[Open Log] It's now my twenty-fifth hour with a scalpel in my hand

Mar 01, 2011 19:59

Who: Open to all Skye Medical Personnel and Patients (and maybe a surprise NPC or two)
When: Tuesday through Wednesday, March 1st & 2nd.
Where: Skye Medical Center (Specify where in threads)
Summary: A terrorist broadcast has brought the hospital to a high level of alert, the life support systems threatened.
Warnings: Possibly some discussion of ( Read more... )

abraham van helsing, shiroe rei seki, alice nonomura, daedalus yumeno, *npc: city characters, dr. john seward

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Towards the ICU unit nurserabbit March 2 2011, 02:29:52 UTC
It was getting harder to breathe tonight. Alice had seen Fang on the network-- and even Ciel, one of her past patients. She worried greatly for everyone's safety and wanted them all home, free from this danger. But given her current responsibilities, she couldn't just do that. Not to mention that the very patients under her charge were in trouble, too. With patients panicking, asking "What will happen to me?" over and over again, Alice had no other choice to be the strong one-- to not break down and tell them she was worried, too. She had to fight the urge back, the same way she fought back against Tylon to take back Uriko all those years ago. Fear, worry, sadness-- they were all meaningless in the face of the danger before them now.

She headed in the direction of the ICU, clipboard in arm. As one of the few nurses who knew how to fight, she volunteered to go to defend her patients if the need rose for it.


Towards the ICU unit thepull_npc March 2 2011, 05:24:21 UTC
One of the night orderlies was passing her in the opposite direction-

A few months ago, he'd been in the habit of whistling, even as his own younger sister was admitted to Skye, treated for a serious heart condition. He'd been a lively, friendly man, and had always waved a cheerful hello to the sweet nurse who was so very good with the kids.

But since then, his sister's health had only worsened, and he didn't hum so cheerily around the place anymore.

In fact, he'd become rather sallow faced with dark circles under the eyes, and slunk around mumbling to himself, these days, inbetween changing bedpans. He shot increasingly resentful glowers at the newcomer staff, because their kind supposedly had luck with coming back from the dead.

He was the sort who seemed without much hope.

Tonight, however, he'd begun his humming again. Anxiously, and a little bit off key.


nurserabbit March 2 2011, 15:44:10 UTC
While Alice hadn't worked in Skye for more than a year yet, she was very keen when it came to certain things in people such as the way they acted or the way they spoke. As she walked, she heard something familiar-- a whistle. It brought back memories-- of being by the side of a pretty little girl with a weak heart during the nights when the darkness was loud. She could remember a man coming to visit, who whistled as he passed.

The tune sounded awkward-- tentative. While Alice didn't know the song itself, somehow, she could already tell that something was wrong with it. Even if this was an orderly, she was always in the habit of checking on them, keeping tabs on everyone and making sure that things were alright.

She turned then and approached the humming man.

"Hey... are you alright?"


thepull_npc March 2 2011, 22:10:04 UTC
He looked up quickly, shiftily, a bundle of fresh-laundered bed linens in his arms.

"Ah- Ah...fine! Nurse...just...fine. Thanks." Giving her a far-off smile, weak at the edges. "Maria is going to be released tomorrow."

Considering she'd been in no state of real recovery, maybe this meant the girl was going home on hospice care.


outbursting March 2 2011, 02:39:42 UTC
[Running into the building, Yosuke holds his knees as he takes in a few deep breathes. This sort of news. He isn't sure what to do with it. Kidnappings. Murders. It's similar at a glance, but -- he shakes his head. He didn't know what else to do but come to the hospital to see if he could do something to save anyone.

Hunting down those people, that's what he would really like to do, but he can't just abandon everyone here. It was a tough choice, but he's willing to believe in those that are going to bring back all their friends and he'll be here to heal them. It's not really the role of a hero, but he should stop thinking like that.

Picking up his pace, finally done with his little break of settling his emotions and thoughts, he goes to find Daedalus.]


gaveherwings March 2 2011, 03:44:11 UTC
[And Yosuke nearly bumps into the young doctor, rounding a corner, who startles a bit more than he usually would. He's...been jumpy enough, ever since being attacked by a vampire in one of the back hallways. But now-

Now the news has him anxious, and Daedalus steadies him by the shoulders, giving him something of a weak smile.]

Ah....Yosuke? I didn't know you were scheduled to be in today. Any news yet?


outbursting March 2 2011, 03:54:19 UTC

He straights himself as he realizes that he shouldn't run anyway. Makes it seem like there's an emergency and people don't need to worry more than they should.

Yosuke bows his head a little in apology first before speaking.]

I'm not. I just... I just wanted to do what I could. [He lightly shakes his head as he thinks of Tove and that stupid badger running around, possibly going to get himself killed. Reminding him of a stupid bear who wasn't really a -- sigh.] It's been awhile since we talked. Sorry, that was mostly my fault.

Though, this hardly seems the time to, you know, catch up.


gaveherwings March 2 2011, 04:04:42 UTC
[Daedalus shut his eyes and shook his head- Yosuke was a barrel of enthusiasm at times, wasn't he?]

It's alright. I'm sure you've been quite busy too- You did remember to sign in, right? They're...keeping extra close eye on volunteers today, so you'd best make sure you're at least here on the record.

[He glances at his watch- habit, though he has a good time sense, doesn't need to.]

It's actually been relatively quiet today, despite all the- well, you know.

[A short sigh.]

I hope Gilbert and Shiroe are holding up alright...with all of the others missing. Re-l's out patrolling with Officer Fratley, and...I'm just hoping we'll hear good news soon. They said 48 hours. There's time yet.

Come down this way to the blood lab with me [He hadn't taken well to going down there alone after the attack either] I need to pick up some test results.

It's...been a mess, lately, hasn't it?


General Floor psyd_seward March 2 2011, 19:29:42 UTC
[The level of panic was thick in the air, this much was evident. He wouldn't have known the severity of the situation had it not been for the fact that he was in the midst of it all-the sheer paranoia showed amidst the staff, with how the talk broke down into whispered discussion of the threat of terrorists.

Had he not been exposed to crises of a similar kind Dr. Seward was unlikely to have reacted so calmly. He'd been checked at least three times for his identification, perhaps twice that for his credentials. Under the right conditions anyone could look suspicious. It was a close atmosphere to the madhouse, certainly.]

I beg your pardon!

[The Doctor pulled back as he was jostled roughly by an officer whose business hurried him on without a reply in kind. What good would these proceedings do if they were not allowed to go about their normal operations ( ... )


General Floor gaveherwings March 2 2011, 20:49:16 UTC
[Dr. Yumeno, in turn, saw the extra 'help' as something intrusive, unnecessary jams in the already hodge-podged cogs of Skye's usual chaos. The medical center was often enough a jumble of gurneys and an over-full list of clinic outpatients waiting to be seen, and admittedly less of a well-oiled machine as the downtown hospital, although somehow by its well meaning overworked staff, by virtue of it's 'charms' (or an ongoing miracle) it managed to function.

It felt a bit like working under martial law, with more uniformed people in the facility then there needed to be.

He kept his lanyard out, and scowled at all the inevitable confrontation and critical eyes-

'Are you really old enough to be a practicing doctor?'

Or, under another police officer's appraisal-

'But you're that newcomer doctor who hid the woman that found the core, aren't you? Are you sure you know nothing about this cult?'...Daedalus had that one hounding over his shoulder through half his rounds, hunching his shoulders as these dimwitted fools 'guarded' the machines ( ... )


General Floor psyd_seward March 2 2011, 22:03:13 UTC
[There was a certain order to abide by even in the law of chaos, as paradoxical as the concept was. Even on a minute level each piece would eventually fit into a greater whole-greater, in part, to a scheme that not even the law enforcement of the city were privy to. Imposed government or no government at all, the simple rule was to let the officials within the hospital govern themselves. For as Doctor Yumeno's gut instincts were quite right in the assessment that this interference was a hindrance rather than a help.

They treated Seward with as much regard as they did a pauper, fueling the Englishman's emotional, if not mental strain. Prying eyes roved over the distinct bruising and bandaged pinpricks on his neck as though he'd the plague, which remained despite the treatment he'd received several nights previous to this one.

He still wasn't feeling quite his best, and this situation only elevated his blood pressure unnecessarily. At least he was hemodynamically stable. This was still enough to warrant a headache.]They herding us ( ... )


General Floor gaveherwings March 2 2011, 22:14:11 UTC
And just when you'd think we'd have had enough of that-

[A nod to the bandage on Seward's neck- he'd sported a similar one, just a few weeks ago. Livestock indeed, for bloodthirsty intruders.

At least the added security would keep vam- sorry, sanguinarians out of the blood lab.

Lowering his voice with concern, he kept his hands clasped around his clipboard, and fell into stride with the psychiatrist.]

How have you been recovering, by the way?


zealouspeter March 2 2011, 23:17:14 UTC
[halls.] Wednesday. gaveherwings March 2 2011, 23:51:16 UTC
[Staff at Skye, even his more informal colleagues and acquaintances, paged for him or called for him from the hallways by 'Doctor Yumeno', and sometimes in their endless irascible wit 'Doogie' or 'Malthus'.

So when he heard 'Daedalus', it dragged him rather attentively out of role and off focus of his slowing cell treatments, which he gently put on hold and set the nurse at his side to watching. Past the window, just visible when he glanced up, a dark head of hair that fell similar to his own across the forehead.

He ducked out of the room just in time to see Shiroe pass around the corner, hurrying to catch up with him, mouth slightly agape-

What was he doing all the way down here on the oncology unit? He'd left Shiroe specifically in the pediatrics activity room, to keep him preoccupied with reading to the children, keeping them calm, their attention diverted from all the worrying atmosphere in the halls ( ... )


zealouspeter March 3 2011, 00:49:23 UTC
[he whirls around, feet tripping over each other with the abrupt movement; practically falls to the side, wobbles a bit, but eventually straightens up. he registers that it's Daedalus - forgets that it's Daedalus - registers it again (awareness, blankness and awareness, for his eyes), shoulders slowly relaxing, a reflexive smile entering his face. it was crooked, distracted, but it was there.] Daedalus.

Were you busy?

[hands smoothing restlessly on his sides, hair a bit in disarray-- from the kids or from something else, it wasn't be said, but other than that, he looked relatively fine.]

[the doctor looked fine, too, considering. he wasn't sure how the other was feeling, though-- his mind was completely out of the hospital, just the barest of conscious thought keeping him rooted. there was too much going on Elsewhere (Everywhere) to spare anything more. he'd worry about that, if he could.]


gaveherwings March 3 2011, 01:13:35 UTC

[Daedalus realizes, too late, that unlike the staff who are used to having someone pop in behind the shoulder with medical updates while keeping a brisk walk, that he may have just startled Shiroe off guard. He helps to steady the young Mu, a hand gently at his forearm, until he catches balance. Peering closer, he already seems a little distressed, even with that smile the doctor has come to know as Shiroe's instinctive expression. ]

Yes, I am.[He does inform him frankly, frowning. It was an interruption, that he is in the middle of work- but checking in was important, especially since Shiroe could run into trouble, just idling around aimlessly in the halls.

It hadn't been aimless. He was calling for me.]

I'm finishing my rounds up, and then I have break in twenty minutes....like I told you, remember? To wait for me? What's wrong? What are you doing down here?


Skulking backhalls and back-up generators. makes_asteroids March 3 2011, 03:24:15 UTC
Erik had been pulled aside the day before and politely questioned about "things going on at home" - he'd expected it, honestly. Known for being gruff with co-workers, he'd been downright snappish to them lately, and he was aware he was probably more scaring patients than reassuring them given his appearance, his eyes some combination of wild and haunted.

Right now he was double and triple checking generators and power supplies, fearing the Cult members would attempt another blackout or sabotage the emergency power supply. And that, he could certainly take care of. And it kept him away from patients.


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