awkward, almost human creature lumbered toward him. He looked at it, not quite willing to kill the creature just yet. Even though this violent, vulgar man was obviously not a muggle, Severus was not willing to show what he was to him. And the creature didn't seem to be attacking just yet. He was sure he could avoid it if he just walked away from this whole mess.


quincy_dilf March 17 2010, 06:47:50 UTC
It was unusual for Ryuuken to be in this sector, but he found himself traveling through it on his way home. He had been to see a patient who would not come to the hospital for fear of SERO--even though Siren's Port General had no affiliation with them--and so Ryuuken had gone to him.

As Ryuuken passed the abandoned baseball diamond which all newcomers had to pass through, he noticed someone about to come out of it.

Ryuuken stopped several feet away from the man after sensing his high spiritual pressure. It appeared he would be safe enough during the darkness, but Ryuuken would offer him aid nonetheless.

"Do you require assistance?"


potionsmaster March 17 2010, 21:15:26 UTC
Severus turned toward the stranger, gripping his wand more tightly. He relaxed his grip soon after, however, once he saw the man's muggle style of dress.

Wonderful. He had been deposited in a muggle city, it seemed. Severus scowled at the offer of assistance, more annoyed by the fool's intrusion than anything else. "I doubt that someone like you could be of any help to me." He told Ishida, his voice dripping with ice.


quincy_dilf March 18 2010, 01:49:11 UTC
"New to this world and already assuming things? How very foolish," Ryuuken replied, his voice clinical and cold and his expression stoic. He thought of leaving, but made no move to do so just yet.

Ryuuken looked the strangely-dressed man over before glancing from the ethereal deer at his feet to a nearby dark alley way. He could already sense the monsters beginning to appear.

Without another word, he walked by the newcomer, his gait slow and steady. When the first of the monsters came hurtling out of the darkness to attack, Ryuuken drew his bow in an instant and filled its face full of arrows in another.


potionsmaster March 18 2010, 22:45:49 UTC
Severus lifted one eyebrow at the cold tone from the Muggle man, but other than that, he showed no more of his immense dislike for the Asian. Honestly, did the man think that he was going to beg for help from a complete stranger? Especially when there was nothing to be helped with.

He was still unimpressed when the muggle took out a bow and fired on one of the monsters. Muggles and their weapons. He shook his head. "As I said, I do not need your help." One of the beasts, some kind of flying creature, dove down toward him.

He whipped out his wand, slashing it down in the air and the beast fell apart nearly. A worldless protego! shielded him from the blood. He looked over at the man, then turned his wand at him. Again, he flicked his wrist, almost lazily casting a spell to destroy a creature which was leaping toward him. "In fact, I believe it is quite the opposite."


dr_byronorpheus March 17 2010, 14:13:32 UTC
Orpheus was entranced by the small deer following the man on the sidewalk ahead of him. It just looked so mystical! He was late meeting a potential client interested in a few protection spells, but he couldn't help himself. His curiosity for all things magical was getting the better of him.

"Excuse me. If it's not too forward to ask…is that your familiar?"


potionsmaster March 17 2010, 23:11:37 UTC
Severus was beginning to grow tired of being interrupted by fools. They seemed to think that he wanted them to intrude upon his thoughts, although he knew for certain that he was did not look like a person who wanted to have complete strangers bothering him.

He stopped, whirling on his heel at the sound of a man drawing in breath to speak, a vicious reply dying on his lips as the he caught sight of the man. He wore a dressing gown over what seemed to be pyjama pants, and if that wasn't absurd enough, he was wearing some silly purple-and-black cape over the entire awkward ensemble.

It was enough to give him pause, long enough for Orpheus to ask him about the deer at his heels. He scowled. Well, the accent was enough to give Severus deep insight into his odd clothing -- he was a Yank, he wasn't expected to conform to a civilized manner of dress. And, as unfortunate as it seemed, this man spoke as if he were familiar with wizarding terms.

"No. It is not. I'm not entirely sure what that is, or why it has chosen to follow me."


dr_byronorpheus March 18 2010, 16:39:04 UTC
"Oh, really?" Orpheus half muttered to himself, "Perhaps a disturbed spirit then." There were certainly enough dark forces in this town to disturb the hardiest of spirits.

The man looked most unhappy, with that deep scowl and his dark clothing. Perhaps this unwanted companion was weighing heavily on him. A desire to help added fire to his curiosity.

"How long ago did it start following you? Have you lost someone important to you recently? Were you feeling particularly distressed when it appeared? Or any other strong emotion that would have drawn a spirit to you?" Orpheus finally paused in his questions long enough to give Severus a chance to answer while he stepped closer to try to get a better look at the silvery animal.


potionsmaster March 18 2010, 23:58:42 UTC
A disturbed spirit? That was more than enough to put a sour look on Severus' face. Not a wizard, then, but a crackpot 'spiritualist'. Or, worse, a 'wizard' who excelled in Divination. Severus did not like the way the man was stepping closer while interrogating him about his deer. But he would not back away, instead, he stood a little straighter, glowering down his long, hooked nose at the strange yank.

"It has been following me since shortly after I found myself in that sport's field, or it attached itself to me at the same time that I arrived." He narrowed his eyes.

"I do not believe it to be any sort of spirit, disturbed or serene. And, even if it was, I think I would seek out professional help." The corners of his mouth twitched, turning up slightly, turning what had been a sneer into a smirk. "I prefer not to take advice from oddly-dressed Americans who accost strangers on the street."


samuelleofisher March 17 2010, 18:32:07 UTC
Just there, the baseball court he was told about was merely feet from his position. Sam walked those steps, the loss of blood on his arm was now an apparent bother, specially at seeing how the man stumbled from here to there, but he was here.

"Damn... baseball court... Why a baseball diamond...?" It made no sense, but it was his only clue to at least try and comprehend what was going on in here; why wasn't he back in the hunt for his daughter's murderer? Any time now!

Fisher stretched his good arm and pressed tightly against his left one, the damaged one. Then he looked up, goggles on his face allowing him to see the green shade of green, the image of a person, a man a... Why the robe again? He was beyond confused, but still... it was someone, right? Fisher hadn't seen people in days and had survived strange nights and things that hunted him, but he was here ( ... )


potionsmaster March 18 2010, 02:11:58 UTC
He had only been here a short time and he had already tired of this place. There were strange, strange people and creatures he could not recognize. And, worst of all, he could not leave this place. He had attempted to make a portkey, and tried to Apparate away from this place, but neither had worked.

And now, there was a man staggering toward him, odd goggles on his head and clutching one arm as if he were wounded. Severus scowled at the injured man, glaring his hardest in an attempt to put him off. Did he think he was some muggle Doctor? Or perhaps a healer?

While Severus could heal, he did not heal just any stranger who walked up to him and told him what kind of playing field he had just left. "Indeed it is." Snape said, coolly. "And it is not where you should be," his voice hardened as he scolded the dazed man. "You should retreat to the nearest hospital."


samuelleofisher March 18 2010, 14:22:23 UTC
Under the goggles, Fisher could make a slight face at the man. 'And they call me grumpy...' He simply looked for a place where he could lean against the nearest wall and scan the are with his goggles on electromagnetic vision to see if could spot a building that resembled a hospital.

"You're right about that last one. Problem is, where is the damn hospital?"


potionsmaster March 18 2010, 23:09:33 UTC
Wonderful. Severus rolled his eyes at the face that the other man made. He had been kind enough to him, hadn't he? He had not jinxed him on the spot for daring to bleed at him.

"I do not know." He said. "I have only just arrived myself. There were others, I'm certain they are nearby."


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